Have I turned into a "gun nut"?


New member
At one point my wife owned five different sewing machines. One of our grown children asked her why so many, wouldn’t one good machine work for her? She answered that they each served different needs. It was obvious that the person asking the question knows nothing about the sewing arts, and accepted that reality. But somehow when it comes to gun, people that know absolutely nothing about them, how they work, what they are intended for, etc. feel totally confident in their criticisms. Combine that with their fear of firearms, based upon ignorance, a bit of reality, and movies/TV, and their confident arrogance is unquestioned. Compared to most here on this Forum, I would venture that I have very, very few firearms. Yet to my brother who lives in the NYC area, where guns are seen only with law enforcement and criminals, owning even two guns would be seen as an “arsenal”.