Have you ever suffered a boo-boo while shooting?


New member
What the worst that ever happened to you while shooting your weapon of choice.

When I shot a 12 gauge for the first time in my life I shot slugs.When I fired the round I guess I was not holding it firmly enough or may stance may also been a factor that the gun jumped or slide off my coller bone and bruised me up pretty good and the boone was sore for weeks or longer.

Last summer when I shot my Glock G19 at the indoor range with hot loads one of the shells bounced off the concrete wall to my right I guess and came back at me and got stuck between my glasses and forehead and burned me ouch.

One other time with my sig .357 one of the shells came straight at me at least my eyes think so and bounced off my forehead and the brass cut me enough to look as I had a serous head wound.I am sure you guys know a head one cut is.When I checked out the range master said what happen to your forehead he said ouch and laughed.When I got home my wife asked me as well and When it started to heal every where I went people I know asked about it.

Last but least have you ever got skinned by a semi auto slide that was released, I have it dont feel so good.

I know these are minor injurys then some may have experience but all the same still injurys.
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New member
Stitches. I was at the range, and the guy in the next lane had a S&W Sigma .40 and offered to let me shoot a mag through it. Well, I'd been shooting wheel guns that day, and got careless. Instead of laying my left thumb alongside of the gun, stupidity set in and I laid it across my right thumb.

Boom! YOUCH!

Massive slide bite. Laid it open right down to the bone. Bled all over the place. We got the bleeding stopped well enough for me to call SWMBO to come get me and take me to the ER.

And -- I've never made that same mistake again. Funny how that works...


Moderator Emeritus
Back in... Summer of '94?... I was shooting my 6" Rossi 971 with some of Georgia Arms new "Deerstopper" loads.

For whatever reason (probably having to do with being young, stupid, and impatient), I wasn't wearing eye protection.

I thumb-cocked the hammer veerrrry slowly, being kind of a-skeered of what was about to happen, and the cylinder didn't carry up all the way. When I fired, the bullet shaved off some jacket on the forcing cone, and before I realized what was going on, I had a chunk of copper sticking out of my left cheek about 3/4" below my eye.

I bled like a stuck pig, but I was more scared than hurt.

I've been pretty religious about eye pro since then...

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
First time I shot a deer.... it was running and I was at sort of low ready waiting for a good angle. When it got where I wanted I swung the gun up and shot.... with the gun about 3 inches from my shoulder. 12ga. Yep, that one hurt. Didn't feel a thing at first, what with the adrenaline and all. About 5 minutes later it felt like my entire right side was broken. The next day I had a bruise that extended almost down to my elbow, half way up my neck and in a semi-circle about 8 inches down my chest from the point of impact on my shoulder. That is a lesson I have had no trouble not repeating.


New member
I have feet marks on my back.

'Bout ten years ago, my daughter's then boyfriend let off with a 12 gauge about 18 inches from my right ear. Pretty well wiped out my ability to hear higher pitched sounds with that ear.

Oh yeah.... the feet marks. If I'm sleeping on my left ear, the right one won't hear the alarm clock.... Mrs. Grymster tolerates this condition for right around 3 femto-seconds before her cold feet slam into my back, knocking me off the bed and onto the alarm clock on the floor.... which usually quiets it. :)

I don't much rely on the clock any more... for some reason I usually wake about ten minutes before it's due to go off. These days, I don't seem to require so much coffee to get going in the mornings either. :)


New member
Boo Boo X 3

firstly, long time ago when sighting in a .22 rifle scope, I got cocky and shot a coin resting on a fence wire, leaning on the wood. Trouble was, the post wasnt a post into the ground, it was a stringer, in between posts. Well, I hit the coin fair in the center, of course the coin came back with the slug stuck thru it, and hit me fair in the middle of the forehead. Obviously, I dropped my new rifle in the mud and was frantically patting my forehead and looking at the hand, checking my head for blood :eek: There was none, but boy I felt like a goose :eek:

Also, first time I shot a SA 22 pistol, I had my left (offhand) thumb in just the wrong place. Ripped, lifted and broke off the corner of my thumbnail (ouch) little blood but very sore, especially as I was shooting black powder that day, the residue from the black literally was salt in the wound.... (extra long stingy OUCH) wont do that again.

