Glock Bashing

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I'll sum up the entire Glock bash following

It's like hating a rival sports team. We hate their guts because they are so damn good. When one flaw arises, it makes news. For every KB or JAM, the Glock will perform 100,000,000 times without a hitch.

It's like my Eagles rivalry with Dallas. Most of us Eagles fans always say Dallas Sucks!!!! Even when they win, they suck!! It's the same with Glocks. Glocks are one of the best pistols ever made and everyone here knows it, but they suck just because, just like my hated rival the Cowboys.

There you have it. Glocks are good like that always winning good sports team, but the suck just because I hate them.

End of thread!!! :D


New member
And in response to njtrigger. i am pretty sure there were men around before the 80's. I am pretty sure there were two world wars fought before then, what did those "fake men" use. Wait, they used steel slab sided autos and 6 shot revolvers to get the job done.

My model 29 weighs twice as much as a G17 and is far more powerful. But dont worry, your still a man because your 17 rounds of ammo says so.


New member
Clint Smith shoots 1911's and revolvers, and i believe he trains some special forces at Thunder Ranch. Cops are not "professionals" and last time i read about it the Seals use Sig/HK. I dont know though, im not a Seal and i dont pretend to know any so i can sound smarter online.

It is not the weapon that bothers me, it is the mentality. Glocks are not high end pistols. They are not perfect, no gun is. If Glocks were perfect then there would not be another company able to produce weapons because Glock would own the market.

I think Glocks are ok guns, but i like my Sig and HK better for semis. Personal choice.

The perfection people are just deluded morons who have neither the refinement or possibly the resources to get themselves something better.

First, you gotta get over the fact its NOT a contest. And if you think it is you're competing with a bunch of fools. These are just tools. Metal and plastic that spits out bullets.

Its not hard to find out what these professionals think of various weapons. I've exchanged PM's and emails with Frogman (active duty SEAL) over at TacticalForums and spoke with FBI SWAT officers at the range and forums like Lightfighter. There's stuff out there written by the REAL DEAL if you look for it. You and some others assume too much about a piece of plastic and steel solely based on the worst stereotypes of a Glock "Perfection" true believer. Its a weapon. Glocks work really well for a lot of people but very very few say its the best or Perfection. And where are all these people who are shouting Glock Perfection? I just don't see them as often as some claim. I seem to see more people who dont' have to carry one whine about them though.:rolleyes:


New member
Anything popular gets knocked...

...and Glock is very popular.

I don't care if it's a car, a song, or a movie. Anything that is hugely successful will generate negative backlash, deserved or not.

FWIW, I used to own a Glock, and would recommend them to anybody. I just don't like the grip angle. For some people, it points naturally. For me, it feels awkward.


New member
Ok, just think a moment why that glock kaboomed and it got cought on a Video tape.
Hmm...maybe a self-loaded overcharged cartridge?

That does happen... but it is also true that many a Glock has KBed on factory (Non-Double Charged) ammo. The 40 is the worst of the bunch.. but Glocks do seem a little more prone to KBs than most other weapons I've seen. There have even been 17s that KBed on Factory (Non-Double Charged) ammo. It's a simple reliable gun but there isn't much to it.

I personally don't like Glocks or Glock Like weapons because of the lack of a manual safety. Just set in my ways and it's something I've become used to. I'd never buy a revolver with a safety... just preference I guess. They're good cheap servicable guns, but I personally do not lump them into the category of combat handguns.

I'm an HK man myself. They lodged a bullet in the barrel of an HK and fired another round behind it. It cleared the weapon with only the slightest buldge in the barrel and the weapon went on to fire many more rounds with acceptable accuracy. I firmly believe a Glock would have just exploded.


New member
Simple, if it's popular there will always be people who don't think it should be.
I once posted that I owned a 10 second Mustang LX on a car forum,
the next 5 posts were something like "my slightly modified Camaro will waste your POS mustang." Immaturity is the reason.


New member
My biggest beef with Glocks is the price. Is a new G19 really worth $565 new? Ouch!! If I could get a new one for even $400, I'd have one by now. I just always thought they were overpriced, for what they are. Maybe a used one someday...


New member
Hi Point rules, that's probably why some people don't like Glocks. An empty Glock will never make as good of an impact weapon as an empty Hi Point.

Glock, as good as they are will never have Hi Point's fine warranty service.

As ill as some people get over Glocks, there is simply no substitute for the newbie in the next lane with their high dollar gun watching your target being pulled in then peeking in your lane and eyeballing your glorious Hi Point.

The wretching is usually audible even with earplugs and earmuffs.

Need an emergency duck decoy anchor? Again the Hi Point is superior.

I have owned a Glock and very well might own another, but they ain't Hi Points, that's for sure. :D


As ill as some people get over Glocks, there is simply no substitute for the newbie in the next lane with their high dollar gun watching your target being pulled in then peeking in your lane and eyeballing your glorious Hi Point.

It's the shooter, not the gun. Some people just have a lot of money to throw into their shooting hobby and have all the toys. That doesn't mean they can shoot.


New member
Hi Point rules, that's probably why some people don't like Glocks. An empty Glock will never make as good of an impact weapon as an empty Hi Point.

Glock, as good as they are will never have Hi Point's fine warranty service.

As ill as some people get over Glocks, there is simply no substitute for the newbie in the next lane with their high dollar gun watching your target being pulled in then peeking in your lane and eyeballing your glorious Hi Point.

The wretching is usually audible even with earplugs and earmuffs.

Need an emergency duck decoy anchor? Again the Hi Point is superior.

I have owned a Glock and very well might own another, but they ain't Hi Points, that's for sure.

You added to the discussion as much as anyone here.:D

Mal H

This one has gone on too long and has traveled too far downhill in a short period of time. As far as I can tell, there was no good reason to resurrect it.

It's closed.
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