Hi Point picture thread

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The Point

New member
stand on your head

whent bangin with my dog out by the bog
took my c9 with boozer my mutt
we were out looking to shoot tree stumps
bangin with my hi point nine
wonder if it'll work this time
won't jam when Im bangin down by fenceline

bought a hoodie sweatshirt to where when i bang
me and the mutt were quite the gang
he licks his crack
mine hangs out when were bangin the fenceline


New member
And I can drive a sharp stick through your eye and thats free. If I remember correctly the liberator pistol only cost something like $3 to make during WWII and it kills folks just as dead as well.

According to your logic these are perfectly acceptable defensive weapons.

Yes they are when the alternative is a lesser weapon - say fingernails. (Now that's an opinion kids, I have never been able to bring an unarmed homicide victim back from the dead and ask them - so I am projecting my own values to their situation) Which is the whole point of the 'Point. Use what you have.

Got plenty of money? Great!!! Get yourself a nice set of weapons, live safe, and have regular bowel movements.

Got no money? get a Hi point and be as safe as you can. Hopefully you are taking advantage of America and trying to improve your station. Lack of respiration due to criminal assault will flat out take some folks off their game plan of trying to get a better job and improve their lot.

Got nice weapons and feel the need to bash the poor? Drop and give me twenty poser!! Seems like you forgot imperative #3, to wit: "have regular bowel movements".

"Save up and get something better". _Doh!_ Nyet Tovarich!!! I saw this in a signature line somewhere "...and having a gun in a gunfight is emperor to all..." good words, those.

I like surplus weapons too. My personal preference is the .40 S&W or .45 acp for scary things that a'fear me and the 9mm for practice. But I can see a Tok and/or Mak in the future. For what I am doing now, the warranty and other features of the Hi Points make them attractive to me.

If they don't appeal to you, that's groovy. I don't think you are an idiot for thinking that way. There are enough evil gun grabbing idiots for us all to have our own personal nemesis. Why should we turn on each other?

Should poor people be excluded from the club? Maybe the experience of shooting a "junker" would inspire somebody to improve their station and get nice guns?

Maybe (not maybe but in reality) junk guns in the hands of good people prevent lots of crimes. The Kleck Study. Google is your pal.

Should people have better guns than Hi Point if they can? I do, but that's just me. I have Hi Points just because I wanted to see what all the uproar and incontinence was about.

Now I think I shall have to spend '08 honing skills and '09 competing with one.

So back on topic, I posted my Hi Point pic twice and have worn out my keyboard typing about the virtues of my Hi Points.

So you anti Hi Point types should post pics of your Hi points and enlighten us as to the experiences with your Hi Points that make you so adamantly against them.

I mean Hell, I shot a buddies Hk USP once and have heard all kinds of sea stories, that don't qualify me to pass judgment one way or the other on them.


New member
Actually, the .380 and 9mm are identical except in chamber dimensions. Since I carry a Hi Point in a (relatively to the rest of my state) high crime area I guess I am an idiot too.

I said any LEO that relies on a Hi Point as a duty weapon, is an idiot. They shoot thousands of rounds in training, not to mention they stake their life on their handgun.

I know that there are CIVILIANS out there that a Hi Point is literally all they can afford. That is the case with some people, and they bought the best gun they could afford. They don't shoot tons of rounds at the range, it's a house gun or maybe a carry piece, when living in a high crime area. That does not make a person an idiot.

Then you have quite a few people that are cheapskates. They buy a Hi Point because they are unwilling to spend the extra money for a higher quality piece. These are the people that bother me. They tell you it's such a great gun, they are as good as anything else, they are technologically advanced, their manufacturing process is better than anybody else's,they are sooooo good that police carry them, etc., etc. These are the people that sound like idiots. Let's not make them out to be something they're not. They are cheap, low tech, bottom of the barrel guns. Nothing great.

I have shot two Hi Points in my life and hated them. The trigger felt like a cap gun, and I could not get past the looks and overall crudeness of them. They were extremely large for a single stack magazine, bulky, and I didn't like them one bit. I thought to myself, "How could anybody that's serious about guns respect these things?"


New member
Yes they are when the alternative is a lesser weapon - say fingernails.

But that wasn't the argument that was being addressed. The other poster stated that 6 shooters were perfectly deadly and by implication a suitable defensive weapon. I have no doubt that a 6 shooter or a hi-point are utterly deadly. However, deadly doesn't mean that its a good defensive weapon.

Got plenty of money? Great!!! Get yourself a nice set of weapons, live safe, and have regular bowel movements.

Got no money? get a Hi point and be as safe as you can.