Lastly, got all excited shooting Cowboy action, with my Rossi coach gun (12ga) I accidently let both barrels go at once.... I felt that, had the bruise to prove it too :eek: :D

Im a really expeeeeeerienced shooter now..... I dont do stoopid stuff like that any more.... til next time :eek: :D

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Rich Miranda

New member
When I started shooting my shotgun (now sold), I'm pretty sure I was holding it incorrectly. After about 75 rounds of fun (including some magnum shells I will NEVER shoot again :D ) I went home and noticed my arm was sore. I looked and there was this bruise there. It actually got worse later but this is the only picture that I took.



New member
It happened to My Son.
He has a Yugo Mauser in 8mm with a Scope,He had His Eye too close to the Scope and when He fired He got a pretty bad black Eye.


New member
Both my 1911s take skin from the web between my thumb and trigger finger, I need to take some metal off the safety on the Kimber and the slide bites on the Commander. I try to shoot often enough the callous doesn't go away. I got burned by some brass during an ambush simulation while in RIP at Ft Lewis. Otherwise not much.


New member
Lol very minor ones that are "good boo-boo's"...
Broke in my 1911 with enough rounds that I got a blister on my finger and a cut from pulling that darn trigger so many times.

Got a sore shoulder from breaking in my mossberg 590 with a few of those 100 shell boxes of birdshot and a bunch of slugs I got to shoot waterbottles.

No serious injuries though, idk if that's good or bad :D
When I was about 6yrs old, my dad got me a Crossman BB gun for my birthday.
It was late in the evening when I opened it, so I "couldn't" go out and shoot it.
So... I turned on the porch light so I could see, and then I took the lid off a steel trash can and propped it up against a tree about 15yrds away. Very first shot came back and hit me directly on my pee-pee.
Dropped me instantly. It was the first shot I ever took with a gun of any kind, and I think, from a safety perspective, it was well worth it ... :D


New member
SxS blues

I was out shooting with a couple friends and I had just purchased my first SxS, eventually one of them convinced me to let both barrels go at once. Natually being 18 years old at the time made me think it "wouldn't be that bad" and "I can handle it". Upon firing my left leg immediatley left the ground for a moment and i nearly dropped the shotgun. Of course being "out with the guys" made me shrug it off when I was really screaming obscenities in my head. When I woke up for work the next morning almost my entire shoulder was purple and work was absolutely miserable for about a week after. More so because I'm a welder and picking up 80-100+ pounds repeatedly is not uncommon for me.:(
I won't be doing that ever again thats for sure.


New member
I had my Model 1935 Beretta bite me pretty hard the first time I took it out to the range. It's a small gun with a SA hammer. If the web of skin between your thumb and trigger finger slips under the hammer, which is prone to happen, watch out. It hurts like hell when it comes down on your hand and bleeds forever. Your day at the range will be done....


New member
very interesting post thus far guys and certainly glad no one was seriously hurt, life threating wise.I hate when unexpected things happen it gives me no time to prepare.


New member
Outside of the usual cuts and bruises that come with training, I ended up with a line of .223 sized burns down my face. My training parter was shooting on the line beside me at just the right angle for his brass to drop on my face. I was focused on my target so didn't really care (I'd been pelted with brass for a while by that point) until I got home and found the perfect circles in a line.

That still wasn't as bad as the .223 case that hit the back of my neck and stuck there. That burn lasted a long while.

The worst injury I avoided was in an AK course where the shooter on the line next to me got a bit fatigued and didn't realize the safety was off his AK. He started to pop it as he came up (he was using the field expedient 550 cord loop under the safety), and the slack in the line caused his finger to pop the trigger instead. Fortunately, the muzzle hadn't swept my foot and the ND went into the gravel beside my foot. I ended up with a couple of bruises, my buddy had some cuts from flying rock, but I avoided a 123 grain through the top of the foot or the side of the ankle.
The worst that has EVER happened is shooting myself in the foot with a .22 revolver.

The worst lately is the standard "ouchie" I received from a very poorly thought out grip position the first time I fired a Glock I had just purchased. :eek:



I was looking at an Arsenal SLR107CR and I was pushing down on a very stiff safety lever down and when I pushed it back up to safe I pinched alittle part of the palm of my hand it was mildly painful had a blood blister but thats all.
I never hurt my self at a range but I did have a 9mm casing from my Glock go in my hair and hit me in the glasses 1 or 2 times but did not feel anything really.


Active member
I had a sizeable chunk of lead ricochette and hit me in the chest. Felt like someone punched me pretty hard in the chest too - left a bruise, but no penetration. That's about it, other than some hammer bite now and then and burning my hand on my AC556 Gas Block.