Glock Bashing

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I'm very new here but have been on other forums. Why is it that glock seems to be seriously bashed more than other guns?

I started carrying a s&w 1006 in 1990. I tried a glock 19 at that time and just did not like how it shot, felt, or looked. After 8 years I moved on to a beretta 96 for a short time, and back to s&w with a 4013. Presently use/carry a 1911 springfield. Recently bought a glock 23 (under $400.00 new) and found I like it. Divide carry duties between the 1911, glock 23, and 4013 depending on attire and time of year. I'll probably get flamed on carrying three guns with very different controls.

Bought a 357 sig barrel for the glock 23 but have not used it yet. Also bought a 9mm barrel for it. So far the 9mm barrel in the 40 cal glock 23 has yet to jam. I even used the 40 cal. mags to feed the 9mm ammo and no jam. Around 500-600 9mm rounds shot to date. How can you knock a gun like that? No, I don't carry the 23 with the 9mm barrel because I prefer the larger bullet of the 40. The 9mm I bought for fun.

Originally I did not like the glock. Never bashed it or people who carried it. Now I own one. I do have to comment that I miss an external safety. I feel more comfortable with my 4013 when placed in a pocket w/o a holster. The glock sees its fair share of carry but it is always in a holster.



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Every gun seems to have its place - expensive to bargain basement, steel to polymer, sub compact to full blown race gun. Glock has a log of guns in its line up and one will usually suit the needs of most shooters. Tough to knock their simplicity, durability & reliability. To each his own ;)

Willy T

New member
Nothing wrong with Glocks. I dont know if it is so much people bashing them as much as some Glock fans unable to accept the fact that they are not for everybody. Most "bashing" I see results from a Glock owner somehow feeling the need to defend their firearm when they are not even part of the conversation. For instance I could start a thread as "I love my new Sig". I will not be long before I read "What make your Sig better than my Glock"?? I guarantee it. I attribute it younger shooters many of which own one gun so to them it is the be all end all of firearms. Understandable.


New member
Why is Glock bashed so frequently? Lotsa reasons...they're good, reliable, ugly, and plastic.:D Count how may posts compare Pistol X to Glock, as if it's the pinnacle of polymer pistol perfection (whew). Point is, I doubt the bashing has anything to do with the pistol itself. Glock has an excellent reputation. Granted, there is usually something a person wishes were different about their pistol. I'll go so far as to say there are many major manufacturers who have shipped a defective piece once or twice. Should this open up a can of bash-butt? Probably not.

I see the bashing more as an extension of "I don't like Glocks, I'm gonna tell you why, and now let's argue about it."


New member
I don't happen to like glocks. I think they are fine weapons, I just don't like the looks or the feel, especially with the molded finger grooves.

However, I think a lot of the backlash against Glock in general is the fact that many people believe Gaston Glock's advertising and think that glock is perfection. I disagree. They are good guns for those who like them. Many times they are made well. However there have been enough reports of problems and failures to make me think they are far from perfection. Their 9mm handguns, which were the first they designed, if I recall correctly, are their least problematic. Their prices have also risen quite a bit, and they are relatively cheap to make. While I think charging what the market will bear is fine, I think they are overpriced.

They are easy to strip and work on, with few moving parts, but they also go against things I particularly like, such as pulling the trigger to strip the gun. Its my own issue. I am sure there are tons of people who have proven this is not an issue.

They are reliable, simple and their finish is one of the best with many after market accessories , but they are also ugly, blocky, come with plastic sights and are not known for having good chamber support. Their grip angle is funky to many too.

If it fits you, its not a bad gun. If it doesn't, pass on it and find something that does.


New member
For me, it's not the Glocks themselves. If they weren't decent weapons there wouldn't be so many knowledgeable people using them and advocating them.

For me, it's the dumbass-teenage-suburban-whitebread-wannabe-gangsta-mallrat-morons that show up at the range with a Glock convinced that it's the ultimate weapon because their favorite rapper "sings" about them... I just don't want to be associated with that crowd in any way. It's the same reason that I wouldn't drive a Honda Civic with 19" rims, a huge wing, and a muffler big enough to stick a football in.

Now, hold on there, Tiger! Before I get flamed to death/banned from the site, I'm not saying that EVERYONE who has a Glock acts this way, far from it. But I'll bet you've seen a pack of the above-described teens at a range, in hoodies and crooked caps, giggling, mugging for their girlfriends, and taking turns shooting a borrowed Glock 9mm one-handed on its side and congratulating each other on how "gangsta" they looked, even though the only thing at the range that was safe while they were shooting was the target. ("Whassa Sig? Ain't no 50-Cent raps about no Sigs. You need to get yo-self a GLOCK!")

