Magazine Capacity versus Caliber


New member
.40 hollow points. With the Glock 23 you can have 13 rounds with a rather high-caliber bullet. The hollow point part makes it even better.


New member
In pistols I like capacity, in revolvers I like caliber. I feel relatively confident whether I have a Glock 19 or a big bore N frame six shooter on my belt.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
This all depends on your model of the gun fight.

Is it the one mugger scenario?

Is it the rare multiple target scenario or even a single attacker where the shots are hard and you need more than one? Of course, if you need to fire more than one, you ain't doing your job, boy - blah, blah, blah commando, blah, blah.

That being said if you think that it could happen that you need a lot of ammo, then you need a lot of ammo - thus given that quality 9mm is as efficacious as 45 for most purposes - go for that.

At the NTI, when we were given J frames and four bad guys - ammo issues were a touch exciting.


New member
In choosing a pistol which is more important to you magazine capacity or caliber and why? As an example if you like SIGs would you choose an 8 shot .45ACP P220 or a 16 shot 9mm P226? Would the make of the pistol effect your choice?

Well you live in California, so it doesn't matter.

You're limited to 10 round magazines, so you may as well get a .45 with 10 round capacity and don't worry about it. :)


New member
This all depends on your model of the gun fight.
I like how you put that! :)

I guess its all a carry over from the "kick'em in the balls" solves ALL problems in a fight mentality, eh? :)


New member
Now days you can have big rounds and large capaicty. The Glock 21(45)and the XD -45 are just 2 examples. They both hold just as many rounds or close to most 9's. I carry one in the pipe and 13 in the mag. thats 14 rounds of big 45's.
So you really can "Have you cake and eat it to"