Hi Point picture thread

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The illegal one is the Hi-Point with the forward grip installed on it. The ATF require that you have it registered before you install a forward grip on a handgun.
That is a ATF law. I don't alway's agree with the ATF but I do what they say to do, Better to do that than spend 10 years in prison.

"Voyager AL" seeing the pictures of your C9 are making me want to buy one to use on the range.
Man they are ugly. But their like an AK they work, no matter what you do to them. And they have a lifetime warranty


New member
Just buy one.

You'll spend more getting groceries for like half a week.

Hmm gun with a lifetime warranty/ Cheerios....






New member
not my pics, but. actually i think if someone made a stock for the carbine, with a bottom front rail, an ar15 stock and a mag well that accepted glock or other hi-cap mags. I'd buy 2!




New member
they wouldn't look so bad if the slides were a little less tall! i may get on to see what all the hype is about. Voyager, does the C9 come with that pinky extention on the mags?


New member
ThatGunGuy! Don't Do it!

The C9 is addictive in my experience. I bought two hi- points (.40 and 9mm).
to get back on the range. I had a long time off from shooting , a long story told elsewhere on the board.

Now I have picked up an XD in .45 it shoots very well for me. I still have two high quality revolvers. Yet as I sit here it's the C9 close at hand. The JCP .40 also gets it's time on the nightstand and around the woodlot.

The .40 will be going to the weekly charity match at the local range soon.

These are ugly heavy cheap crude gun like objects that will get under your skin. Do the smart thing, stay away from them.

To answer your question the C9 standard mag is 8 rounds and has the little pinky rest on it. Fobus makes the HP2 standard paddle holster for it.


New member
Why is it illegal?

Any one know what the reasoning behind the illegality of the pistol in question (not what is illegal about it, but why)?

I dont understand what the benefit of having a second grip or handle on a pistol would be.
The only reason I could see for making it illegal is for making something so ugly even more ridiculous looking. It's like a crime against nature to create such a hideous beast.


New member

I think (already we are in trouble here) that the proscription of forward vertical grips on handguns has something to do with them being characteristic of machine pistols.

There are a rack o' stupid rules concerning class 3 devices. The old wallet holsters that carried derringers and allowed the operator to fire the derringer without taking it out of the holster ran afoul of some regulation.

I am pretty sure on that one, but when dealing with the utterly ridiculous I will go with a shady memory before googling. YMMV


New member
Any one know what the reasoning behind the illegality of the pistol in question (not what is illegal about it, but why)?

I dont understand what the benefit of having a second grip or handle on a pistol would be.
The only reason I could see for making it illegal is for making something so ugly even more ridiculous looking. It's like a crime against nature to create such a hideous beast.

A pistol with two pistol grips is classified under the NFA as an "Any Other Weapon" or AOW. It is a regulated weapon and must be registered.


New member
the 45 is indeed less than attractive to most people.. but it sure does shoot.. which is good enough for most anything your avg. gun owner would need to do with it.


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I'm not ashamed to post mine.....

I know Hi-Points tend to be lightning rods for pro and con, but I'm excited about my .40 caliber. Just got it and won't get any range time til after Christmas, but I like having 10 rounds of .40 caliber from a new pistol for $180.



double barrel darrel (I wanted to spell out your username), that is hilarious on the drill comparison. :)

Stop it guys or you'll make me actually consider getting one of these for an office or pickup truck gun. As a car gun, it wouldn't even need to be stored in the floorboard safe - it's so cheap, who cares if it's stolen?


New member
Be careful when considering a Hi Point just because. You may find yourself taking it to the range alot, defending them on forums and buying more of them. YMMV.


New member
I've actually got a couple of pictures of mine.



You think he cared that it's ugly?


You oughta get one. It's fun when someone at the range asks "What is that?' The a few minutes later, "Mind if I try it?"


New member
To me, full size glocks (17, 22, etc) are ugly to me. The 19 and 23 looks great. Don't know why, probably just the big long grip on the full size. Either way, Hi-points (the pistols and the carbines alike) are both a hell of a lot uglier. At least the carbine can be fixed with the ATI stock :)


New member
I actually went to my local gunny today to see if he had anything new, and I said "What the hell, let me look at a hipoint 9 or .380" He said to me, and I quote "Why?"

Well, they look much better in person and are bigger than I thought. Not "BIG", but big enough for my hands. Just a little smaller than a ruger P89/95. The trigger didn't feel good, but it was nice looking in person. Although the slide release is weird, can't release the slide unless the clip is removed. Guess they're DAO?
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