Glock 17 or Beretta 92FS


New member
I think the manual safety argument can go either way. It all comes down to training. Trigger finger discipline is one of the most important (and perhaps most lacking) safety considerations. With good training and habits, the glock is perfectly safe. Some feel more comfortable with the manual safety on the beretta. But at the end of the day, if the shooter is not religious about engaging the safety, it's nothing but a false sense of security. On the Beretta, the safety is also the decocker, so it's more likely to be utilized (at the range, at least).

As for speed, I find the beretta safety to be an annoyance. A 1911 safety can be disengaged on the way into shooting position, and provided the shooter is used to the platform, it adds negligible time to the firing process. The beretta safety is (for me - YMMV) in an annoying place, and does take significant time and motor skills to disengage. However, DA/SA pistols are generally carried chambered, hammer down, with the safety OFF - meaning the extra time is not an issue; that also means that the safety doesn't provide any additional safety. If the trigger is pulled, the gun is going to fire -- just like the Glock.

Thankfully, I have never had any interaction with customer service of either company. That being said, I have heard, second-hand, several negative stories about Beretta's service. I have never heard of a negative experience with Glock CS. In fact...I have never personally heard of anyone having to use Glock CS. :)


New member

As a general rule how much does a Glock 17 and 19 cost. I would also want one in 40 cal. so what would one of these models go for? New price and used prices if anyone knows. Thanks for your time, FullCry


New member
MSRP for Glock's are around $600 with standard sights and $650 with night sights. This is true for the glock 17 and 19 (in 9mm) and for the glock 22 and 23 (in .40 S&W). IMO, the night sights are definitely worth it; even if you don't need the night capability, the steel sights are a major improvement over the plastic stock sights. They can generally be found for a bit less than MSRP at local shops (at least, around me).

As for used prices, all depends on the condition, generation (newer Glock models tend to be more desireable), and the seller. Check gunbroker for some used prices and you'll get a sense of what they sell for.

Hope that helps!


New member
I doubt anyone who complains trigger pull of the Beretta 92 ever shoot it extensively. The crispy single action is the nicest you can ever have on a none target gun. Double action is smooth despite a bit long. But you can always shoot it in single action, why is this a problem??

As to the Glock, I bet there would be full of complaints if the military ever adopt it. It never be possible to satisfy everyone especially to the clueless operators who rarely practice with the weapon which are likely poorly maintained.


New member
00max: you're right, the SA trigger on the Beretta is great. Some don't like DA/SA (including the Beretta), not because the first DA pull is bad, but because it's very different from all the subsequent pulls. It does take some getting used to. Those who carry a Beretta should definitely practice taking the shot in DA mode, as taking the time to cock the firearm (and developing that habit) could be a lethal delay.


New member
Beretta= better trigger, better grip/grip angle, equal reliability and accuracy as Glock. Go with the Beretta.


New member
C'mon now...the Glock 17 and the Beretta 92FS are both great handguns.

If you have found a weapon that is "of the most comfortable feeling firearms I've laid my hands on" as you posted in your original post, then by all means you have to lean that way.

You can't go wrong with either pistol as far as reliability and you can tell, most of the opinions here sway one way or another based solely on personal preference...which includes ergonomics. So if the 92FS fits you comfortably and it feels better, then I vote that you go with that option.

I love the rubber Hogue grips on mine...exactly like the grips that Beentown17 has on his Inox.

Good Luck and let us know what you decide on!


New member
did someone say the beretta has a better trigger ? I tihnk the 92 is universally accepted as the worst trigger in the entire industry. Anyway, to each their own, variety is the spice of life, etc.

I would have to say glock. the berettas are nice, but the glocks have less known points of failure & issues.



New member
"92 is universally accepted as the worst trigger in the entire industry"

sonick808, you are killing me with this one... :eek: I doubt we are on the same planet...:rolleyes:
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New member
Don't have any Glocks, probably will someday. I do have a 92fs and really like it. I don't understand all the talk about the Beretta's trigger. Mine feels great as does the entire gun.
Ditto on the range time with each if you can. If not, and the 92 feel better to you, there is your answer. As you can see with all the replys on both guns, they are each very good in their own way.


New member
Yea, I'm not sure about that either. I'm a 1911 shooter, and I have no complaints about my Beretta's trigger. DA is long and heavy, and its supposed to be. The SA is perfectly acceptable to me - certainly better than a glock trigger.


New member
lol, sorry didn't mean to raise any hackles. I'm all about variety and choice and all that. I hated the 92fs trigger. Maybe it was just the rental I had. But then when my CCW instructor and a few other owners who's opinions i respect deeply panned the double action trigger, I started to take notice. Then when I saw a gun 'riter in a major rag make reference to it as the standard for bad, I figured it was gospel.

No hard feelings. I love Beretta. I wish I could afford one. I would just have a trigger job done on it. They are gorgeous beyond belief.

As for a duty weapon, i'll take the glock


New member
Regardless of anyone's opinion, that all they are opinions. Quality and reliability aren't really at issue here, just personal preference. the best gun is the one that feels best in your hand. I have a Glock 19 and a 22 and I really like them both. I've fired a Beretta a few times and it's a fine gun, but the Glocks just feel better in my hand and I really like the trigger break. But that's just me and what suits me best may not suit somebody else at all. The best advice, as has been mentioned previously, is to fire both guns. You'll be able to decide pretty quickly after that.


New member
sonick: of course no hard feelings . Everyone's experience and preference will vary.

Indeed :) However, after re-reading my post, I realize that in the future, I probably won't use my one-time experiences combined with those from a couple folks from 'round the way to generate "hard facts". So, lesson learned in a way on my end.

Now, let us argue and call each other names as we SHOULD be doing on an internet forum !!!!


New member
I have had several Glock 17s (several generations of 17s and two types of 17L s also) as well as every model Glock ever sold to civilians in the States at one time or another..
I have a Taurus PT-92AR Stainless ( I like the safety where it is supposed to be, like on a 1911)

Both totally reliable 100% for me.

If you are deciding between a 17 and a 92 ... sell the dog and buy both.

Seriously though, try both and see what you shoot best. I'm more accurate with my 92 tackdriver but I shoot high with the Glock17 when both lasers are off. (Replacing sights next couple weeks to fix that) Other people pick up my Taurus and say it shoots low and are spot on with the Glock .... so It's whatever's right for you.

I carry my PT92 and spare mag to church in a Wilderness Safepacker.... looks like an extra Bible (In case another of the Deacon or Pastor "licensees" forgot his that Sunday and any situation arises where one of them need it) .... Glock 27/26 is IWB.
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