I'm so concealed! Tales of the upscale market.


New member
I think the question I should have asked is how easy is it to sell a gun on the black market? (not "fence" or sell legally like at a pawn shop)

I would think on the black market a gun would sell easily.


New member
Why, there is a portly gentleman with a less than stellar physique (not that I do anymore) wearing a very tight t-shirt with Glock in large logo letter in the front. He's wearing shorts and there's a knife clip. Where's the gun, I think? So, I stealthily circle the melons and see on his hip a big black box thing with a flap. Aha! That's the concealed holster. Flip the top and out will pop his Glock. Looked about G19 size.

I'm sure the guy feels like a steely eyed dealer of death

Probably similar to those overweight cyclists that insist on wearing the skin tight Lycra on their daily half mile rides so they feel like Lance Armstrong, or those greyhaired, outta shape guys that wear overpriced L.L. Bean clothes and in their mind think they project the image of a chiseled outta stone, leather faced trapper, checking his lines just south of Pohenegamook.........

Also, I've carried when skinny and I've carried when fat. It was much easier to find a comfortable concealment rig when skinny. The gun might stick out from my body and print more, but it tended to poke me less. A concealment method that was farther from my body might be much more comfortable.

I try to avoid any logos, especially large ones, unless I am being payed to wear them(doesn't happen very often). With that said, if it is inappropriate to wear such shirts in public, then is it inappropriate to discuss firearms in public? Should we really hide and let the other side control the discussion in public space?
I am hundreds of burritos past my last pull-up. Does that mean I shouldn't carry? Is the 350 pound guy who struggles up a flight of stairs less deserving of life and a right to defend it than the 165 pound guy who spends two hours a day in the gym? Who is more able to defend their right to life without a firearm?
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New member
while the o.p. was being satirical, he raises some good points. not all ccw permit holders are in one of the free states or rural/gun friendly areas. as much as i believe in the second amendment--straight up, no chaser--i prefer to err on the side of blending in. perhaps it is my age but my desire to "make a statement" is long buried. i think whole foods is a rip-off anyway but there may be other "upscale" places that i might enter while ccw'ing. teddy roosevelt said it well: "walk softly but carry a big stick." i just choose to ccw my stick.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The thread resurfaces. So, I just went to the gun store to stock up on magazines for a great labor day sale and then switched gears to the fancy cheese store for two artisanal cheese - an Alpine type and a washed rind.

Politely concealed, I raised no eyebrows at either place.


New member
I have one of those "cases"; its a Sneaky Pete holster. To any of us on this forum it is a dead give-away that I am armed, or foolishly carrying a large calculator or small tablet in a gun case. But to the average Joe-public, it tells them nothing at all. I had mine before we had concealed carry here in Illinois, thinking I might use it when traveling to Wisconsin where my Utah permit is recognized. But just to see how much it really shouts "gun" to even those in the know, I wore it on a visit to the State Capitol, keeping my larger smart phone in it. Remember that this was about 3 years ago, when any concealed carry was illegal here in Illinois. I had contact with several of the police at the Capitol building, and no one said a single word about my holster. Nor did any of the public.

That said, I have not actually used it as a holster since that time at the Capitol, but I am never surprised at the total lack of observational awareness exhibited by the public. Personally when I carry concealed I want to give no indication of such to anyone. I wear no firearm related clothing, have no firearm or NRA stickers on my car (I am a Life member) and I am sure that to the general public I am just another somewhat overweight old guy with a beard, i.e., an invisible person. But to each their own.


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Did you wear a big old Glock t-shirt across the beer belly?



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Upscale market.....dressing up to shop.....organic veggies....laughing at how other people look and dress.......

When did it get all metrosexual up in here?.....


New member
Lol, I been buying all organic food for a few years.

I can afford it because I don't need prescriptions or doctor visits any longer.

I'm always packing, but wouldn't be caught dead with firearm related garmints on. That'd be almost as bad as smoking in the park
That macho dude with the gun names on his t-shirt is no safer than an "unarmed" guy, so to speak...who is very skilled at Krav Maga etc. Probably much less safe.

The thugs Know that many guys, even those wearing blank t-shirts, are armed.
That's why they stay in your 6 o'clock until the last three feet, and as quick as a cat immed. turn in front of you with a drawn gun. Too late now to pull one out! All of that expensive practice going to waste.

I know two armed guys who experienced this. One was stepping out of his car at 10:00 pm in his garage.
That chump you described is almost asking to get mugged for his wallet, which happened to an armed guy who practices at the club range.


New member
Solution - you could go to Central Market -
Yep, that's the one that works for me.
Besides, CM has HatchFest. And this week, GarlicFest. :)
Sprouts is okay by me, too.

Checked out a Whole Foods...once. Won't make that mistake again.
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New member
You publicly indicated that you wanted to confront a stranger over how he was carrying his FA.
I rest my case on my rhetorical style passing by the poster's analysis of my real world intentions.

"Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are to fast. I would catch it!"


New member
I live in the Sticks of Missouri. Everyone in the sticks wears some sort of gun branded camouflage (Remington, Winchester, Real Tree, etc.). I do the same.

Unless it's Sunday. LLBean shirts and slacks would stick out in my part of Missouri more than camouflage.


New member
Unless it's Sunday. LLBean shirts and slacks would stick out in my part of Missouri more than camouflage.

Pretty much the same here.I wonder tho if the OP would have been quite as adamant if the Glock shirt was tightly stretched across the endowments of a hard bodied, attractive young lady, instead of a flabby beer belly of a slob Bubba. I think sometime we fear folks might identify us with others with similar interests that do not fit within our realm of acceptance and thus try to distance ourselves from them.
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