Hornady: "They're Coming..." ?


New member
Ok, Z-Max bullet, a JHP with some sort of nose plug. Hmm. I'd like to see some expansion testing, or, more appropriately, skull penetration testing, on an appropriate substitute, since zombies required head shots.:eek:
I will probably buy a box in 9mm, just because, which is how Hornaday is going to make the money back from the box printer.

Edit to add, that G&A interview is a RIOT!
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New member
"They're coming . . . . " no more. They're here.



"No human being, plant, animal, vegetable or mineral should ever be shot with Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition. Again, we repeat, Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is for use on ZOMBIES ONLY, and that's not a nickname, phrase or cute way of referring to anybody, place or thing. When we say Zombies, we mean…ZOMBIES!"

For some reason this add makes me feel uneasy.


New member
I'm torn on this one.

I agree with another poster when they stated that its kinda neat looking and fun in a hobby that can take itself a little too seriously at times...but at the same time there's a side of me that thinks "What the hell were they thinking?"

While I would buy a box of it just for the novelty of it, I think this is one of those products that Hornady is going to look back on and think "Yeah, probably not one of our smarter ideas."

Time will tell...


New member
I'm with the others who think it's a sophmoric fool thing for a reputable (or otherwise) company to venture into.

And my personal gut feeling from reading their safety disclaimer is that they don't really intend anybody to shoot the stuff at all at anything. It would be just as well and I'd be just as happy if they would sell only the empty boxes.


New member
I think it's a last ditch effort to raise sales at a time when most people are spending their money on other things. Reloading components have past ammunition sales in the last 6 months, and Hornady found it necessary to delve into a niche market.


New member
Wow, neat marketing idea. I'll be buying some.

Yep, its marketing and I'm fully aware I'm falling for it. So what? Still cool.


Staff In Memoriam
While I am an unwavering Mossberg guy... I will say this Hornady stuff is as silly as the "Roadblocker", "Rolling thunder" and any shotgun sold as "tactical" or any with a breacing muzzle attachment to regular Joe's who clould never need such a device.



What exactly is the "Z-shot" in the 12 guage?

I haven't seen any of the V-max 7.62x39 again, rumor was they quit selling it? Well, maybe I should get some of this then in replacement?

If true, why would they discontinue 7.62x39 and keep making the 5.45x39?


New member
I want a box of "Zombie Ammo" just to have it, the box alone would make a great novelty display. Hell in 15 years it may just be collectable. Its too bad they do not make it in 30-30 or I would have gotten some for the brother in law too.


New member
When looking at their chart, it suddenly struck me...

I only have one firearm capable of firing any of those ultra-mainstream cartridges.

I guess I like the oddballs more than I thought. Even my mainstream cartridges are the red-headed step children of their kind. ;)


New member
I'll probably end up buying a box of every caliber, and maybe more of my favorite calibers. The only one of those cartridges that either me or my father don't have a gun for is .308, but I was planning on correcting that issue long before I saw these Zombie rounds.

Remember, killing a zombie requires a headshot to destroy the brain; otherwise they just get back up. :D