Also, have you seen the vid on YouTube of the big cocky LEO (of some shady sort) in a classroom full of kids talking gun safety/smack about his Glock 40, about how it's the gun in all the rap songs, seconds before he drops the slide and shoots himself in the leg? I know, it isn't the Glock's fault, he could just as easily have shot himself with a Ruger or a Kimber or a Hi-Point, but he didn't, he's the sort of guy who just HAS to carry a Glock. Doesn't make me want to go out and become a Glock owner (but it always makes me laugh).

Again, I would never say that ALL (or even most) Glock owners act like this, and the only reason that I would ever say what I said is because the name of the thread is "Glock Bashing", and that's why I'm not big on Glocks. It's purely their image in popular "gangsta" culture and the fashion-victims who idolize Glocks based on that "culture".

If you're still pee-d off, I've got my asbestos keyboard plugged in, flame away....

kenneth owens

New member
I used to hate glocks

I kinda like my ole 17L never had a bit of trouble out of it,I used to hate glocks until I shot one :) dont knock it until you try it:D mine is the older generation it has had several thousand rds thru it and countless reloads no problems yet. very lightweight great grip not a bad pistol at all.



New member
For me, it's the dumbass-teenage-suburban-whitebread-wannabe-gangsta-mallrat-morons that show up at the range with a Glock convinced that it's the ultimate weapon because their favorite rapper "sings" about them

This doesn't make much sense to me. Why should you be so concerned what others think of your choices? Keep the hat and the pistol pointed the right way and no one will confuse you for a gansta-wannabe.
What if the next big rap star discovers HK or Sig?
Sure, there are plenty of subjective reasons why someone wouldn't want a Glock, but the above quoted one should be the last reason.

"Dirty Harry" caused loads of wannabees to buy model
29's, but you never hear anyone bashing those.

I think Glock produces one of the finest combat pistols ever made, for those who are comfortable with it's features.


New member
I love Glocks! They make me appreciate ALL my other guns so much more! :D



I don't hate Glocks... I just don't prefer them. Some swear by them. I just can't put my faith or trust in them. It's my hang up and I have a right to it dammit! :D


New member
I never understood why people cared what other people thought of their guns.

Exactly! Heck, I don't understand why people feel compelled to list the guns they own in their signature. It's like "look what a savvy gunbuyer and kewl operator I am!"

I don't like GLOCK's, they're not for me. BUT, it I was a department chief who had to outfit a department/regiment/squad, etc., GLOCK's would be on my shortlist.

I dislike the company more than I dislike the gun.



New member
Why should you be so concerned what others think of your choices? Keep the hat and the pistol pointed the right way and no one will confuse you for a gansta-wannabe.

Of course you are right. Was what I said fair to Glock-afficionados, or even rational? Not really. But the question was why do people bash Glocks, and I do think that their public image as the gat-of-choice for the gang-oriented has something to do with it. The above rant was actually the only time I've ever bashed Glocks, and I didn't even bash Glocks so much as their image.

What if the next big rap star discovers HK or Sig?
<GASP> SHH! Don't give them any ideas!


New member
They are not so much bashed more, but they ARE over rated. I do not think they are all that people make them out to be, other than a commercial brand name.


In response to the origional question:

The same reason people bash on movie stars, it is good to think that this person/gun that looks so perfect is not. It makes people feel better about themselves when realy it is just pathetic.


New member
Why do so many people bash Blocks, I mean Glucks, I mean Glocks? Because we can, and because it's fun. Glocks don't appeal to me in either looks, fit or materials. But that's just me. I also don't care for synthetic stocks on stainlees steel rifles. Again, just me. That being said, I never knock another man's gun. Afterall, it's his and he's shooting it, not me. I personally don't buy into all the hype heaped upon Glocks. And I notice that Kimber enjoys over-hyping their line of guns. I go for function, fit, performance and price. I'm not "loyal" to any one brand, but I do have my prefences. Glock just isn't one of them. It's fun to see the reactions of Glock owners on the internet, especially if you bash 'em on the GlockTalk forum. Buy what you like and then shoot the hell out of it. Wolfsong.
I hate that dang Glock trigger, but I have no problem with them in general. It's fun to bash them because so many people love them... it makes for a lively conversation.


New member
They're, not for me either,

I don't like GLOCK's, they're not for me

but I respect that a lot of people like them, particularly LEOs. They would probably think I'm a Luddite with my S&W revolvers and Berettas.


New member
The video convinced me.
No GLOCK's for me.

I don't like the idea of plastic being the only barrier between an explosion and my hand.


New member
People don't bash Glocks because they don't like Glocks. People bash Glocks because Glock fans often make them out to be God's gift to man.
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