Hornady: "They're Coming..." ?


New member
I'm sure I'm not the only member that got Hornady's email today.

The title was ""They're coming..." | October 14, 2011 | NEW from Hornady".
The body of the email was an image, with a link to their video (link below):

And, the video: They're Coming...

I'm not sure what to make of this. What do you think they're hinting at ? (besides just trying to get some hype)
A handgun?
New line of ammo?
A private junk yard?
Zombie ammo?


  • hornady_ad.jpg
    103.7 KB · Views: 1,898

Don P

New member
Makes as much sense as trying to ski with 3 broken legs.:confused:

and someone probably was paid outrageous money to come up with that


New member
The new and improved 1911 anti aircraft gun with pop up laser designator.
And will grate your cheese at the same time.


New member
New season for The Walking Dead begins October 16th. I'm betting it's a promo for the new Zombie Ammo. Saw the box over at Arfcom and will have to have a box! :D

This may be the only legitimate discussion of zombies ever held on this forum.

Rear cocking serrations make the pistol to be an STI double-stack race gun (1911) of some kind.


New member
Maybe "They" are all those people who are going to stand in line all day to try to get an iPhone 4S on the 1st day it is available?

Do they count as zombies?


New member
I have been using Critical Defense since it came out and never had a problem. I've used the .380 in my LCP and the 9mm in my CW9. Both of which have reputations for being picky about ammo. (IME the Kahr isn't too picky though. YMMV.)

What caliber and firearm combination has given (personally) you problems? Hornady isn't known for using very hard primers in their ammo. (At least in the ammo they load at the factory. Other companies that use their bullets could be a different story.)