Glock Bashing

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New member
im not a glock fan either
im a big 1911 person
however i do own a glock i got for real cheap
and its ugly and very ugly but.....
it works just fine and i can see why some others like them
i mean there is guys who like ugly chicks:barf:


We have entered a new time in which people are kinder and gentler so they go out and buy all these sissy guns.

If your looking for a mans weapon, then go out and get yourself a Glock. Stop using that technology from World War I or trying to act like Kojak with that wheel gun. Its time to step up. Glock or XD is the only way to go.

I am so with you on this one RevolverLover, I really hope you are also being sarcastic njtrigger, or are you missing the green smily face somewhere that looks like this: :D
because 1911 were developed before WWI and they are one of the most proven design ever developed, thats probably why they are still around, some body need to school you on guns bud:D


New member
I am a Steel and Walnut man, a Classicist, don't even like aluminum frames, so the Glock is not for me. Don't eat white bread or drink beer, but it's for the
market to decide if those products will sell.
I will never buy a Glock, but if you want to give me one and it's OP, then...


New member
to njtrigger
the modern 1911, aka kimber, springfield loaded etc, is a better and more advanced gun that the glock will ever be. most of the people i know who carry glocks are beginners or people who have to carry something that lawyers like.
most real gun people carry a 45, in the 1911 frame design, and train well with it
sissy gun.....hmm wonder if they will make the glock in plastic pink or green


New member
Why do folks not like product lines?

Various reasons exist, for starters it is human nature to just argue and fuss about something. Ug and Or bashed each other's choice of Rock and Stick. This back before Cave Drawing caught on too.

Business Practices, including arrogant attitudes, low-balling price structures, political leanings, poor customer service, not made in US/being made in US, the Distributor...

Just like auto mfgs, folks are still upset with GM intake gaskets, Toyota engines being prone to sludge on some engines and I still remember the whiny sound a Chrysler starter made growing up and I hated the push button transmissions.

Ruger gets bashed because of the "nobody needs more than 10 rds..." statement.
S&W is get bashed with Politics with Clinton and before that the various owners making various business decisions. Gun lock did not help, then again S&W is owned by a lock company now..

Glock right off the bat with European attitudes upset a lot of folks. Continued European Attitudes continue to upset folks.

Now the TFL works is - one is to research for themselves and make an informed opinion. Mob Mentality is not what we do around here. We agree to disagree, and be civil about it.

Do you know "Why" you dislike something? Or instead just want to be accepted into a culture by agreeing to something?

Some reading to get folks started. Then of course with Internet, one can look up other gun mfgs, and make informed judgments for themselves about those.


Everyone likes to feel superior.

When Glocks came out, those who didn't own/like Glocks felt superior because they had aesthetically pleasing handguns made of blued steel, shiny alloys and beautiful wood, not angular black metal and ugly plastic.

Then it turned out that the Glocks worked surprisingly well, they were surprisingly durable. They even gained a strong following among knowledgeable gun owners. LE took to them like a duck to water.

Now having a pretty handgun wasn't enough for many people--in order to maintain that feeling of superiority they felt that they needed to campaign against black metal and plastic. And that's exactly what happened. The company was exploitational, the design was dangerously flawed, the frame will melt in the car, the owners are all stupid--likened to a suicide cult, even the advertising motto was attacked. Sure, there's some basis in fact for most of the vilification--has to be if it's going to be more than momentarily successful. But it's not really about the facts.

And, of course, Glock owners are people too. They wanted to feel superior too. So for every overblown attack, there was an overblown testimonial.

Now, there's not really that much attention paid to the facts on either side. People on both sides repeat things that were repeated to them by someone else who heard them repeated, pictures are posted out of context, anecdotes are twisted, invented, misconstrued.

It's great--everyone gets to feel superior and there are no casualties but the truth.

Do Glocks have problems? Sure, they're designed and manufactured by humans--they can't be perfect no matter what the slogan says.

Are Glocks dangerous? Not according to Dean Speir, perhaps the most noted Glock critic of them all. He goes so far as to post on his website that he carries a Glock 21 from time to time and that if you follow the manufacturer's cautions that Glocks are great. If you don't, you get the chance of becoming an anecdote.


New member
I would guess the biggest source of GLOCK bashing is a direct response to all too fervent GLOCK praise from some of the most fierce fanatics. You don't see for example the level of Steyr hate, because Steyr does not have as huge a following. The more powerful the support, the more powerful the backlash.


New member

Lets you and I get that cup of coffee and let folks continue on the way they are going to continue going no matter what.

$1 says we don't ask what we carry, what ammo we carry either. Forum members I have sat down with - guns and ammo never come into the conversation.
Now me ordering my coffee black had a few make comments. Just the way folks are...:)



Lets you and I get that cup of coffee and let folks continue on the way they are going to continue going no matter what.

It's gonna happen no matter what we do anyway. (The folks, not the coffee.)

Honestly, I've never noted a person's preferences in firearms to be a defining factor for whether or not I enjoy their company.

Now COFFEE is a different story. That's some important stuff there.:D :D

It just so happens I've got some genuine Colombian coffee in the freezer. Not the stuff they sell here as Colombian, but some stuff that was actually bought in a store down there--got a brother-in-law who travels a lot and likes me a little. If you're ever in the area, let me know and I'll let you have your first cup free. ;)


New member

I have some Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Beans...:)

Johnny Guest is itchin' at the bit - here we get folks to quit bashing Glocks, or anything else for second or three- and Johnny cannot make up his mind whether to go with Columbian or Jamaican.



Mark Milton

I think its a combination of things.
First of all, they begged for it with their boastful advertising.
Lets be honest. No thing made by the hand of man is perfect.
Even the Browning Hi Power, great as it feels in the hand, often feels rough in the action. 1911s are SA only, Berettas and Sigs are wide bottom guns, etc...
Second of all, Glock did not cover themselves with glory when problems popped up. The original model 17s could and did sometmes slamfire. Glock refused to call it's recall a recall and called it a mandatory product improvement upgrade....Yeah right.... Then there was the matter of a whole run of G-19s jamming for the NYPD the same year that a whole production run had inferior frames prone to cracking in the first 100 rounds....
More recently it is kabooms in the .40 caliber models....

Third of all, there is that annoying tendancy by some Glunkers who honestly don't know squat about firearms to go on and on and on about Glocks as if they are the ultimate gun. They bought the hype and they are drinkin' the cool aid... But us old guys who have shot high powers, 1911s and Berettas and Sigs know something. They are not. No gun is....
When manufactured properly, they are simple, sturdy and reliable guns of very light weight. But they ain't perfect, not by a longshot.
How many of the "Glocks are Perfect" crowd do you know who even have shot many other makes and models of service autos? In my experience the first thing a Glunker does when he fires a Sig or Beretta is want one badly....:D


New member
Glock pistols are some of the finest plastic wonders that have ever been made. Most Glock Kabooms are from the idiots who use steroid induced hot loads. SO they got what they deserved. Glocks reputation as combat pistols have proven themselves many many times.


New member
I shot a few, handled a few more. Don't like anything about them. I did trade for one a few weeks ago and I honestly tried to find something about it I liked. All I could say about it is the trigger wasn't as bad as the ones I'd fired before. I traded it off to a guy about like me. He kept it longer than I did, maybe a week. Somebody else has it now. If I ever get another one it'll be for the sole purpose of trading for something else.


New member
Glock pistols are some of the finest plastic wonders that have ever been made. Most Glock Kabooms are from the idiots who use steroid induced hot loads. SO they got what they deserved. Glocks reputation as combat pistols have proven themselves many many times.

This is an example of why folks bash Glocks - it's the Glockers that will defend the perfection of these things beyond all reason...


New member
When Glock has been around 100 years.....
When they have the combat reputation that the 1911 has.....
When Glockers admit that that aren't the end all be all in semi auto's.....
When they become the most copied semi auto platform.....


Going back to that rap video where Glock is mentioned among a mass of unintelligible garbage about shooting someone...

Those kids probably can't shoot worth a damn and are exactly the type of people I practice to defend against when the time comes.

That cop talking about safety and whatnot then shooting himself gets what he deserves. He's a moron... "This is an unloaded gun right here" and he never dropped the slide and checked the chamber did he? Then he says "This is a Glock 40, maybe you hear 50 cent talking about the Glock 40" well, there is no Glock 40 maybe he ment Glock 22 in .40 caliber?


New member
Glock pistols are some of the finest plastic wonders that have ever been made. Most Glock Kabooms are from the idiots who use steroid induced hot loads. SO they got what they deserved. Glocks reputation as combat pistols have proven themselves many many times.

This is an example of why folks bash Glocks - it's the Glockers that will defend the perfection of these things beyond all reason...

I see more people whining about people who allegedly say Glocks are "Perfection" than there actually are. Like the above, where is he saying they're "Perfection"? How do you know they weren't overcharged reloads? No doubt there are Glock Kool-aid drinkers (as there are for every brand) out there but they just aren't as prevalent as some people claim.:confused::rolleyes:

Never mind the newbs at the range who shoot everythign from Glocks to 1911's to HK's. Take a look at the armed professionals who actually carry them into harms way. Civilian contractors, soldiers, SWAT operators, to instructors at Gunsite or people like Ken Hackathorn to Larry Vickers. See what they actually think about Glocks. And try whining to their face like what I've seen in this thread and see what their reaction is.:rolleyes: Anyone who's that emotionally against what is a good and popular weapon (with armed professionals) need to reexamine their priorities.


KC-GRIZ, I don't think you are presenting the evidence correctly. If the Smith and Wesson 480's were blowing up when people exceeded maximum loading info or made load mistakes or even blowing up without knowledge of hot loads, I wouldn't tell someone not to buy a different Smith in a different caliber or model because of a possible problem with the 480.


New member
Clint Smith shoots 1911's and revolvers, and i believe he trains some special forces at Thunder Ranch. Cops are not "professionals" and last time i read about it the Seals use Sig/HK. I dont know though, im not a Seal and i dont pretend to know any so i can sound smarter online.

It is not the weapon that bothers me, it is the mentality. Glocks are not high end pistols. They are not perfect, no gun is. If Glocks were perfect then there would not be another company able to produce weapons because Glock would own the market.

I think Glocks are ok guns, but i like my Sig and HK better for semis. Personal choice.

The perfection people are just deluded morons who have neither the refinement or possibly the resources to get themselves something better.
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