Have you ever suffered a boo-boo while shooting?


New member
Well it's always snowy here, plenty of times falling on ice going downrange. One reason I don't bring my guns downrange.


New member
Hunting antelope out west. I had one tag left and 2 hours to fill it. Found a herd, put a short stalk on them, lined up the rifle and missed about a100 yard shot (stupid pressure). The herd started running away from me, I jumped up, worked the bolt and chambered another round, ran about 10 yards and set up for another shot if the herd stopped. They did, I waited for my shot and took my antelope at around 200 yards. On the way to clean her, my index finger started throbbing. Looked down and saw a gaint blood blister from the knuckle to the fingernail tip. Some how, I caught my finger in between the bolt and stock when I chambered my second shot. Didn't break it, but that damn thing hurt like hell. In hindsight, I'm not even sure how I was able to chamber another round with my finger stuck between the bolt and stock.


New member
Oh, i got another one. When i was breaking in my SKS for some odd reason I wondered how hot the barrel was. With my bare hand. Note to self: wavy heat lines above a barrel means that it just may be HOT!:eek:


New member
never a boo boo.... couple of times boo hoo tho... missed a shot at a ten pointer year before last... that was a boohoo for sure


New member
Oh man, that reminds me of this one.

I was doing transition drills from M4 to M9 with a sling that was way too short and about 1,000rds downrange at that point (on 3rd burst). Tried to force the M4 back outta the way too hard and managed to slide the barrel across the back of my hand (not wearing gloves was stupid too). Sometimes BBQ is bad...


New member
Not while shooting but while cleaning one.

While reassembling my CBOB the slide locked up. Like a dumba$$(who should have known better) I gripped the pistol with my left hand and pressed the back of the slide with my right hand. (You can all see where this one goes) The slide released and the ejector ripped a nice gouge into my hand. Three stitches later I got to leave the emergency room.


New member
Lessons learned over time.

1) Don't try to convert your average .22 LR semi to full auto. It stovepiped a live round which fortunately didn't go off and was pointed directly at my future wife. I was 15 or 16 at the time.

2) Do not shoot large truck tires with a .22 LR. I shot one @ about 50 yds. expecting something great to happen. The bullet bounced back and got me in the right shoulder, only a few inches from its point of origin.

3) Do not expect a toilet to break when using a .22 LR. The bullet shatters in the bowl and the shrapnel flys right back at you.

4) Don't get too excited when a large covey of quail take flight and you're carrying an old Stevens SbS with double triggers, you CAN grab both by in the excitement of the moment. Picked up 11 and about a half dozen more fell into the palmettos where the rattlesnakes hang out, didn't try for them.

Close calls.

Cracked the reciever on an early mod. Mini-14, we were chrono-ing over 4200 fps when it cut loose.

Cracked the cylinder on a Ruger SBH while working up loads in the field. When I took it in the family gunsmith showed me his collection of blown-up firearms and told me that I'd been walking on thin ice for too long and something serious was going to happen if I kept it up. I sold all of my reloading equipment and have been shooting factory ever since. That was 33 yrs. ago.


New member
Only real shooting related injury is the cracked nose and black eyes I got from a scope once. Too short of eye relief for magnum muzzleloader loads :eek:.

Had a well publicized hunting related injury about 18 mos ago though. 18 ft. fall from a treestand, broken back, surgery to fuse spine from T11-L2. Metal detectors should love me now......:D. I was bowhunting at the time so it wasn't really gun related......

EDIT: Remembered a couple more.........

Threw up a Remington 1100 once left handed on a dove crossing overhead at a steep angle. I was 15-16. Learned then that you shouldn't shoot a right eject semiauto left handed at a steep angle. Got my eye burned by some gasses.

Once got peppered with birdshot on a dove field by someone's kid from the other side of the field. He shot at a low bird. I got some bruising from the shot and a cracked watch bezel. My father in law who was sitting right beside me at the time got one pellet just under the skin of his forearm.


New member
Lots of various flying fragments not worth mentioning. But three that are (somewhat?) worth sharing.

Only been slide bitten once, and I'm proud to say that it was by the most slide bite'n'est handgun ever made: I put one magazine through a Walther PPK (/s?) and bloodied up my hand. Never done it with any other handgun.

Early in my shooting life, I was trying a sitting position with a small bore rifle... shorts and tennis shoes, no socks, caught a piece of hot brass in my shoe that I couldn't get out... burned the top of my foot and left a nice scar. The rifle-- grade one Browning, with the bottom eject. I was asking for it!

Dumbest injury I've ever gotten from any kind of shooting: Took a primed but otherwise empty 12-gauge shell in to the basement and took aim with a BB gun. Don't recall how many shots before I hit it, but I did. It popped, then it removed itself from the shell at great speed and embedded itself in my calf. I had to pull the bloody thing out of my leg.

On another note... when I was in high school, I was on an indoor range, an outdoor range or a skeet field for 5 out of every 7 days, literally. Shooting was pretty much ALL that I did. Never for any of that did I ever wear shooting glasses. No protective eye wear of any sort. At some point in my 20s, I had an epiphany. Never a close call, just wised up.

These days, I would sooner shoot buck naked then to go shooting without my eye protection. Wearing them is as natural as breathing or walking.


New member
Took a primed but otherwise empty 12-gauge shell in to the basement and took aim with a BB gun. Don't recall how many shots before I hit it, but I did. It popped, then it removed itself from the shell at great speed and embedded itself in my calf. I had to pull the bloody thing out of my leg.


When I was a teenager there was this metal post down in the woods near a friends house. Said metal post had a hole in it just large enough to accomodate a 12 ga round.

learned that the primers of 12 ga birdshot shells made the ultimate reactive target for a bb gun. From a distance...........

Shadi Khalil

New member
Just yesterday I caught a hot casing to the eye. It bounced off the divider wall and right into my eye protection. It left a pretty cool burn mark, I think I'll wear it out this weekend. :)


New member
LOL. What a great thread.

Only with a new used Kel Tec P11 that I did the stupid grip with.

The slide got my left hand twice before my anti stupid switch kicked in.

Not the guns fault at all,all mine.

By that time,my hands looked like something out of a Freddie Krueger movie.

Sure did'nt have to worry about neighbors in the range slots next to me with that blood all over the gun,my hands,my bullets and my targets.:D

"Hey,hows your shooting going ,neighbor,MINES GOING FINE.":D


Staff In Memoriam
A few...
First was a hot casing out of a Ruger P-85 that landed 'tween my glsses and face... I did more damaging scratching my self with fingernails trying to get it outta there.

Second was a less then stiff hold on a 20 gauge PGO that resulted in a fat lip. Best thing was no one was looking when i did it...

Last was shooting my MKIII .22/45 pistol and some how I forgot to keep my thumb out of the way of the bolt... No blood but I learned real fast that even a .22lr shucks the bolt with "AUTHORITY":eek: