Glock 17 or Beretta 92FS


New member
I have owned both the 92FS and Glock 17 and they're both excellent pistols. I like the DA/SA trigger on the 92FS but the G17 has a much more consistent trigger pull so it's easier to learn on. The one and only problem I have with the 92FS is the ability to change out the sights, you're pretty much stuck with what you got. The rear sight might be able to be removed but the front sight is milled out as part of the slide. With the G17 you can also get available factory 33 round magazines.

I say go for the G17... lighter weight and more fire power!


New member
Funny, I was actually going to start a thread with the same title last week.

After a lot of thought and reading, I have decided to go with the G17 over the Beretta 92 despite the gun salesman trying to convince me the opposite. The Glock just fits my hand so well. They are both good guns though.


New member
+1 on the 17. The Glock is a simple design with few parts and few parts mean less to go wrong. The Glock ane be compeletly stripped with just a simple punch and reassembled quickly. The Baretta is a fine firearm but it is simply too complex, too many small parts and not easily repaired without special tools. The Glock trigger is consistent, it is the same everytime whereas the Baretta is a loooong first DA pull and then you must adjust your grip to the more simple SA pull. I shot a 92F for many years in IDPA then a friend let me shoot his 17 in a match and the 92F was traded for a 17.


New member
Both guns are great guns. My vote is for the 92FS, but I have one...LOL I am not a big Glock fan. Don't get me wrong, they are excellent guns, but kind of boring IMO. I like a little character, which IMO, the Beretta has.


New member
Hmm, I do like the look of the Beretta over the Glock, but reliability is a major factor as well.

Now I think I'm even more undecided as to which one.. I'll just need to wait and see until I get the chance to shoot them.


New member

... one is a great choice. You just can't lose. I was pondering both of these a few years back and was undecided also. I ended picking a CZ 75BD (when they were $150-$200 cheaper than both of these) at a gun show. It was a better fit than either gun and I shot it more accurately.

My CZ is the only gun I have that EVERYBODY loves to shoot.



New member
Reliability at issue, my brother and i have put 1000 plus rounds through our pistols with zero errors whatsoever. His is Glock. Mine is Beretta. I say a toss-up in that factor


New member
@BanditSRT8: How many Glocks do you own?

As you see in my signature, 2 currently. But I have owned probably a dozen or so at least over the last 15 years. In that time I have only owned 3 Berettas.


The M9 is not too well liked by troops. This is mor
because it replaced the legendary 1911 than anything else, IMHO. The DA trigger is too heavy as is the gun itself. Also there are reports of wearing out issues by some.

Get real!

I'd bet a box of ammo, most have currant troops have never heard of a 1911.:rolleyes:


That's pretty insulting to many 92 owner's that love them. But, that doesn't mean I would choose a Beretta over a Glock.


New member
My gun exactly, just love it! Best 9mm I ever had, have a 96 on the way as I am a fan of the .40 also for shooting and reloading.

Deaf Smith

New member
At least for me, the 17 hands down.

It is so easy to strip to the bare frame, swap parts, do upgrades, plus you can drop it all you want as the polymer frame won't be damaged like a 92s.

And the 17 is slimmer in my hands. Plus it holds a few more shots.


New member
I would go for the 92fs just because it is more pleasing to the eye. Also I am a little biased with glocks, I bought a Glock 21 because everybody was raving about them. It only got one range trip and then was sold within a couple months. The Glocks just don't fit my personality, BUT they are GREAT guns (reliable, easily cleaned, simple). It all depends on what YOU like personally and your purpose for it.

Adventurer 2

New member
I've owned both. They are both reliable. You are going to have to determine what is important to you: Lighter weight-Glock, Night Sights-Glock, Higher capacity-Glock, less expensive parts and magazines-Glock, Rail-Glock, Polygonal barrel-Glock (higher velocity but risk of faster leading). Sounds like Glock is a winner. I would take either but my preference is actually the Beretta - I know you only have to learn one trigger pull on the Glock but I prefer the double action/single action with decocker (not a safety fan, just keep it on fire). I would never place my loaded Glock behind a seat cushion or into a compartment without a holster covering the trigger - I sometimes do that with my Beretta. I've got the D spring in my 92FS so the trigger is slightly nicer than normal. I feel the 92FS is smoother operating than the Glock. Breakdown for cleaning is easy with both but even easier with the lever on the 92FS vs the nubs on both sides of the Glock.