good as they say? Worth the money?


New member
I've got two HKs: both USP Compacts, in .40 and .45.

They are reliable and accurate. The safety/decocker is in the right place. The slide stop is in the right place. The sights are good (much better than the Glock factory sights, which are rubbish).

The DA trigger is very, very heavy. The SA trigger is ok, but doesn't rate a "good". The trigger guard is large enough that you can use it with gloves if necessary.

The slide is overly large. The bore axis is a bit high and I get a fair bit of muzzle rise out of them.

I certainly wouldn't feel poorly armed with a USP, but it is certainly not my favorite. YMMV.


New member
My opinion is that HKs are worth the money, as are SIGs. I have both a USP40 and a 'em both. I have had Glocks, but don't I have them any more.


New member
Is it just me or is the USP trigger plastic? Also don't all new USP's come with the LE trigger now? My double action is a bit heavy first pull but not too bad, single action is really light trigger pull (like a click) for me. Dunno if the gun shop did it or what, I bought it new.


New member
Is it just me or is the USP trigger plastic?
Yes. I believe they are made of the same plastic that the frame is made of.

Also don't all new USP's come with the LE trigger now?
No. There are many trigger variants available. Some stores might only stock the LEM variant, though.



New member
mag costs are way over priced. to all the HK fans out there, a spring, and thin hollow piece of average metal (plastic for USP 9, and .40) should not cost $50<, period.

Just a few prices I found with just one search. These are H&K mags, not the cheap Promags. Here's the link:

USP 9mm mags: $39.99
USP .40 mags: $39.99
USP .45 mags: $49.99

USPc 9mm mags: $34.99
USPc .40 mags: $29.99
USPc .357 Sig mags: $29.99



New member
Just playing devil's advocate here, but how would you rate and HK compared to a glock? Here are about all of the criteria I can think of to rate a pistol:

Reliability: Probably equal
Mechanical Accuracy: USP vs. Glock is probably a wash, special USP models (match, tactical, expert) are superior.
Durability: Probably equal
Metal Finish: Glock
Capacity: Glock
Size vs. Capacity: Advantage Glock? G19 size vs. USPc size but G19 holds more rounds
Ergonomics: Subjective, but some HK's have interchangable backstraps
Trigger: Subjective. HK has more options but glock is easier to improve trigger feel and has a shorter reset.

I don't have brand loyalty either way, but there are so many HK fans that say that HK's are so much better than glocks in this thread, I'm just trying to figure out what category/rating criteria makes them better? Is it just the ergonomics and trigger?


New member
From the official websites

Sig 226 magazine - 39.99
CZ 75B magazine - 39.00
Beretta 90-TWO - 45.00
Beretta 92 FS Mag - 48.50

I dont think HK mags are all that expensive.


New member
Reliability: Probably equal
Mechanical Accuracy: USP vs. Glock is probably a wash, special USP models (match, tactical, expert) are superior.
Durability: Probably equal
Metal Finish: Glock
Capacity: Glock
Size vs. Capacity: Advantage Glock? G19 size vs. USPc size but G19 holds more rounds
Ergonomics: Subjective, but some HK's have interchangable backstraps
Trigger: Subjective. HK has more options but glock is easier to improve trigger feel and has a shorter reset.
Well, I own an H&K, but I am not biased. I tried really hard to like the Glocks (because God knows they cost less), but I just didn't like them.

Your list should read like this:
Reliability: If you just mean that it goes bang when it's supposed to, it's a wash.
Mechanical accuracy: Probably H&K, but I'd have to check.
Durability: From normal wear, excluding throwing your weapon out of an airplane or dunking it in various crap- I'd venture H&K (if USP), because of the recoil reduction.
Metal finish: H&K. All metal H&K parts except the inside of the bore are coated in corrosion resistant finishes. Only parts of the Glock's internals recieve the Tennifer treatment, If I'm correct.
Capacity: Glock by a nose
Size vs. Capacity: Subjective. Not everyone wants the smallest pistol available.
Ergonomics: Subjective. For me it's H&K, because I don't like the grip angle of the Glocks.
Trigger: Subjective. If you like the DA-like trigger pull of the Glock, then Glock. If you don't like the DA-like trigger, then HK hands down. HK has way more options, and also has a drop-in match trigger upgrade if you are compelled to buy one. Glock also has drop-in trigger kits, so I'd call this one a wash.
Price: Glock
Glock is no slouch, but I just like the H&K's alot more. I tried to like the Glocks, honest. Just didn't.



New member
Glock is no slouch, but I just like the H&K's alot more. I tried to like the Glocks, honest. Just didn't.

And that's what it comes down to when one deals with weapons of effectively equal capability. Pick the one that serves you well.

I've owned HKs (USPc .45 and P7s) and Glocks. As of now, I only Glocks. The HKs were sold because they were not, for me, the best choice. I might get a P2000 sometime or an HK45, but more for the collector interest than any impression that either will give me anything that a Glock or M&P won't.


New member
Triggers are metal and covered by the polymer, IIRC. For technical info, try Those guys know HK better than anyone on the net AFAIK, of course.