Hornady: "They're Coming..." ?


New member
solid silver HPs like DPX, only silver instead of copper, with a garlic core like CDs, only garlic instead of polymer

Oh wait...thats remington's new vampire ammo. My bad.


I like it !

The Beretta Nano isn't out yet, the KSG is nowhere in sight, Shotshow 2012 is a long way away...

I hope this is a revolutionary breakthrough in personal defense handgun ammunition... Like some weird weight bullet like 139gr 9mm that penetrates to 14.5" and expands to 70 caliber, or a 217gr .45 that penetrate 15" but expands to 80 caliber...

Oh I'm so excited ! I'm as giddy as a school girl in spring!


New member
The Zombies are currently busy with the "occupy Wall Street" sit-ins... One of these days we're going to have to play "Cowboys and Lefties...":cool:


New member
Is this the stuff?

Seems just like a marketing ploy unless they're giving it away for free.


New member
And they will sell at least 2-3 boxes of it per every mall ninja and 1 for every serious shooter because the will just have to have one box for discussion purposes. I know my own "zombie hunter" kid will mandate that I buy several boxes....:eek:

In a weird, bizarre way - it is an interesting marketing ploy. They should do a product placement add in AMC series "The Walking Dead". ;)


New member
Their Critical Defense .22 mag is out. I've been trying to get some for a couple of months, but everyone stays out of stock.


New member
The zombie ammo. Is it supposed to be like a handgun caliber V-Max or something?:p I am sure they would make quite a splash shooting water jugs.


New member
I have been using Critical Defense since it came out and never had a problem. I've used the .380 in my LCP and the 9mm in my CW9. Both of which have reputations for being picky about ammo. (IME the Kahr isn't too picky though. YMMV.)

What caliber and firearm combination has given (personally) you problems? Hornady isn't known for using very hard primers in their ammo. (At least in the ammo they load at the factory. Other companies that use their bullets could be a different story.)

EdInk, take a look at my post here



New member
Zombie ammo? IMO, what a horrible, horrible idea. Make live ammo seem like it's a toy, gimmick or movie prop? They're giving too much ammo (pun intended) to the antis. Way to make a good company look amature too. Someone needs to fire their marketing dept. if this is the case.


New member
Let's see, a different color polymer bullet tip and a freaky-looking box: yup, pure marketing it would seem. You know what though, I'm okay with that. There's nothing wrong with Hornady or anyone else marketing a product for people who want to have a bit of fun (while zombie discussions were quite pointless, I always found them to at least be entertaining). Will the anti's raise a fit about it, sure they might. Then again, the Brady Campaign and their ilk always seem to find something to work themselves into a frenzy about anyway and they become more and more irrelevant with each passing day (their membership is shrinking, more politicians are ignoring them, and they're losing more court cases than ever before), so let them wring their hands because almost nobody cares anymore. Will some idiot do something idiotic with it? Maybe, but idiots are known to do idiotic things without wacky marketing so I don't think it makes all that much difference. Really, I don't see this as all that different than the John Wayne and Teddy Roosevelt ammo that Winchester marketed a few years back. So long as it's not outlandishly expensive or some other such nonsense, I'll buy a box or two of zombie ammo for grins and a conversation piece.
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New member
Probobly low cost plinking ammo. They already have the high-zoot game and target stuff covered, and who would market game ammo for humans(live or dead) under the name Zombie with the way the PC police currently run roughshod over every little thing.

Probobly cheap enough to market to end of the world bulkers.
One way to up your overall production facilities/capability....with a sure sale quick novelty and advance orders.


New member
If it's "Zombie Ammo" I say awesome! Yeah it would be a joke, yeah it wouldn't be serious (judging from the picture), but how funny and cool would it be???

I think it would be a good, light-hearted bit of fun in a hobby that can sometimes take itself way too seriously (I can see it now - "Don't use Hornady's new Zombie Ammo in self-defense, a prosecutor will skewer you for using it! I'm never buying it!"). And light-hearted fun attracts new shooters and does a lot to help the image of gun owners, which is always good!

Personally I can't wait to buy a box in .223, get some large zombie targets, and take someone out to the range who has never been.

Best way to celebrate Halloween that I can think of.