Is your most carried handgun one you would prefer to defend yourself with?

Is you most carried handgun one you would prefer to defend yourself with?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 48.3%
  • No

    Votes: 45 51.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
The two guns I carry frequently are a Taurus G2S and a H&K P30.

The G2S is always in my vehicle so it sees a bit more carry time. It takes less effort on my part to conceal it due to smaller dimensions.

I shoot the gun fairly regularly, but my accuracy and follow up shots are a lot better with the P30.

I think if most people are being honest, they would prefer something closer to full size if they had no way of avoiding armed confrontation in their day to day.

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New member
I cannot be absolutely sure if I’m missing the point of the question. My daily carry is the one I have specifically chosen if someone evil chooses me, so I guess my answer is yes.

However if the question is more like “do you own a better fighting handgun but you specifically choose NOT to carry it?” then maybe my answer to that is, “well, yes.”

EDC is a Walther PPQm2, 9mm. It works, I can hit with it, it never MALFs and all day IWB is comfortable (and comforting.)

I also have a CZ Tac Sport in .40cal. It’s a large, accurate, fantastic 17+1 sweetheart that I can hit even better with, carries more rounds and each round puts more energy in to the target for certain. It too never MALFs. If I were forced in to a well scheduled fight with a handgun (?!) then I would likely choose this one.

It is a handgun. It is carryable. They do make holsters for it. I don’t own one. I’ve never carried it.


New member
What gun I'd prefer to defend myself with really depends upon the situation in which I had to defend myself. If carryability was not a consideration and I was defending myself against one or two attackers in broad daylight at relatively short range, I'd pick my S&W M28 because I can shoot it better than any other handgun I own and I have a high degree of confidence in the .357 Magnum when compared to other handgun cartridges for use against people. If I had to defend myself against large animals and/or at longer range, I'd take my S&W 629 as the .44 Magnum's extra power would be advantageous. If I heard a bump in the night in my home, I'd go for my Ruger SR-45 because of it's ability to mount a light. If I had to defend myself against screaming hordes of barbarians, I'd probably take my CZ-75 due to its increased magazine capacity. If I had to defend myself while wearing swim trunks or basketball shorts, I'd probably prefer my Beretta 950 Jetfire because it's about the only handgun I own that I could practically carry in such attire. Not knowing what situation I might be going into, I'll usually carry either my S&W 442 or M&P Shield .40 as they give me an acceptable balance of all attributes while still being practical to carry. A defensive handgun, like nearly everything else, is a balancing act and we have to choose the one which will be most practical for the situations in which we are most likely to find ourselves because it is simply impossible to prepare for every remote possibility.


New member
Most carried

Most carried:
Colt 1991A1/w CTC laser grip 230 gr. Speer GDHP.
I have carried it both open and concealed. I have been packing a 1911 since 1962.


New member
How many forums you ask this same question on op? lol

Average 2 posts a year and my thread merits one of them.

Different forums have different people.


Is your most carried handgun one you would prefer to defend yourself with?

Of course not. I would prefer to take a platoon of Marines with me everywhere I go should I actually have a need to defend myself. Problem is I don't own a crystal ball.


New member
Is this in the same vein as some of your previous threads where you’ve advocated for people to carry larger, more capable handguns as you see them?

Strive to carry the handgun you would want anywhere, everywhere.

Self limited concealed carry

Carrying "less" in a "good" area. Nope, no thanks.

The secret to more than a pocket gun for summer carry, wear a shirt.

In this thread we strive to carry 9mm or larger

In this thread we advocate at least 10 round capacity

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He posts this same thread over and over and over and over and over all over the Internet


New member
In theory the OP isn't wrong. Unfortunately, real life often gets in the way. I'm far more likely to be caught carrying a gun in an NPE (and suffer consequences for it) than I am to need a gun to defend myself.

When I'm on my time I usually carry a Glock 19 and two reloads but I didn't have to change my normal wardrobe to accommodate that.

I now work in an NPE with absolutely ZERO tolerance for even having a handgun in your car on company property. The punishment is automatic immediate termination with no exceptions on the first offense.

The job pays pretty close to double what I was making previously and there's no way I'm going to risk that trying to sneak a Glock 19 into the facility.

I think you should carry the biggest gun you can reasonably conceal but I also think the emphasis needs to be on R E A S O N A B L Y


New member
I said yes, but it's prob 75 to 25%. My M&P 40 is my usual companion. When it isn't, the LCP fits the role. I feel fine with the LCP, but if I knew I needed a gun, the M&P would be it.


New member
In theory the OP isn't wrong. Unfortunately, real life often gets in the way. I'm far more likely to be caught carrying a gun in an NPE (and suffer consequences for it) than I am to need a gun to defend myself.

When I'm on my time I usually carry a Glock 19 and two reloads but I didn't have to change my normal wardrobe to accommodate that.

I now work in an NPE with absolutely ZERO tolerance for even having a handgun in your car on company property. The punishment is automatic immediate termination with no exceptions on the first offense.

The job pays pretty close to double what I was making previously and there's no way I'm going to risk that trying to sneak a Glock 19 into the facility.

I think you should carry the biggest gun you can reasonably conceal but I also think the emphasis needs to be on R E A S O N A B L Y

Not all that different from myself, you probably just make a lot more money.
19 years I worked where carry was a felony (schools).
When I was not at work I carried, as you do.
Work aint a factor now. :)
It is easy for me to conceal / carry a Glock 23 + spare mag wherever and that is my whatever shirt gun; with a suitable shirt, Glock 20SF or 35.


New member
Given a choice, I would prefer to defend myself with a rifle or a shotgun. Either can be, among other things, a bit cumbersome to carry everywhere and every day. If confined to a handgun, then yes, I would prefer one of the pistols I carry every day.
This. Defensively, I would prefer a lightweight carbine in almost any situation but unless trouble comes knocking on my door, it really isnt likely. Otherwise, I would prefer my G19 over my LCP, but I can't always carry the G19.

Don Fischer

New member
I said yes though it is no where near my favorite. I'm a DA revolver fan but seem's to me in a defense more few extra shors and fast reload with my carry gun counts for a lot. Also the carry gun is small and light and almost like not having a gun on at all. To get close to that with a DA revolver I'd have to go something like a detective special and I don't like them at all. Some guns were made to carry concealed and some were not.


New member
My preferred pistol is a 1911 in .45 acp. But I find myself more often these days carrying my Kahr or Shield, both in 9mm.


New member
Yes...I’m not a gun collector or hunter, every pistol I own was purchased on the premise that it would be carried and could be used to defend life.

I’ve been blessed to be able have a variety of defensive firearms to chose from; and that choice, is usually dictated by environment and weather.

90% of the time that will be a commander 1911 or beretta centurion both in 9mm. Large guns are easy to conceal with normal clothes IF your willing to buy top quality holsters and belts.

However, as some have stated, life dictates a s&w 442 or shield from time to time, and I am just as comfortable with these as well.

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New member
I prefer to carry what is the easiest concealed, what feels comfortable in the hand, what points the easiest, what I've trained with a lot and what I shoot the most accurate. Because when things go south...I want the advantage.