Man fires "warning shot"; kills trespasser


New member
I thought I posted this earlier but it either got deleted or I screwed up.

macGille +2 for your double posts.

As for your second point the owner did hire a Guard Agency but asked the Ninja Welder to help out. The more I hear about this the more aggravated I get about the stupidity of the whole thing. A man is dead and whether he was trying to steal or not he did not deserver to die. This may not be popular but it is my opinion. But it sure appears that someone got trigger happy for no reason.


New member
So why flee? Honest men don't flee.

Lets see. I'm out for and evening walk in the cool night air and a man, dressed entirely in black, waving a pistol or perhaps even firing "warning shots" comes out of a gate of a nearby business.

I'm a very honest man, and I would run.


Based on what, exactly? The sketchy details provided?

If Angelica is who she says she is, and the facts bear this out, I will retract this posting and eat crow. There are a couple of big "ifs" there.

Who said it was a "warning" shot, anyway? I saw no quote from the shooter saying this. Could this be the MSM guy "interpreting" or editorializing on the story?

Not nearly enough info here to make an informed comment. Although that has not seemed to stop too many...

BTW, Orionengnr emailed me this photo of him eating crow:



New member
Angelica, you and the rest of your family have my condolences for what it's worth. I can think of no circumstances which dictate shooting an unarmed man in the back. If the newspapers are reporting accurately, then the shooter has a lot to answer for.


New member
First off.. If a close family member had just suffered an untimely, and unjust death. I could think of more productive things to do with my time, than argue with people whom I don't even know on an internet forum. Also, If you're on private property late at night, do not be suprised if something bad or strange happens to you. You may be attacked by a dog, you may fall in a well, or you may get shot by some trigger happy moron. Sorry for your loss.