I submit to you that in todays society there is no situation in which someone has enough money to purchase a hi-point and enough ammo to practice and keep the gun loaded, but does not have the means to save up or purchase (visa, mastercard, amex, birthdays, xmas, loose change) a quality inexpensive firearm.

As far as the "be as safe as you can" argument, its sort of invalid as well when you stop and think about it. Buying a hi-point is essentially saying that you're life is only worth the cheapest pistol available. People make such a huge fuss about the importance of protecting themselves and then buy something that is so barely adequate. If your life is only worth $100 why bother with a pistol at all.

The Point

New member
Sometimes the truth hurts!




Hi-point is what it says it is, no matter what you might think, it is...


New member
I just don't get why people insist that Hi Points are junk. Let's see....made in USA by american workers (this seems to be pretty important to folks these days), lifetime no questions asked warranty (better than most), affordable (maybe this is their down fall?), reliable (I have 10K rounds through my HP's with minimal issues) and accurate.

Yes, it is not some poser primrose beauty gun that you can sit areound and talk about with your buddies and look at it from all different angles and say ooh ahhh, but you can grab it and go out and shoot the snot out of it and it will digest just about anything you feed it going bang and sending the projectile accurately down range.

My own brother is like a lot of the people who talk down the Hi Points. Here is his scenario, he is rather wealthy making about 1/4 mil a year, usually just walks into the gunshop and asks the boob behind the counter what is the best and then buys it right then and there. He does have some nice firepower, but on multiple occasions my Hi Point 40 has embarrassed him and his HK USP 40.

I do own more expensive handguns than my 4 Hi Points. I shoot them all and there is nothing wrong with the Hi Points. I have done some work to mine and they shoot real well.

If you want to be a snob, so be it. If you just want to state your opinion based on facts, I'm cool with that too.


New member
People make such a huge fuss about the importance of protecting themselves and then buy something that is so barely adequate. If your life is only worth $100 why bother with a pistol at all.

Money is not the only measure of a man, or a life. Bob Prosky, the actor that played Sgt Yablonski on Hill Street Blues and also appeared in "Hoffa", sat in his living room with an inexpensive shotgun in S.E. D.C. during the '68 riots. It wasn't that his and his family's lives weren't worth more - it was all a struggling actor could afford at the time.

Word got out, his home was untouched.

Another man, whose name you would recognize had a cheap .22 lr revolver handy in those days. Today, that guy can buy whatever weapon he wants, but not back when he and Mr. Prosky were making a living at Arena stage. {hint - if you saw "Shooter" you have seen some of his latest work}

I do agree that one should arm themselves the best they can afford. I disagree with you that the monetarily poor are not worth saving. Both of the actors above felt the weapons they had prevented people from hurting or killing them in those times of turbulence.

But since they could not afford good guns by your reasoning they should not have bothered.

I have to disagree.

Many people who started out in poverty have made great contributions to our society, our nation, and our way of life.

I understand your concern about lowlifes getting their hands on these and other cheap weapons. Near my home state we have seen one of the Dupont Family and Tom Campagno (a prominent attorney) convicted of killing folk with guns.

I submit to you that in todays society there is no situation in which someone has enough money to purchase a hi-point and enough ammo to practice and keep the gun loaded, but does not have the means to save up or purchase (visa, mastercard, amex, birthdays, xmas, loose change) a quality inexpensive firearm.

I would say yes, one should save up for a better gun - AFTER they have a gun. Being unarmed while saving up is not what I would advise anyone who feels that they could benefit from being armed against attack.

I have to agree with your position. Still my opinion is that one should arm themselves sooner rather than saving up and doing so later. We will also have to agree to disagree on the suitability of Hi Point as a quality inexpensive firearm.

Having two of them, I think they meet that description. YMMV.

More on Topic, addressing the capability of the C9 - I cannot put 8 shots into one inch at seven yards. Here is the best I managed in failure to stop drills at seven yards. Three shots in two seconds from low ready position. ( Holster work not allowed on that range - nor 'fast scoops' from the lane table)


While that is no where near the claim of 8 shots between the eyes in four seconds - I don't know of too many who would volunteer to replace the paper bad guy. My limited skills not withstanding.

They are cheap, low tech, bottom of the barrel guns. Nothing great.

We will have to agree to disagree here. There are better guns. No Question. I have paid more for less over the last twenty five years. To me, an affordable American made pistol within the reach of just about anybody who works is great. Might not float your boat, but I approve of the concept.

