Have I turned into a "gun nut"?

Does anybody here like watching really young ladies (competitive shooter Jade Struck:) and Christi Ane) present Dillon reloading gear, professionally? This actually influences gun nutters. :cool:

... Also....:) Nice 60's hair style ? :) Rather Italian?
Watching pretty ladies disassemble a Taurus PT111 or even just Clean their guns can be a magnet.

"Faliaphotography", (nice, long takedown of Rob. Arms XCR .308), Hot Brass and Bullets (you think that You have a "mancave"? Watch her bunker tour) And "JMAC Customs", "Ruger P345, Julie McQueen". These appealing ladies have infuenced my curiosity about different gun types.
Had these types of ladies showcased the Czech VZ-58 :cool:, it truly would be a cult rifle.

Glad that I was honest with myself in early 2019, and Finally bought a Czechpoint VZ, 'striker-fired', milled 7.62x39 (despite having three imported AKMs; they're still lots of fun). Czech Army guys call it the "scythe" :eek:.

Never, ever postpone any affordable purchase-- especially between panics -- if you can sell something to more quickly provide the cash.

MIOkie: that was a funny quote from Monty Python's "Holy Grail" , with somewhat Friar Michael Palin :D (borderline hysteria) reading from the "Book of Common Wisdom" (?).
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New member
To echo what others have stated, I do not volunteer personal info regarding what firearms I own and how many. It's nobody's business.

My ex-wife asked a similar question with regard to why I have so many records. Why do people collect anything? Because it brings you personal joy and satisfaction. Perhaps their questions are an attempt to complain about consumerism. I'm sure they'll say something like, "well, guns kill people, therefore, you don't need to own a lot." I'm sure the irony in their statement is completely lost when they don't consider taking personal responsibility. It's rooted in ignorance, pure and simple.


New member
I dunno bud... It's all about definitions. In your world a dozen guns might be considered a little excessive, possibly to the point of being a little loony. In my part of the world, you're just not trying at all. At those counts, in the world I think most of us inhabit, you're not even a pathological gun accumulator much less a gun nut.

At one point I had 45x .45ACP 1911's (at which point I stopped buying 1911's) and one of all Glock models (except the G18) until the G36 came out at which point I stopped buying Glocks. That wasn't being a gun nut. That was building an actual collection, rather than an accumulation.

Later on collecting had passed by the wayside for me and I became an accumulator. I had accumulated something like 35 bolt action rifles and 20 shotguns and similar numbers of pistols with a handful of semi-auto rifles and lever guns. At that point I classed myself as an accumulator. Others would say "nut" or "collector" and I'd have to correct them. What I had was an accumulation, not either of those other 2 things.

The guy that got me into building up a usefully diverse and interesting arsenal was a real gun nut. He had 3 storage units completely full of whatever he could find that would go bang. He pathologically hoarded guns of all kinds and ammo and would never even visit his collection unless he was adding to it. Everything in his life revolved around guns. Even his coffee cups were either shaped like guns or covered with gun logos. He got all the gun magazines and was a member of every pro-gun org. That's a nut.

What I own now is a massively smaller set but still enough to raise eyebrows now and then. I think maybe 2 people in the world know what kind of numbers are involved and any kind of detail around those numbers. All almost anyone else knows for sure is, I have at least 4 rifles and a pistol.


New member
Most of us?

Those of us that have more than a few guns tend to be discrete about the quantity.
The guns always have intrinsic worth. For most of us the guns are significant $$$.
If they have been owned for more than a short time, and have been purchased well they are likely worth more than what was paid for them originally.

I take the question of how many guns I have the same way I would take a question of how much money I have.

I typically respond with something noncommittal like a few or some. Should the person persist rudely?

None of your business. Self edited for politeness.


New member
Since nobody knows the count of mine, I find that they react to the appearance of my guns just as negatively. That being the case, I LOVE showing chicken little types the picture below just to get their hands waving in the air. They don't need a particular thing to get all hand-wavey at... anything will do.

There is a particular set of people that continuously refer to the rifles below as "sniper rifles", which I have to constantly remind them are actually "match rifles" because "sniper" is a vocation, not an activity. Could you imagine any actual sniper hauling either one of these brightly colored "come shoot me" signs around a battle space?


