Hornady: "They're Coming..." ?


New member
I kinda like the principle behind it....it's fun and lighthearted. It seems a gereat way to make shooting a more broad spectrum based sport, which in my humble opinion, is the best way to fight the propaganda the antis spew forth.

Think about it....

When most people think of shooting they either think of Olympic style competition, gun-nut preppers, or gang bangers.

This makes shooting seem more fun and accessible, or so it appears to me.


New member
Mentioned it to a co-worker whos waxes poetic about zombie movies, and he WILl buy at least one box in 9mm for Rachel, his Glock 26. That's the market they want, get everyone who likes zombie flicks and has a sense of humor to buy one box or so, even people like me who reload almost exclusively, (yes, I might buy a box, too), and the potential sales market is wide. Watch for zombie style marketing at the gun shows.:D


New member
depending on the price i might buy a little or a lot.

If its priced in the range ammo area i might buy it exclusively just for fun. As long as it performs.


New member
Anybody else notice Hornady's tag line at the end of the video (Accurate. Deadly. Dependable.) abbreviates to ADD?


New member
Can you imagine a prosecutor with this in a shooting?

You shot my client with "Zombie Ammo"?
Did you think my client was a Zombie??
Do you look for Zombies everywhere???


New member
I don't get the junk yard bit, but Hornady is suppose to come out with match ammo for vintage military rifles. I'm hoping this is it.

They already have 6.5X55 Swede Match they sell through CMP, they're suppose to be coming out with 7.62X54R, 303, and a few others.

This was based on the demand for ammo for the CMP Vintage Sniper Matches.

Again, this is just hoping on my part. Don't know what Vintage Military Rifle Shooting has to do with junk yards.

woody wood

New member
whats next-ammo for vampires or ammo tagged as homeland security.
how about ammo for this 2012 thing or how about this----
ammo with the name"red dawn".
mabe i should be in marketing for this new generation.
Having a campy website is just a little different than printing this crap up on cartridge boxes and distributing it.

Hell, TFL does its own zombie forum for a few days around Halloween.

Once the holiday is over, though, I suspect most of the zombie sites will simply be pulled.

The ammo is going to be out there for a long time.


New member
I think it's great and I'll end up buying some, just because! :D

At least Hornady is covering their butts:

Disclaimer: Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is NOT a toy (IT IS LIVE AMMUNITION), but is intended only to be used on…ZOMBIES, also known as the living dead, undead, etc. No human being, plant, animal, vegetable or mineral should ever be shot with Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition. Again, we repeat, Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is for use on ZOMBIES ONLY, and that's not a nickname, phrase or cute way of referring to anybody, place or thing. When we say Zombies, we mean…ZOMBIES!


New member
maybe I will drive down there beings I am only 60 miles from them and see what they got going


New member
Having a campy website is just a little different than printing this crap up on cartridge boxes and distributing it.

And that difference is what?

I personally think Hornady's and Brownell's ads and products are great.
The whole zombie thing is passé. Flash mobs are the new zombies. I've already begun preparing.



New member
Nice, will have to get some. Fiance has a slight obsession with zombies, not sure why and pretty sure its unhealthy.

But this might be just what I need to get her to shoot with me more often:D

Last time I took her to the range, she only went because I bought here a zombie target. Not a single head shot did she make, but she did carve out a nice hole in an area quite a bit lower....:eek: