Man fires "warning shot"; kills trespasser


who will no doubt become wealthy

And they should. You NEVER fire "warning shots". A warning shot fired at an angle that hit the perp sounds more like a serious aim to kill to me. Also, you CAN NOT kill to protect property or for simple trespass.

Sorry, bad shoot.
Since when do you fire "warning shots" towards an individual. I doubt they were truly "warning shots" at all.

This is reckless behavior at it's worst by someone who does not seem to possess the level of judgement needed to possess a firearm.


New member
Also, you CAN NOT kill to protect property

In several states, including Colorado you can. Theres too many unknowns in this short news story to pass judgement on what exactly happened.


"several warning shots."

For work-related property, too. Not even an owner of the business.

What a piece of bad judgement.


New member
"The welder . . . shot the man with an 'assault-type pistol,' Bravo said."

OK, just what is that? Can anyone on this forum name a characteristic of an assault-type pistol? Would you know one if you saw one? Are we sure that the bat that the dead man was alleged to have wielded, wasn't a baseball bat at all, but instead was an "assault-type bat"? I mean, he wasn't playing baseball with it, was he?
OK, just what is that? Can anyone on this forum name a characteristic of an assault-type pistol?
I guess that would be any pistol that has the capability of propelling a small piece of lead or copper with a rate of speed and level of accuracy adequate to kill multiple people with one magazine load. ;)

chris in va

New member
Also, you CAN NOT kill to protect property or for simple trespass.

Texas too. Not sure on the 'simple trespass' though. I wouldn't think it a good idea to simply shoot someone walking across your lawn.
Texas too. Not sure on the 'simple trespass' though. I wouldn't think it a good idea to simply shoot someone walking across your lawn.
I am no expert but the way it was described to me once was that even in property defense shootings the perp must be in the action of or showing clear intent to do significant damage to personal and private property. Simply crossing a property line is not validation. Even then you take a big risk. I personally will probably just always choose to not shoot unless lives are in danger.


American hired security guards, and a company official also asked a welder who works for the company to help out on security issues, Bravo said.

It is obvious that the reporting in the story is sketchy at best:

Why did the business ask the welder in particular when they had hired armed security as well? What issues would he be able to address that the AS wouldn't?
'fired warning shots at them' when they tryed to break in. sounds like a no-no to me, but if the baseball bat (came at him) is evidence maybe a good shoot. can't tell from the write -up.


well, i dont believe there is any use for "warning shots".
to me a warning shot is a non lethal shot to the lower leg. Knee for instance.
BUT, the use of the trem "warning shots" will likely mean the difference between manslaughter and murder charges in this case.
socrates, help me out here re legal stuff.


and then get charged with aggravated assault and sued for his injuries.

Yep, but in my case it was ruled self defense. civil suit was thrown out. but cost me $$ for a lawyer.:(

Warning - STOP!
Shot - BANG! (lather, rinse, repeat as needed

agree with that whole heartedly! except the "rinse":)

Stagger Lee

New member
I agree that it was a bad shoot. I just disagree with ever awarding money to a criminal or the criminal's surviving relatives for injuries/death that occurred while the criminal was doing wrong. You can punish or sanction the property owner and/or the shooter without enriching or rewarding the bad guy. IMHO, lawsuits by criminals or their families should be absolutely prohibited, but trial lawyers will, of course, disagree.

Don H

New member
I just disagree with ever awarding money to a criminal or the criminal's surviving relatives for injuries/death that occurred while the criminal was doing wrong.
Concur. Hazard of the profession.