Onward Allusion

New member
You have 8 firearms. Nope, not even close to having too many. As for ammo, to put it into perspective - that's 6 bricks of 22 LR or 60 boxes of 50 rounders. When things were normal, I'd shoot about 1 brick of 22LR and around 5 to 6 boxes of centerfire pistol ammo - once per week.


New member
Ignition Override...

ballardw posted the Monty Python quote earlier in the thread.

I was trying to quote him. I really need to learn how to properly quote people on here.

Wish I could take the credit for summoning that Python reference...!


New member
You have 8 firearms. Nope, not even close to having too many. As for ammo, to put it into perspective - that's 6 bricks of 22 LR or 60 boxes of 50 rounders. When things were normal, I'd shoot about 1 brick of 22LR and around 5 to 6 boxes of centerfire pistol ammo - once per week.
Yep I agree with you. I am missing a shotgun : )

I started another thread about which one to get

And with that I'd call my collection complete, except... maybe get rid of the Hi-Point carbine in .45 and get something Glock based, maybe the Mechtech. So from now on it is tweaking, instead of adding to the collection.


New member
Anyone that asks how many guns you gun is likely to be a person who knows nothing, absolutely nothing about firearms. Asking the question implies that they are thinking that "a gun is a gun is a gun", as if any one gun could serve all the purposes for which guns are used. Just my opinion, but how many and what guns one has is not the best information to be spreading around your social circles. You might be telling your trusted and friendly neighbor, who in turn mentions to a workmate that his crazy neighbor owns lots of guns and ammo, etc., who tells his criminal brother-in-law and soon someone is breaking into your home while you are away at work. If you live in a state with "red flag" laws, just knowing you have multiple firearms might indicate to some that you are a danger to yourself or others and a complaint will be filed, following which the cops tear your house apart in their search for each and every firearm you own. Discretion is the better part of valor.
Interesting, my psychiatrist keeps asking me the same damn question over and over. And I am getting sick and tired of all those stupid ink blot test.
It's not my fault they all look like guns!
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New member
Guys at work, friends, neighbors, family members know I hunt and target shoot, and I get asked quite often how many guns I have.

Not enough. That’s how many I have.

It’s nobody else’s business. I don’t offer the info, and when asked they get “not enough”.

Even my wife doesn’t know exactly how many I have. She’s knows how many she owns, and that I have more than her.


New member
Guys at work, friends, neighbors, family members know I hunt and target shoot, and I get asked quite often how many guns I have.
Yep right? That's why I posted this tongue in cheek thread. In my experience that's the typical question from non-gun people when they learn that someone is into guns.

They seem to be ok with it if you say you have one or two for hunting (EXCEPT if they learn that the one gun is an AR).

Three to four... may raise and eyebrow.

Beyond 5 guns you are definitely a gun nut in their mind. : )

Even my wife doesn’t know exactly how many I have
Same with mine, they all look the same to her so I use it to my advantage. "Is that a new gun?" No, it is the old _______ , I just changed the buttstock.
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New member
This post made me start thinking about my own accumulation. I own a total of 11 firearms.
1 12ga shotgun
1 9mm carbine
1 .308 semiautomatic hunting rifle
1 .22 single shot rifle
2 .38 Special revolvers
2 9mm semiautomatic handguns
1 .32 semiautomatic handgun
1 .357 revolver
1 .410/.45 Colt revolver

Of those 11 firearms, I actually purchased only three. The rest were inherited, gifted, or purchased for me as a part of my job duties.

I enjoy shooting, and I enjoy learning about the weapons I own. I spend a lot of time on sites such as this because I take firearm ownership seriously and I want to absorb as much information about them as possible. I don't collect guns; most of them are parts of a self/home defense plan. I'm also not hoarding ammo for a zombie apocalypse, but I do believe in being reasonably prepared in the event trouble should come to my door. I don't believe I am a "gun nut" - but if others want to label me as such, that's fine. I won't lose any sleep over it.


New member
A few years ago, my gun hating sister found out that I had a number of guns, and of course, she asked, "What do you need all those for?"

If she knew how many I've bought since then, she would probably stroke out. If I collected knives, she would be fine with it, or ballpoint pens, or like her husband does, pipes of all kinds (Tobacco type), but collecting guns is somehow different?