I have "better" guns. I have a nice antique colt that got it's original grip chipped in an evidence safe. So out on my property where wannabe slingers and crackheads may be encountered I carry my Hi Points. No matter what vagaries they suffer in the hands of the well intentioned yet misguided, Hi Point will fix them. Colt won't. To me that makes them great.
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New member
I do agree that one should arm themselves the best they can afford. I disagree with you that the monetarily poor are not worth saving. Both of the actors above felt the weapons they had prevented people from hurting or killing them in those times of turbulence.

But since they could not afford good guns by your reasoning they should not have bothered.

You miss the point. The hi-point is not a poor pistol because of the price tag. It is a poor pistol because it is a poor pistol. Your story about the shotgun is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. A good used shotgun can be had for no more than $200. A shotgun is always going to be a better defensive tool than a shotgun. If someone can affors a hi-point, an extra 70 isn't going to break the bank.

We will have to agree to disagree here. There are better guns. No Question. I have paid more for less over the last twenty five years. To me, an affordable American made pistol within the reach of just about anybody who works is great. Might not float your boat, but I approve of the concept.

I have "better" guns. I have a nice antique colt that got it's original grip chipped in an evidence safe. So out on my property where wannabe slingers and crackheads may be encountered I carry my Hi Points. No matter what vagaries they suffer in the hands of the well intentioned yet misguided, Hi Point will fix them. Colt won't. To me that makes them great.

Then I submit to you that if you encounter slingers and crackheads on your property, you would be far better protected by moving than by purchasing ANY gun.

I have no doubt that hi-points will kill. I ain't going to stand in front of one. That said, they are the bottom of the barrel for a defensive weapon. I can point to 1000 guns that shoot and yet all of them are poor defensive weapons. Undoubtedly the hi-point shoots. However it is a poor defensive weapon as evidenced by the fact that not a single person who relies on their weapons for their job carries a hi-point.


New member
I find myself in agreement with Stage 2 on some points here. A shotgun is a better defensive tool. I once acquired a decent Police Trade in S&W Howa 12 gauge for under 200. However, I never carried it concealed. It would have been cumbersome to keep handy in the car.

I consider my affordable Mossberg to be a better defensive tool than any handgun no matter the price. But it is harder to carry.

Perhaps I should move, but after working the projects in D.C. my current estate seems pretty calm. I like living mortgage free and the cap is going up.
Besides, good neighborhoods around here have more home invasions than the shanty towns like the one I live in.

I would also agree that Hi Point is the bottom of the defensive pistol barrel. No argument from me. If I was really up against it, Hi Point would be as low as I would go.

However it is a poor defensive weapon as evidenced by the fact that not a single person who relies on their weapons for their job carries a hi-point.

Can't disprove that, but believe it to be incorrect. ShooterZ on the Hi Point forums claims to be a S.O. in Cali carries a C9. Have also read posts about Undercover Narcs in Indiana carrying Hi Points.

Relative to a GLock, Sig, XD, S&W VE, any 1911, any revolver from Rossi and up, they are poor weapons. But better than a desire to get a good handgun when you save up enough money - in a defensive situation.

In an article that really drives this point home "Cheap guns are good enough" by Massad Ayoob - the protagonist used a borrowed RG .22 to save her life the very day it was loaned to her. Had she been saving up for a Glock.......

Both of my Hi Points have burned more rounds than a NIB S&W 29 that stretched out of time on me, or a used Colt Detective Special that popped the mainspring, or a NIB pt99 that had a bad extractor.

Now for a range pistol, they are accurate enough for HD/SD practice. The warranty is no quesitons asked and the price leaves plenty for ammo and range time, targets, cleaning supplies and the like.

I will concede, that if my job was looking for trouble tomorrow my XD would be going along backed up by my .32 Colt revolver and the 'Points would be left at home.

I do use the 'Points for stash guns at home, have no qualms about picking one up for a suspicious knock at the door. Until my XD proved reliable the .40 was on my nightstand.

When they break, I will report that too. So far so good and as noted, have paid far more for less reliability from "name" manufacturers.


New member
I thought this was a picture thread, not a post your own version of "WAR AND PEACE" :confused: :p :D

My thoughts exactly.
133 posts
11 posts with pictures (including frying pan and melted hunk of lead)
4 posts with pics of HP owned by poster
Are there not that many floating around out there or are people that ashamed of them?

The Point

New member
Gunbroker.com DOWN?

oh well, will put a picture of my blender on for you next, in the mean time, I had several bids on weapons on GUNBROKER.com, and now the site just disappeared. anyone else get to the site?


New member
Both of mine are here....

I posted pics of both of mine.... w/targets. They are beautiful pork blossoms, zamak and all. When I gits the .45 will post that pic too.

My apologies to Brett. Can't help myself sometimes. btw, where's your Hi Point pic :D ??

The Point

New member


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