Glock Bashing

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New member
The video convinced me.
No GLOCK's for me.

I don't like the idea of plastic being the only barrier between an explosion and my hand.

Ok, just think a moment why that glock kaboomed and it got cought on a Video tape.
Hmm...maybe a self-loaded overcharged cartridge? :rolleyes:

AFAIK somwhere was a description for that tape, it was a overcharged cartridge and they even knew it.
And didnt they put it on a wood frame after that?


New member
Ok, just think a moment why that glock kaboomed and it got cought on a Video tape.
Hmm...maybe a self-loaded overcharged cartridge?

yes... that's a possible explanation... then again, hmmmmm... maybe it was due to a partially unsupported chamber design? Many pistols have some degree of a partially unsupported chamber but it seems that Glocks are particularly susceptable to these kind of failures.

Note the degree of swelling in the brass from a Glock in this pic. That's a HUGE amount of area not being supported! Reloads or not, that is not intelligent engineering.



New member
I'm very new here but have been on other forums. Why is it that glock seems to be seriously bashed more than other guns?

Sad too, especially when you consider that some people will actually speak well of Taurus...


New member
I'm very new here but have been on other forums. Why is it that glock seems to be seriously bashed more than other guns?

Sad too, especially when you consider that some people will actually speak well of Taurus...

I don't really consider myself bashing Glocks. The evidence is clear, Glocks can have serious issues under certain circumsances. They seem to have a higher incidence of kb's although some may be attributed to overcharged reloads. Double charging happens to a LOT of firearms and many suffer damage, but not typically to the extent of a Glock.

I've seen a couple tops of cylinders and top straps of revolvers blown off, I've seen swelled barrels and even splits in barrels on semi-autos and I've seen some destroyed chambers. I've also seen the effects of normal factory ammo on the likes of Davis, Lorcin, Raven, etc, type pistols completely destroy the pistol and injure the shooter. But not one other single make of handgun has so many instances of AD/ND's and KB's as Glock has had.

As I said, I attempt to not bash Glocks without bringing substance to my arguments. I try to put it as more of an informational type of presentation and try to remain unbiased about it.

Would I buy a Glock? Maybe. Would I use it for my daily CCW weapon? Perhaps. Would I shoot a Glock as my range gun and put thousands of rounds through it? Possible but doubtful.

Glock is close to perfection... close... but they could take a dang good design and make it better with a few minor changes and then I might commit to one.

Pappy John

New member
I absolutely hated the look of that barely machined (from the outside) soul-less block of steel sitting on top of a hunk of plastic and said for years that I'd never own one.


After twenty five plus years of shooting, I'm getting really tired of spending more time in my basement, reloading ammo, than I spend on the range, shooting it, so I decided to look for a 9mm to have something in centerfire that was cheap enough to shoot and throw the damn brass away. I succumbed to a great price on a used, but unshot, G17;.... and you know what? The thing just works and it works darn well. It turned out to be as accurate as any iron sighted handgun in my stable, which really surprised me. I just never expected that from a gun with such funky rifling in the barrel and where the slide just rides on four points.

Close to fifteen hundred happy rounds downrange without a hiccup and expecting ten or twenty thousand more. I loves my Gl*ck now!:D

Now my only problem is that I'm too innately frugal to really throw ANY brass away. I'm doomed to getting dies for this thing too!:mad:


New member
Why is it that ever time one of these come up, that the SAME horror stories are told? only:

a. They are worst then before.
b. Never the fault of the ammo.
c. Never the fault of the owner/operator (the biggest variable)
d. Always the fault of the gun/design.
e. and I believe everything I read, see and hear on the Internet, good or bad, but mostly only the bad stuff.

To the original question. IMO, I truly believe that it's down to one thing and one thing only....a truly ingenious advertising slogan on the part of Gaston Glock's team. "GLOCK PERFECTION".

Regardless if it's true or not, you have just started the largest controversy in the gun industry.

Now, I will pose a theory to you. Go out into the street today, find 100 people who knows absolutely nothing about guns, now ask them to give you one gun manufacturer's name, how many times do you think 'Glock' will be mentioned? even my 88 year old grandmother knows about Glocks and all she knows is that they are guns.....who wins? the ones who buy and shoot Glocks?, the nay sayers?..................GLOCK. it's all about money, the more controversy, the more times 'GLOCK' is mentioned, you can not pay enough for this kind of advertising.....


New member
GLOCK bashing

People bash GLOCKS because they are afraid of them. Internal "hammer" (I know it;s a striker), no mannual safety. Plus, they just flat out work. A complaing soldier,(or cop, sailor, Marine etc...) is a happy one. Glocks give no raesons to complain. Light, accurate and reliable.
People who hate Glocks....

....are like me, or what I used to be....never saw one up close...never fired one...assumed they were junk because they were plastic...then I handled one...liked it...bought one...then 2...sold them....and bought 2 more (G37 & 38)...only downside I can see is that they are way overpriced...seems the cost to actually manufacture these babies is in the high 2 less than $100.00.;)


New member
This is probably the source of some of that 'bashing'.

If you listen HARD, you might be able to hear something about "slinging the rock" and then "B***h throw me the Glock".

