Eyesore of the week


New member
I have two little girls so I understand the concept. I have already purchased my girls' first "real" rifle and it is pink. As long as they are happy, I'm happy.




It seems to be in the crown, not in the bore. Whatever it is, it won't last too long. If this is what it takes to get the gals into shooting, I'll take 6.


New member
Thanks, now I'll have to drink something really strong before going to bed so that I may get to sleep.

Ok, what's worst, seeing pink elephants or pink AK/AR's ?


New member
Raise your hands..

How many of you would be brave enough to take one
of these to your range?

Not I :eek:


New member

That's just all kinds of wrong. :D

I would love to take one of these to the range. I bet it would spark a LOT of conversation.

Uncle Buck

New member
I personally would not want it (any of them). But I was at a gun show, following a guy and his kids, down each row of tables. His daughter kept saying this rifle looks to scary to shoot, that one is too scary to shoot and on and on about how scary the guns were.
When he got to a table that had a pink .22 cal, his daughter said "Look dad, that one is cute, can I shoot that one?" The guy bought it for her. I hope the story had a happy ending and the girl began shooting.

Also, I guess if we want others to support our second amendment rights, we'll have to support their first amendment rights and let them express themselves with pink guns. What-ever the color of your gun, you support the right to private ownership.

But guys, if you bring that gun to my range, there had better be a lady on the firing line with you. :D


New member
I found these two pics on the Kel Tec forum. I really like
some color on guns.

I think it adds some personality to these little guns.




New member

That is an awesome paint job on that AR!!! My wife liked it when she saw it. I guess I know what my next gun project will be.

And to all you fellers who are saying "oh, it's an insult to guns" and "oh, now I'm gonna cry b/c it's not black and tacti-cool" remember this:

When Daddy shoots, well, uh Daddy shoots. But when Momma shoots, the whole dern family shoots. Whatever it takes to get Momma shooting, that's what I'll do. To hell with what you think of the paint job. ;)


New member
There are two pink guns in my safe, they matched my daughters shoes the day we got them hence why we grabbed them instead of the black versions....

Now she wants a pink scope to go with it :)

44 AMP

I could be wrong, but ....

It still looks like a plastic toy to me. Not a real gun, a toy gun, made of plastic. Got any pictures with the bolt open?:D


New member
44AMP said:
It still looks like a plastic toy to me. Not a real gun, a toy gun, made of plastic. Got any pictures with the bolt open?

Are you talking about my daughter's rifle? I can snap some shots of it with the bolt open if you'd like. I can even take pictures of it field stripped.


New member
Thanks All.

I appreciate you guys being open minded about this project. I'm happy to do it for my daughter and I learned quite a bit while doing it.

If you look closely at her PINK AR, you'll see that I didn't really OBLIGATE the rifle to pink. All the parts that are pink can easily be swapped out in just a few swings of the hammer and turns of the wrenches.

I presume she'll out grow the "Pink Phase" and I'm fully ready to help her in her transition. Until then, I'll let her shoot away until her heart's content.


New member
Anything to get more guns for more different tastes, be they female, youth, whatever. We need more numbers on our side.


New member

You did a beautiful job with that project. Nice work! :D

(And glad to hear your daughter is happy with it. As you say, that's what matters.)



New member
I have a good friend who puts that dyno coat on many guns..

usually does custom camo jobs... but he built a Ouzy for a friends daughter and had it done in pink.


New member
RjRivero: I think 44 AMP was referring to the pink plastic kalashnikov in the OP... The general sentiment on your custom AR-22 seems to be 'good on ya'. Pink is fine when it's classy, as are green, gray, black, red, purple and even some camo duracoat... it's when it's tacky (like the pink-stocked AR Vanya posted) that bile starts rising in my throat... YMMV.
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New member
The one Vanya posted belongs to a young lady who was around 8 years old when her daddy built the rifle for her. She thought it was wonderful. I think so, too.

For the guys who make such a foorah out of hating firearms designed to appeal to young females, maybe you could go find something else to do. Like maybe you could write to your representatives and gripe about how the RKBA is slowly vanishing, and add that you can't figure out why so many politicians assume that the only people who care about firearms are crabby old men.
