Hi Point picture thread

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New member
Sorry Daryl, couldn't help myself. I have to agree with the bashers to a point. They do suck compared to some others. And GLock is a much better gun even though I personally shoot both of my 'points better than I did my 23.

And they are butt ugly. Especially the 10rd mag in the C9 or the new style mags in the new full size line. But my XD ain't no prize looker wither, nor was my GLock, or my ballister Molina, or the holster worn model 10 a company issued me.

If you are looking for beauty and grace, I can't fault you unless you find it in a Hi Point :D The look does grow on some when they shoot them.

Strangely the feel of the .40 is having that effect on me. Easier for me to shoot than my former Beretta 96 or GLock 23.

The range I go to is a bit snobby. Their baseline pistol is normally the S&W VE. My ugly bricks always generate some comments.

The yugo of the handgun world. And that is it's own charm to some. :cool:

Te Anau

New member
markup my friend.. markup.. dare i say price gouging.
Glocks are waaaaaay overpriced.
Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
Luckily for us Hi-Point owners,it is a true statement and may just show how smart we are.:p If Zamak is good enough for the aerospace industry,its good enough for me.
The polymers used in the Glock are vastly superior to the plastics used in the Hi Point.
Says who? Please reference the extensive testing which compares the two side by side.And by the way,polymers ARE plastics and vice versa.


New member
Says who? Please reference the extensive testing which compares the two side by side.And by the way,polymers ARE plastics and vice versa.

Says the gun industry... you know, the folks that know more about guns than the aerospace industry.

Te Anau

New member
I missed that test,please repost the URL at least.I LIKE FACTS!
Personal and biased opinions dont cut it for me.


New member
I missed that test,please repost the URL at least.I LIKE FACTS!
Personal and biased opinions dont cut it for me.

How about the fact that even the cheapest of combloc pistols don't mes around with pot metal slides for starters.


New member
JasonJ, this was a Gun Shop who has several employees. I was not being waited on by the owner, I was being waited on by one of his employee's, who like many in this forum, is a Glock snob, and expressed it with the 17 he was wearing off of his belt.

Te Anau

New member
How about the fact that even the cheapest of combloc pistols don't mes around with pot metal slides for starters.
I would guess that the "combloc" pistols you are referring too were made in factories that didnt have the technology or capability to utilize anything other than common steel.
Still waiting for that URL.And just to clear the air,todays Zamak is a far cry from "pot metal".Its like saying that the tires that were originally used on a Model A are the same as those used on a 2007 Corvette.


New member
For us poor country boys who can only afford 200 or less for a gun, the Hi Point is the way to go. heavy yes, but oh so reliable, If God forbid, you get in a situation, a 160 buck zinc "gun" will perform as well or better than a titanium nickel alloy and prone to get jammed one. Also the HP995 is better than the hifaluting CX4 or PC9 price and relialiability wise. My honest point of view


New member
I would guess that the "combloc" pistols you are referring too were made in factories that didnt have the technology or capability to utilize anything other than common steel.

Ok, how about the fact that there isn't any other pistol manufacturer that uses zamak in their pistols. If it was perfectly fine then others would use it and save money.

Of course there is a reason why they don't do it. And that reason can be easily summed up by looking at the size of the hi-point slide and the size of other slides in the same calibers. If hi point built their zamak slides to the same dimensions as other pistols they would fail left and right. Because its cheap metal they need twice as much.


New member
i love hi-points

they make great boat anchors, are awesome for shooting at with my steyr, they make great tire blocks, awesome hammers, great way to steady tables, makes a mediocre shovel, and are the first actual single use disposable gun! :D

p.s only an idiot would bring a hi-point to a gun fight!


New member
If hi point built their zamak slides to the same dimensions as other pistols they would fail left and right.

Ive seen this posted before and the way i understand it is that the metal is just a strong you just need more of it to tame the recoil of firing due to its light weight.
but i do think it is a poor choice of a building component.


New member
i dont think im going to post here anymore. this forum is so childish its rediculous.

if most of you had your way we'd all be driving a Maybach instead of a Buick. but then we'd have to hear how our buick sucks because the seats were built to our personal measurments and dont have the throttle response and quality in them.

i dont know how any of you can argue with the cliche of " a cheap gun is better than no gun" sort of statement.. especially when personal welfare is at stake.

I guess you'd rather have people be the so-called sheep then have something to defend yourself with, or God forbid, a cheap gun to get you interested in sprt shooting.

guess i'll go buy my $1000 Kimber now and forget about eating for 2 months.. hope the kids dont mind starving a while so daddy can not get flamed on an immature web forum.

The Point

New member
Ugly Maybe, Deadly YES, accurate YES

it is a fully functioning 9mm that in capable hands could place 8 rounds between both your eyes in less than 4 seconds, guess that qualifies it for a range gun , personal defense gun, and for some a very accurate weapon for a backup out in the field.
It really is not ugly, the c9, it is different from your purty guns, some people dont spend there whole day polishing there nickle plated purty guns, and just take care of business like this weapon was designed for.
Personally if I was confronted with one by a criminal, I would listen to what the perp had to say, in my book that would be respect given him by the fact he was holding a weapon that deserved a little bit of attention.
They are not ugly, modern yes, come on this is the year 07 and almost 08, we knew when we were kids that the plastic rayguns wouldnt really exist now, but weapons like this hp would. Sure there is a love affair to be had with some purty guns, but its not the purty guys you worry about in this world is it, its the big ugly rough lookin guy named BUBBA, and the hp , believe me, is gonna be just as invasive...
So HP owners hold your head up for not wasting your money on a profit margin, for not buying into the show off and shinem up crap that gets people shot cleanin there own guns, you were right buyin it,
and everyone else, shut up , put away the purty, and get a real gun.

The Point

New member
I Almost Forgot...

I Get To Shoot My C Nine Cause I Have Money Left Over To Buy Ammo, Isnt That A Crazy Idea,
Actually No It Isn't


New member
I think I would rather buy a used Bulgarian Makarov at the same price as a new Hi-Point and have a much better gun.

But hey, to each his own. What's important is if YOU like it and it fits YOUR needs. I'm sure they shoot fairly reliably, but for the same or a little more you can buy a used Bulgarian Makarov or a used revolver and have a much better gun.

They sure are ugly. If someone gave me one for free, I'd probably keep it just for giggles.
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