This isn't the reason I don't like them, I personally just prefer other guns. It's not that they aren't fine weapons, they just don't fit me personally. I prefer a 1911/BHP/S&W wheelie or auto.:)


Glock Dislike

Dissassembly is my gripe. I remove magazine and check chamber with slide back but from there my technique falters. It is easy to forget to pull the trigger after determining that the mag is out and the chamber empty and then
pulling slide back 1/10th of an inch and holding it there and pushing down on both sides of the disassembly bar. I need one more hand because that bar does not do nice things to the forefinger and thumb and does not protrude
very far on each side. I feel that some kind of tool would be nice for pushing that blankety-blank bad down ! But it ain't gonna happen.

Not really serious problem because it sits in a gun safe and I shoot and carry a 1911 clone.


We have entered a new time in which people are kinder and gentler so they go out and buy all these sissy guns.

If your looking for a mans weapon, then go out and get yourself a Glock. Stop using that technology from World War I or trying to act like Kojak with that wheel gun. Its time to step up. Glock or XD is the only way to go.


New member
Note the degree of swelling in the brass from a Glock in this pic. That's a HUGE amount of area not being supported! Reloads or not, that is not intelligent engineering.

Chamber support, I thought that the 100+ posts here showed that many other well known pistols have chambers like the (40S&W) Glock, unsupportet.

But Iam always wonder surprised about that big bulged brass I sometimes see in a Glock thread; as example I shoot magtechs 180 grains @ 1100 fp/s (clocked at 1075) which is not a wimpy load but the bulge at the brass is very hard to see at all. Reloading would not be a problem.

I sometimes wonder how such weak brass and/or bad loaded cartridges can even be fired savely in all kind of guns.

But back to the GLOCK bashing thread, I dont have a problem with other peoples oppinions/guns, but sometimes the Glock gets really hard bashed with questionable sources and pictures/tapes which dont even show the half amount of facts and which are considered to be the one and only truth.

Same goes for the 1911, H&K's etc....,

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Everyone pretty well done?

To recapitulate - - -
1. Glock chambers don't fully support the brass.
2. Glocks DO occasionally explode. (see 1., above.)
3. Glocks are somewhat homely. Well, less than handsome. Okay, be honest - - They're downright ugly.
4. "Glock Perfection" is conventional advertising hype, extended to the point of being ridiculous.
5. Glocks are favored by gangstas, for whatever reason, and this is offensive to conservative gunowners.
6. Glock disassembly is complicated(?!!?)
7. "Glock" is a funny-sounding name and it's easy to say "Block," or "Gluck."
8. Glocks don't have a manual safety latch OR a visible hammer.

Did I miss any obvious reasons to bash 'em?

Okay, then.

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10 MickeyMouse

New member
We have entered a new time in which people are kinder and gentler so they go out and buy all these sissy guns.

If your looking for a mans weapon, then go out and get yourself a Glock. Stop using that technology from World War I or trying to act like Kojak with that wheel gun. Its time to step up. Glock or XD is the only way to go.

In good faith, I will assume that this comment is very tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise, someone needs to get back to their video games.

Ok, just think a moment why that glock kaboomed and it got cought on a Video tape.
Hmm...maybe a self-loaded overcharged cartridge?

While it certainly could have been an overcharged handload, I very seriously doubt anyone would volunteer to have a gun KB in their hand for any reason, least of all to prove a point.

Glocks Rock!! if they didn't they wouldn't be so popular through out the world!!

Glocks are so popular becuase they are sold cheap and marketed aggressively. A very large percentage of US LE agencies used S&W auto's in the interim between wheelguns and the Glock revolution. S&W auto's cost these agencies nearly twice what Glocks do. Many LEO's are still carrying S&W's (and Beretta'), but when it comes time for the department to update these older guns, Glock is a much more economical way to go.

I have had Glocks. Mine never KB'd and always worked. But they were ugly, uncomfortable and my natural POA was always too high.

To the member that started the thread:

Why did you ever stop carrying the 1006? If I had to count on one handgun, that would be it.



I attribute it younger shooters many of which own one gun so to them it is the be all end all of firearms. Understandable.

You can count me out of this category;) I'm 19 and I don't bash glocks and have more then one gun, and has handled and owned numerous different guns :D

I do agree with this quote tho WillyT


New member
We have entered a new time in which people are kinder and gentler so they go out and buy all these sissy guns.

If your looking for a mans weapon, then go out and get yourself a Glock. Stop using that technology from World War I or trying to act like Kojak with that wheel gun. Its time to step up. Glock or XD is the only way to go.

I hope your being sarcastic. :rolleyes:


New member
To DAVE0520: does that video come with captions? I couldn't understand but a word or two.

My 1006 is a big bulky gun. Found it heavy to carry all day. Don't get me wrong. I still have it and it is my favorite gun. I put hogue wood grips on it and it is a looker too. Our deptartment furnishes our ammo and the 10mm in hydroshock is downloaded almost to 40 cal. specs. Thanks to double tap I can get actual 10mm ballistic loads for my own use. I guess this is my round about way of saying I fell for the beretta hype.

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