NAA 22's and Magnums


New member
Simply put... the longer I carry, the less I like it.
(Maybe I'm just getting fatter.. haha)

I happily carry a LCP iwb in hot weather, and a PM9 iwb in jeans... but I really want something smaller and lighter.

I'm giving serious thought to picking up one of the little NAA revolvers and I'm looking for input from you guys.
Initially I'm thinking I'd get one that can run magnums, and a second cylinder for 22lr.
But part of me wants to go tiny from the start (22lr only)

I'm wondering if there is a good owb/belt-mounted holster for these little things... something like a horizontal mag pouch perhaps?

I've also never shot one... how is it? Do the magnums turn your hand blue, or..?


New member
I don't know. I've only fired one a few times. Tiny grips were too small for my oven mitt hands. I could barely manipulate the hammer.


New member
Hello Dashunde,,,

The biggest problem with an NAA Mini is they are difficult to deploy,,,
At least that was my impression after shooting one.

They are a single action gun so you must manually cock the hammer,,,
The dang thing is just so small it took both hands to do it,,,
I practiced with 100 rounds of .22 LR that day,,,
I was never able to cock and fire quickly.

Practice might solve that perceived shortcoming,,,
But I didn't like having to use two hands.

One can cock and fire it with one hand,,,
But it was significantly slower.

Now don't get me wrong here,,,
I am one who believes that a well placed .22 bullet is worthwhile,,,
I just think that the Mini's have taken the concept of a mouse gun to a whole new level.

Before you buy, try just playing with one for a few minutes at a gun store counter,,,
Your hands might wrap around the thing better than mine did.

Good luck,,,




New member
novelty....nothing more....

"remove the front sight if you plan on carring it........" you know the rest.


New member

I carry a NAA Pug .22 mag in my pocket all the time. they have a little bigger grip and usable big dot sights. Not as potent as a bigger gun, but 5 shots of .22 magnum in the pocket when you need it, is far better than a .38 in the safe.

Do some research on effectiveness of the .22 mag. It is pretty decent with proper ammo choice.


New member
I've had a .22 Mag Black Widow since they were introduced, and found the secret to their control in an old (1970's) Gun Digest article on the subject.

I hold the gun solidly in one fist & manipulate the hammer with the off hane, in a two-handed version of the Weavar stance.



I carry it in a shirt's breast pocket (shirt pictured is for demonstration only - use/wear a shirt with a pattern to better conceal the gun)

BTW - I replaced the humungous (hard-to-conceal) issue BW rubber bumbers with a slim set of black rubber birdshead grip panels.




Grant D

New member
Just today at lunch I was looking at one at my lgs, and agree, it is a little difficult to manipulate quickly.
I might buy one to carry around the yard, for snakes and such with snakeshot, or on walks with the wife, and the dog around the neighbourhood,but not for everyday carry.
I think I'll stick with the LCP for daily carry as a bug,and my LC9 IWB holster.
I just ordered a Crossbreed Minituck,I'll see how that works when it comes in..


New member
I own their smallest revolver, the 22short and after adding the folding grips find it easy to carry and shoot. (the grips have a pocket clip)

In telephone books the 22 short penetrates as deeply as 22lr from their tiny 1.125" barrels.






New member
You will be safe then if we get over run by evil telephone books!!!!

Also I do not belive that for a second that the .22 short has as much penitration as a .22LR.


New member
I have been seriously considering a 22LR one of late for the fun of it. I will probably carry it if I get it. The thing about them is... they aren't cheap little toys.

Saw the owner of Gunsmoke shoot one yesterday on TV.


New member
Budda said:
You will be safe then if we get over run by evil telephone books!!!!

Also I do not belive that for a second that the .22 short has as much penitration as a .22LR

LOL on the phone books.

According to North American Arms website, out of 1.125" barrels, the
22 short's velocity is 653 to 725 fps whereas the 22lr's velocity is 532 to 672 fps.
Thing is, I've tested these myself and the 22short is better suited to the miniscule barrels on these revolvers.
Bullet's not in the bore long enough to utilize the long rifles extra powder charge.
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I used to have the NAA 22 Mag. It would stand up in my hand when I fired it. Not that it matters because if I ever did have to deploy it in a serious way I would strive to make contact with them before dropping the hammer. That way, they'd get that that ball of expanding gases also. Might help.

I now own the FA 22 LR mini and I like it. It's a nice thing to have when I'm not carrying a gun. For your reference, I have chrono'd Mini-Mags and Stingers out of it. (1 1/8" bbl).

980 FPS/ 30 fps AVG DEV/ 111 ES.

768 fps/ 27 AVG DEV/ 101 ES.
My Pug carries well in a little IWB holster. The Mini-mag grip I put on it gives you as much meat to grip as my J-fram 642.

When I ride my bike with gym shorts it's my go to gun. It won't make my shorts sag and it's very comfortable.

My particular gun does keyhole, but at close range that won't matter much.

It's the perfect gun when you want to cut the grass or do stuff where you have a low probability of needing a gun, but you still feel naked without one.


New member
I wanted one of these little guns for a long time. I got a catalog from NAA and it had full size pics of the 22/22 mag revolvers. I laid my Beretta 950BS over the top of the full size photos and the guns were almost exactly the same size. The Beretta is a couple of onces heavier IIRC but it also has 9 rounds as opposed to 5 rounds.

Lots of people don't like the 25acp but for the guns its designed to work in its a pretty good choice. I don't have to cock it for each shot. It can be carried with the hammer down, on half cock or beleive it not carried cocked and locked like a 1911. Plus there is now better SD ammo available.

I am not trying to talk you out of your mini revolver just trying to offer some options you may not have thought about. And the 25 auto being centerfire may be a little more likely to go off. And its a heck of a lot more expensive to buy. I don't shoot a lot of it so I don't care about the cost.

A few years ago an older man not far from me in Granbury Tx used an NAA mini to shoot two punks who raided his house. They thought they had him cold till he wiggled one of these guns from his pocket and shot them both. They didn't die but they did leave in the back of an ambulance. He said he quit shooting because he was out of ammo. If he had a few more shots they may have left in the meat wagon to the morgue.
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New member
I own their smallest revolver, the 22short and after adding the folding grips find it easy to carry and shoot. (the grips have a pocket clip)

In telephone books the 22 short penetrates as deeply as 22lr from their tiny 1.125" barrels.


I have a NAA and it is a well made gun but it is hard to manipulate. Do the folding grips fit all models? How quick can you unfold them?


New member
I have been tempted by these from time to time. Having one of the bigger grips, as indicated above, is crucial to handling it properly. With the small grips you have a huge chance of not being able to deploy it in time.....


New member
TennJed said:
I have a NAA and it is a well made gun but it is hard to manipulate. Do the folding grips fit all models? How quick can you unfold them?

Yeah, I found my 22 short nearly impossible to shoot without bleeding, but with the folding grips, no problem.

They make the folding grips for all of their bird's head grip models.
They open easily and can be done so with one hand using your thigh and after a few hundred openings can be snapped open like a pocket knife.
They lock in the open position and require pressing two buttons to close, so no risk of unwanted closing.

They make these tiny revolver.....usable.