I'm so concealed! Tales of the upscale market.


New member
I ventured into Whole Foods last night in my Boy Scout field uniform. 642 tucked into my pocket.

I got cheese, wine, organic oatmeal and went on my way.

No hippies. No terrorists.


New member
Yes, the signs usually tell me where not to shop... That's a better wording I think.

In the world of amazon.com, I don't need to go many places.

Hippies can be gun toters as well. I'm a hippie now. A true hippie will support everyone's freedom.


New member
I'm wary of buying groceries online....

However, between Amazon, Brownells, and Midway, it is often hard to make truck and engagement ring payments on the 30th. :D

In regards, to hippies, that was more a remark geared towards the younger, urban set that often shops at whole foods.

Hell, my Household Six is a music fest attending , crop top wearing, granola munching legal officer in the Air Force.

And she likes to shoot...with the exception of my Beretta 92F. Grrrr.
I've never seen a hippie at whole foods. Hippies can't afford to pay double for things clever branded as "organic". People at whole foods are concerned about having a refrigerator full of trendy things when the other kids mom visits.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. I used to subscribe to "Foreign Affairs" After a few issues I rarely read much, but it was always good to leave laying around open to a interesting/sophisticated article when I expected an educated woman at my apartment. Apparently, it cancels out tumbleweed sized dust balls hung up on cobwebs in the corners. Hardest part was I had to make sure I'd read at least a few of the articles in that issue of the magazine unless I was questioned.

I really don't get why one would pay for a shirt like that. Glock, Ford, Mountain Dew, whatever. If I was paid to wear it or free, sure, but I'm not paying to be a billboard. I paid something like $5 for a very nice beretta shirt on sale and wore it a lot when shotgunning. The logo was small and the shirt was a steal. As the shoulder was padded wearing it for anything else was somewhat ridiculous. Close as I have ever come.


New member
Buying organic is cheaper than medical care.

My health costs have dropped to zero. I haven't been sick or needed any medications in a while now.

There's a lot to be said for real, not-so-processed foods. It's not just a trend.

I don't shop whole foods, so I can't vouch for them. It's is fun to see trendy folks who fall in line with whatever they are told is good and righteous.

There's a growing group of people that are a mix of gun-toting-liberal- republican democratic- redneck-country-city-folks. They, just plain get it, they understand life and pick the best parts to live by.
Not silliness like driving a truck to a big oil protest.


New member
So the wife asked that I meet her at one of the more upscale restaurants in Beaumont yesterday. Having plans to help a friend with some hay later, and never missing an opportunity to embarass the lil' lady, I donned a pair of carhart duck dungarees with a khaki FR longsleeved shirt, untucked.
I pull in, park, and meet her at the back where she looks at me and says, "Really?! Jason".
Her-you look like you're about to go on safari!
Me-well, I'm ready for trouble if they cut off the never ending breadsticks and things get western up in hur. I look to make sure no one is arond, pull my shirt up, and flash her. Yeah, I'm carrying.
Who knew women had a dress code for the Olive Garden:rolleyes:
On a side note, she refused my company for visiting the mall later:D