Most "overated" handguns

Who makes the most overrated handguns?

  • Glock

    Votes: 209 39.7%
  • HK

    Votes: 62 11.8%
  • Sig

    Votes: 39 7.4%
  • Stock 1911

    Votes: 23 4.4%
  • Custom 1911

    Votes: 77 14.6%
  • Smith and Wesson

    Votes: 25 4.7%
  • CZ

    Votes: 12 2.3%
  • Ruger

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • Beretta

    Votes: 43 8.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 5.3%

  • Total voters
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New member
From personal experience/ in your humble opinion/ etc., what is the most overrated handgun on the market? I know certain people are loyal to certain brands, makes, and models. But please try to be objective. I know certain manufacturers also try to hype their guns as the best, most reliable, bullet swallowing semi-autos "used by every tactical and police agency on the planet." So let's have some fun w/ this.


New member
No offence to anybody, but all I hear is Glock this, Glock that. Some good and some bad.

I don't see what the hoopla is all about. They're good guns, not worth so much brag or bash in my opinion.


New member
I carry a Glock 17. I bought a HK USP 9 c thinking I could shoot that better than my Glock. I can't. So what ever the HK can do my Glock can do better. I'll say the HK is overrated.


New member
jack, I didn't see a vote for HK up there on the poll as of this post.

Of those I have fired listed above, all have been fine firearms with the exception of a stock 1911 clone by a reputable manufacturer. Was an absolute, total lemon. I do realize, however, that this maker does produce some good firearms, so even then I can't say it's "overrated."


New member
None of the selections in the above list are overrated. I think their individual strengths and weaknesses are fairly well known. It is funny how you omitted HK from your list. I think HK USP's are overrated at times. Not that they're bad guns but I believe their owners often overestimate their worth compared to others. I think all those "tactical" ads with guys in full SAS-like gear contributes to that.

I can also see how people can be fed up with all the praise heaped upon Glock by their owners. But I think they tend to be underrated for their intended purpose as well.


New member
... can't see ANY stock pistol ever keeping up with the kinda fuzz they make about them Glocks ... they good guns - sure - probably - most likely - ... but THAT good? :confused: ... not so sure ... in fact, I was somewhat disappointed the first time I handled one and decided to go for the CZ75 (with which I fall in love a bit more every day) ...


New member
I think it is the HK that is the most over rated, personally I think the ergonomics are terrible. I too get sick of Glock being the bla bla bla, but having owned them I really can't argue unless you get into accuracy, I have never seen a glock that was capable of less than 3" @25 yards. I am sure there are some, but I have not seen it.


New member
IMHO any Glock

Please note that I've owned and sold a G19, and have shot the 17, 19, 22, 23, & 35 quite a bit.

7th Fleet

New member
Look at all the hits on the Glock, it seems Glock bashing is alive and well on this forum. Glocks sales figures speaks volumes about what the gun buying public thinks of them and that's what counts. I voted for Sig, because I owned a P-220 as a LEO duty weapon and it turned out to be a rusty POS that I traded on my Glock 21 that I still caryy and that's been over ten years ago. If you can not hit what you're shooting at with a Glock, you need some serious range time with a good Firearms Instructor because you simply don't know how to shoot...

7th: LEO Firearms Instructor/Glock Armorer

juliet charley

New member
C'mon 7th Fleet. Why does everything have to come down to "Glock bashing" with some of you folks? Just because you believe a certain handgun is overrated (and there are several which fit that category), doesn't mean you're "bashing" it--and then why do you immediately have to slam another handgun (e.g., Sig in your case). Are you folks really so self-conscious that you require constant approval?

FWIW, with just a quick perusal, I don't see one negative remark about the Glock (and numerous positives) even by those who believe Glock is overrated. (And if you really want to go by what the gun buying public thinks, Ruger and S&W outsell Glock by a considerable margin.)


New member

Most over-rated:

S&W 3rd Generation pistols: high price, mediocre quality control(IMO). Owned one, hated it (extremely unreliable with poor trigger).


Somewhat overrated:

Browning Hi Power: Great design, but terrible trigger that usually needs gunsmithing to be right. I keep thinking about getting one, but my past experience is that the out-of-the-box trigger is both heavy, and also gritty with stacking. Not acceptable for a gun in that price range.

Stock 1911: Another great design, but not always reliable out of the box. Kimbers and Colts, in particular, have given me the most problems (I use to own a Colt 1911, and I've fired a few Kimbers).


The custom 1911's OTOH, are pretty much worth their value. If I had money to blow, I'd have no problem getting a custom 1911.

Walt Sherrill

New member
I voted for SIGS.

I've had several and they're very good guns. Just not WONDERFUL guns as most SIG owners claim.

(I probably should've voted for H&K... 'cause I think they're overrated, too, and not as good as SIGs.)

<running and ducking> <grin>


New member
No experience with their firearms (except for my father's 22magnum), but based on everything I've read so far about their products, I think Smith and Wesson is guilty of producing highly suspect pistols incommensurate with the price we've got to pay for them. Sigma's and SW99's pop up everytime as only so & so guns. But for me, they are the frontrunner as far as revolvers are concerned.

No flame but that's my take on the matter. ;)

7th Fleet

New member
I based my vote on personal experience with the product in question, not on emotion or anything else, after all these things are not living breathing organisms. They're simply firearms...

JC, To refresh your memory, here was my reason for casting a negative vote on the Sig.

"I voted for Sig, because I owned a P-220 as a LEO duty weapon and it turned out to be a rusty POS that I traded on my Glock 21 that I still caryy and that's been over ten years ago."

To further expound on this particular gun, it had a tendecy to rust and one Thursday night I worked a terrible tripple fatalty wreck in a driving monsoon rain storm and my P-220 and everything on my gun belt got soaked. I had to work over the following morning and didn't get back from the hospital on the followup investigation on the DUI part of the wreck, until way after shift change. I was hungry, tired, cold and still wet. I hung my gun belt up in my locker and when I came back on duty the following Monday night at 1900, my beloved Sig's slide was a hunk or red rust. I cleaned it up as best I could and I really took a beating on a trade for my Glock 21.
My stainless 1911s or Glocks have never rusted and I've paid a heck of a lot less money for most of them, than I did for that Sig back in 1988. That's why I say OVER RATED and not up to the rigors of Police duty.... at least mine wasn't and that's from real world experience.

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