Gas Theft - What to do about it


New member
A buddy of mine had 2 1500 gal fuel tankers stolen for a job site. Found the trucks the next day drained empty nothing wrong with them at all. they even wiped down the fuel hose and cleaned up their mess. HUH and gass theft is not on the rise?

Many people are calling AAA for gas trying to get 2 to 5 gals for FREE....


Seriously a motion sensor car alarm will scare them off.

The South Africans have also come up with an anti-car jacking device that shoots like a flame thrower from under the passengers side....


New member
Something no-one has mentioned. When that b---- Wilma came through here two years ago, I had 40 gallons of fuel stockpiled for my portable genset. When that was running low after over a week with no power, I attempted to siphon fuel from my wifes Benz and then from my Toyota. In both cases, the fill pipe had something in it to block the ability to insert a fuel line hose far enough to siphon out any fuel. I then (with permission of course.) attempted to remove fuel from some of my neighbors cars. All the same, blocked.
The only car I was successful in draining was my old Jaguar. Its 54 years old and had nothing to block the hose.
Your results may vary of course.
Perhaps a sharp center punch and a high mounted tank with ground clearance may work.



New member
special fuel mixtures

I find the comments on special mixes truely amazing. I keep a gallon or two around for fire ants( which is probably more illegal than shooting someone) to reduce their spread. Actually, it is now cheaper to use proper commercial ant poison. My dad taught me to put sugar in the gas can, the ants go for it! It seems the theives around her all run those little suped up ' rice burners ' and they would have to replace a very expensive motor. Just make sure it is not 'want-to-be gang banger. There is no telling how far the war will go. R.I.P. could be your epitath.


New member
As if stealing fuel isn't bad enough, with the cost of platinum so high now, thieves are using portable cutters to cut the catalytic converters out of cars for the platinum.

That'd suck to jump in your truck, turn the key and see someone siphoned 98% of your fuel away, then turn the key and hear that they'd also ripped off your catalytic coverter.
At the risk of turning the conversation away from an entertaining path involving bic lighters and Afrikaaner flamethrowers, what was wrong with the idea of buying a locking gas cap?


New member
Been happening all over the country. Truckers and campers are the most vulnerable when they pull into rest areas.....a truck parks along side, thieves run an air line and siphon hose to the truck beside them and when you wake up your tanks dry. The air line pressurizes the tank and forces the fuel through the siphon hose and into the truck parked beside you.

Locking gas caps only prevent the stupid from getting fuel. Several businesses have reported their pickups have had the tanks punctured and drained....about $1000 to replace the fuel tank not counting the contents.


New member
By all means take reasonable precautions against theft. Maybe it's time to clean out the garage and park in it? Enclose the carport? Install a motion sensor? By all means keep a shotgun loaded with rocksalt by the door. A 12ga racking in the dark is a terrifying sound.


If you see a clown steal gas call the cops. It takes time for a tank to drain. If the clown jogs away you can turn on your flame thrower.

Deaf Smith

New member
You must have a very small tank. I have a 35 gallon tank...multiply that by 4 bucks. $140 ain't chump change to me.

Toyota Avalon, maybe 14 gal. tank, Toyota Matrix, maybe a 12 gal. tank. And gas here cost $3.77 or so a gallon.

So let's see, your hub caps may cost a $100, and so does the gas in your car. So using deadly force to stop them stealing your hub caps sounds right, hmmm?

Ok, hope were you live the laws says you cannot be sued if you use that deadly force to recover the $100 bucks of gas or hub caps. It's called "wrongful death". Think about it befoe you shoot on some kids stealing your gas.


New member
Think about it befoe you shoot on some kids stealing your gas.
He needs to think before he steals it. Contemplate whether it's worth risking his life or not.:rolleyes:

BTW, I don't have hubcaps. They're 8 lug American Racing mags that came on it when I got it...they go for those, and all bets are off.

And before you ask, yes they have locking lugs on them.
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New member
I have an idea I stole from a post a guy put on here earlier. I'm going to start putting an old gas can (so it still smells strongly of gas) out in my driveway next to my car filled with sugar-water.

Once I wake up one morning and find the can gone, I can laugh quietly to myself.

Deaf Smith

New member
And before you ask, yes they have locking lugs on them.

Then get a lock for your gas cap.

And I suggest a good lawyer's card in your wallet as well as most of your assets in escrow. Keep the list of assets handy, cuase the famliy of the one you shoot will be asking for them.


New member
I might not shoot someone over $4 a gallon gas. Now if it get's up to $8-10 a gallon that may be a different story.

Remember gas rationing? Would you shoot someone if it was being rationed and you only got 10 gallons a week ?


New member
Use a net gun to detain them unti the police can arrive. I am posting from my phone now so I can't post a link, but someone can google it. There is a company that makes them and they ma be effectve, cool toy even if there not.


New member
One of my favorite stories. '73 gas crunch, 24' boat on trailer in front yard gets siphoned for about 30 gals. Not discovered until the next weekend. The next week I pull the boat in from the other side of the circular drive. Mon. morning there's puke all over the driveway.................the thief siphoned the holding tank!

Paybacks are a B.


New member
Just the other day I said something one here about people stealing gas in our neighborhood; funny how these posts come up on here...LOL But seriously, with gasoline getting close to $4 a gallon and diesel over that, we can only hope that there's no natural disaster in the Gulf this year, or we will be seeing gas going up to $7-10 a gallon. Remeber Katrina? It upped the price of gas 30-40% in some areas.

The thing about locking gas caps around here, is that the thiefs are smart, they just go right for the filler neck with a hack saw, or as someone said earlier just drill a hole in the tank. My father has lost two full tanks of gas just within the past 3 months. But whether or not deadly force should be used to protect your property is a conumdrum, but with the rising price of gas and fuels it will easiliy become a felony crime just to even think of stealing it. And just as someone stated earlier the judicial system works for the criminals nowadays, so you can only imagine the field day they would have with Average Joe American taking out a 'gas thief' for stealing a tank full of gas.

The thing about being an American with a SD weapon is to know what situations warrant the use of deadly force, but theft of my hard earned cash and/or property clouds my judgement just a little...