Eyesore of the week


You guys wanking about the pink ones - what makes you think they were made for YOU?.....in case y'all forgot.....52% of this country's population is female.....and only a minuscule amount shoot or even like guns....ANYTHING we can do to get them on our side, I'm all for.....remember - it was the soccer moms that got BO elected.......I think it is a great marketing idea....they need to make a scale sized one for the current Barbie dolls too......

Start thinking OUT of your current box, boys - we NEED these girls on our side!


Hey I'm all for it. If the color gets more folks involved in the shooting sports..More power to us

BINGO! - especially if it gets more females involved. Seems some folks' manhoods are feeling threatened..........:rolleyes:


New member
My GF really liked the hello kitty one. She already shoots, thought we haven't gone together yet. I would absolutely do that for her!


New member
LOL the raver comment was the best.

I have no problem with it. My only concern is that it might be mistaken for a toy. Then again, the coatings are so uniform and well done it's still pretty clear they are real guns.

Like someone said, if it aids in bringing more shooters to the line, bring it on.

Not really feeling the fresh prince dragunov though.

I'm secure enough to bring the pink AR to the range, F it :)
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New member
Being a first time dad to a beautiful 6 month old daughter. I would do damn near anything to get her to shoot when she gets old enough. Even if I have to paint a rifle pink.

To each their own.