Have you ever suffered a boo-boo while shooting?

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I guess it's a toss-up. A few years ago, I had to qualify with my off duty weapon, a Walther PPK/S. Lots of folks have experienced that gun's infamous slide bite, but I was on a heavy dose of blood thinners at the time. I bled like the proverbial stuck pig; so bad, in fact, that the rangemaster thought I shot myself and called a panicky cease-fire. :D.

The good news was it was only a nick. The bad news is that blood makes a gun really, really slippery, and blood really, really rusts a gun, really really fast. :eek: :(

Similar incident last year: A friend bought some hot loads (Buffalo Bore .45 Colt +P's crankin' out a 325 grain bullet at 1325 fps) for his S&W Mod. 25. I just had to try it. Trust me folks; that's not a good idea with Smith's factory target stocks. It split the heel of my left hand and the web of my right. I'll stick with cowboy action loads, thank you very much :D.


New member
A few weeks ago I was setting a laser on my SR9 and was paying more attention to the little green dot than my thumb position. It is almost healed now.


New member
Hot brass on various body parts. Lead splash from shooting steel a few
times. Blew up a couple of guns running Major 9 in Open division race
guns. Just normal stuff for someone that shoots 15,000 rounds a year or so.

Worst one? 16-17yrs old, pass shooting doves with an old Winchester
pump. The buttstock bolt worked loose, creating a 1/4" or so gap between
the wood and receiver. Got a chunk of my palm in the gap---pulled trigger.
REALLY impressive blood blister that took a LONG time to heal.


New member
My dad, uncle and my brothers had a case of the stupids one day and were shooting an engine block. We were about 50 yards away, using everything from .22's to 375 H&H. Now I can say I've taken a 300gr 375 to the shoulder, it went through the head bounced off the piston and came back through the head and hit me in the left shoulder. Didn't stick in the meat but did draw blood and hurt like hell. Kept that bullet for a long time, don't know what happened to it, it was a pretty good reminder of what one split second and a lack of brain activity can result in.:confused:

The Great Mahoo

New member
I've only had minor, and rather uninteresting boo-boos. I intend to keep it that way.

I am not normally one to shoot with scopes, but I decided to shoot .308 Sig Sauer rifle w/ scope. Got too close to it and it smashed into my saftey glasses. Left a bit of a bruise on my nose, but not too bad.

I've had hot brass land in my shirt collar and ontop of my glasses, trapping it against my skin. A few welts and minor burns that are irritating, but nothing tragic. Now I most-always wear a brimmed-hat when shooting anything that spits brass.


New member
yes, I shot a paperweight with a Remington bolt action .22 and the lead fraged & bounced back at me and stuck in my arm.:eek:


New member
Not so much a boo boo!!!

I didn't get the boo boo that I could have because I guess I am lucky and fast, (read, AWARE), So let's just call this a word to the wise, If you get to the range and there are people there, You notice that NO ONE is using the nice shooting bench at the end of the row, there is probably a good reason.

I unloaded my new to me spanish mauser .308, walked over and sat on the bench, setup the rifle on the table, loaded up and let one fly, then in an instant, I was sitting in a virtual cloud of "P.O.ed WASPS I can't remember moving that fast at any time in my life, but I did manage to escape un harmed.


New member
About 25 years ago we had just picked up some new burn barrels. Anyone who lives, or has lived out in the country knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, these new barrels needed a few drain holes in the bottom so I grabs my Colt Peacemaker in .22 mag to take care of the matter. All would have been well and good if I'd been a better shot. I was about 5 feet from the barrel and my aim was off about 1/4". The shot hit too much of the rim instead of hitting just above it. A small bullet fragment caught me just to the left (my left) of my sunglasses left eye. I was wearing shooting glasses, but still. Anyway the fragment missed my eye by about 1/2" and dug into the side of my face. I walked into mom's house and asked her to remove the fragment... LOML was too freaked out to handle it.

A week later I traded the Peacemaker for a S&W .38 Special. I figured if I ever had a recurrence of the situation it would be more likely to blow through the rim... or kill me.:rolleyes:


New member
Had my 870 slam fire while seated in the boat. Butt was on floor and muzzle within an inch or 2 of my left ear.
Very painful experience. Have passed all hearing test and left ear is still better than the right overall;)

More than a few scope cuts. Just haven't learned to hold on to the forearm.:(


New member
Changed barrel and shroud on my DW M-15, fired the barrel nut down range, got home, couldn't find it. Ended up sawing of that barrel and shroud.


New member
Many bouts with powder fleck and lead spatter, the worst of which, copper fragments shaved from the forcing cone of an ill-timed .44 magnum, cost me a bloody face. And it wasn't even mine.:( The "Delta dance" was probably my worst injury related move. I've had many a casing come back to lodge in my collar, sit on my glasses and burn my face, etc. Most were .45 ACP, and they don't seem to stay hot for very long. Not so the 10mm. One of those down the back of your shirt sitting on your beltline, while you calmly safe your pistol in order to hastily "rearrange your wardrobe" is enough, thank you very much.


New member
The only time I ever remember hurting myself shooting was many years ago when I decided to touch off both barrels of my 12 gauge SxS at the same time. I didn't put it against my shoulder. (I thought it might kick too much!) I just held it in my hands. The break down lever cut a gash in the web between my thumb and forefinger.


New member
Reading all these double barrel stories makes me really want one. Just how bad is firing off both barrels at once? Are you guys shooting slugs or just plain ol' 2 3/'4" birdshot?


New member

I don't remember what size shot I was using but it was not slugs. The gun was a little Spanish made double that was not very heavy. It had a pretty wicked recoil with both barrels at once.


Only one aw- sh$%. While cleaning my guns in my garage after a day at the range I accidently pushed my loaded .380 mouse gun off the work bench and it fired. The round hit a metal cabinet then went thru the ceiling. I no longer own the mouse gun.


New member
2x -- first was when i shot a friend's AMT 380 back up -- after less than 3 mags, the gun drew blood in the web of my strong hand -- second was when I blew up my Glock 21c using some reloads of questionable origin :eek:


New member
The double talk made me remeber when I doubled on an old 10 guage, was loaded with 3 in lead and I really thought I broke my shoulder for about 3 hours. I had a bruise from my collar bone almost to my elbow, I was wearing gloves and the recoil made my finger slip off the front trigger and hit the rear almost simultaneously. If I remember right I was 15 or 16 at the time, I wont wear gloves when shooting a double ever again.:eek:


New member
Remember that scene in The Last Boy Scout where Bruce Willis is shooting his Smith and a Desert Eagle, one in each hand? Yeah, I was young, dumb, and you know the rest.

Tried two handing my .45 Commander and my 4 inch Smith right next to each other, and the slide of the .45 in my left hand caught the skin between my right thumbnail and knuckle and split it nicely. Looking at the scar it left as I type this. Oh, and I wasn't as accurate as Bruce was either. Go figure. :eek: