Gas Theft - What to do about it


New member
if i ever hear or find someone trying to steal my gas, im grabing my paintball marker and heading for the front door. 100% non lethal yet can create quite a sting if you are not accostomed to feeling the hit. something about a gelatin capsule travling at 300 fps some ppl dont like.

They sting more if you freeze 'em first. :D


New member
if i ever hear or find someone trying to steal my gas, im grabing my paintball marker and heading for the front door. 100% non lethal yet can create quite a sting if you are not accostomed to feeling the hit. something about a gelatin capsule travling at 300 fps some ppl dont like.

Makes it pretty easy and tell-tale for Police to identify him too!

LE: "Can you identify him?"

You: "Sure I can, about 6', maybe around 200 lbs... baggy shorts with a white wife beater on.... left in a small white compact 4 door car, first part of tag is HGC. Oh.... and he'll have a big arse splatter of pink paint all over his neck area and a large whelp to go along with it."



New member
i remember hearing someone talk about being shot with rocksalt out of a shotgun

Yep, stings like a....well, you know. When I was in highschool we used to party out in the country on someboby else's land. Well the farmer found us one day and just started shooting. I got hit in the back as I was climbing into my Blazer. I didn't know it was rocksalt till I got to the hospital. :eek: Now, I'm one of the one with land out here, but I don't carry rocksalt in my shotguns. ;) But then again, I'm got gonna go shooting a bunch of kids just for partying out in the fields.


New member

My motorhome carries 234 gallons of diesel fuel, and a tractor that holds around 40 gallons of diesel, too. I have a 500, 150 and 100 gallon tanks of propane then there is a car, a jeep and two ATVs. Fuels thieves? I'm gonna just shoot, shovel and shut up.

I also have more than 150 acres of property and access to several hundred other acres.


New member
Get an attack dog and chain him to the car at night, ofcourse with enough cable for him to bite a thief in the A$$ when he sees what the noise in the dark is:D
I would imagine almost all the people on this forum make more than $10 an hour equivalent. So even after taxes a tank of gas is less than two days work, even for most trucks. Most of you probably make more like $20 an hour. You are going to shoot someone because they waste two or less days of work. If you are seriously saying yes I think you need to reconsider if you should own weapons. If I took a shot at everyone who's thoughtlessness, selfishness, or irresponsibility cost me 16 hours of work I would be short on family, friends, and neighbors. Get a lock and call the police.
Putting a gas can out with something that will maul a cars engine sounds like a great idea to me though. Gas is lighter than sugar water so it will stay on the top and should smell like gas and work well, although I have heard sugar does not really work. I know it failed on mythbusters. anyone know what will work? Maybe they did it wrong?


New member
I won't say how but there is a way to defeat a locking gas cap. I can have it off faster than you can use the key. The only way car, gas thieves are going to be deterred is to treat them the same way horse thieves were treated in the old west. A horse was considered valuable because it was a way a man made a living. Yes, they were only $25.00 but that was a months wage. Today many people use their cars and trucks for work and they cost far more than a horse did. Add in all the extra insurance we pay to cover the thefts that occur and it gets very costly. I know it will never happen so don't get excited but society (us) need to push for stiffer penalties that actually get inforced. Make it painful or costly enough and thieves will learn. My generation learned at a very early age to fear the law and respect our parents and authority. We need more parents today to apply a few more disciplinary swats to the rear ends of the kids today. They have no fear of consequences for their actions. Sorry about the rant.


New member
We need more parents today to apply a few more disciplinary swats to the rear ends of the kids today. They have no fear of consequences for their actions. Sorry about the rant.
It's not a rant, it's simple truth. I've heard it said that we are raising a generation of terrorists. From what I see today, with a few exceptions, that's exactly right. Kids today have no conscience.


New member
In the light of my high powered flahlight, the 6" of hose protruding from the goblin's hand might easily be mistaken for a gun. Or said goblin might be getting ready to torch my car or house. I am the most peaceful type you will find, but I do not gamble on the good intentions of bad people.

Stealing is a dangerous business, and the retirement plan is a major bummer.


New member
It's late and the mind is getting "inventive".

What's needed is a pepper spray grenade. Imagine a heavy cardboard tube about the size of those "traveller" size shave cream cans with a 3 second fuse. Pull pin, release spoon, lob near subject - Boomph! A six-foot by six-foot cloud of OC blossoms from the container.

"911, what is your emergency?"
"There's a gas thief at 123 Main street who needs a ride to jail."
"Do you have him in custody?"
Nah, no need. Arriving officers will recognize him. He's the one trying to bathe in 1/2-inch of gutter water."


New member
gas theives

It's not the younger ones, but their parents who train them. When I was young, about 45 years ago, I tried it. Got caught by a cop. He didn't say a word. Just stood there as I held the gas in my mouth. If I had swallowed it, he wouldn't even have known what I was doing. Yeah,right! Anyway, we became very good friends afterward. Of course, he always asked if I wanted a cigrette when I saw him! Just let the calls to 911 calm down for a few months. It will be easier to find a fuel-swallower when YOU catch him. Might even become good friends!