Describe your carry gun "evolution".


New member
My CCW evolution and why:

Browning Hi-Power - Thick grip, concern for +P ammo.

Seecamp - caliber too small for primary, still use it for bug.

Kahr K9 - too heavy (or so I thought at the time).

Beretta 3032 - caliber too small for primary, still use it for bug.

Taurus .32 H&R Mag - when holster broke, I got used to carrying something bigger:

Glock 19 - great fit and function but almost as thick as the Browning I started with thirty years before, go figure.

What I'd prefer - a 10mm auto or .45 Colt with only the best qualities of the above but with none of the disadvantages.



New member
First instinct was to get a 1911, but I rationalized myself out of that, borrowing the rationale of the wondernine set. First carry gun was a Taurus PT99, because I was familiar with the Beretta M9, and some of the Taurus parts seemed better. It was a fine gun, but I decided the grip was too wide for my comfort. I could shoot very well with it, but it always seemed like I had to pay too much attention to my grip, to compensate for that double-stack girth. About the same time, I realized I didn't really buy into the commonly espoused benefits of a double action at all. Dropped it like a bad habit and went back to my original instinct. I bought my current carry piece, a Springfield Mil Spec 1911A1, in .45ACP. I carry it comfortably all day, everyday, and can't imagine preferring anything else. Now it's becoming a disease, and instead of looking for a BUG, I'm looking to amass an arsenal of 1911 carry guns.
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New member
My CCW evolution

Always have had a fleet of handguns, but started my ccw main carry piece as a Springfield mil-spec 1911, which was too big. Kept it, but started carrying a Glock 30. Replaced the G30 with a S&W scandium 40 cal auto. I also handgun hunt, so I put my 454 SRH and my 22 mag revolvers on my permit for convenience (can list 3 in CA).


New member
Season/clothing - tends to dictate most.

First carry was old taurus M85 .. small and comfortable.
Moved up from that to P95 .. felt that auto and more ammo was way to go. It carried fine but .. once clothing lightens up .. way more difficult. P97 also used but same deal. Near forgot ... BHP been used a good few times too.

Moved up in wheelgun size .. tried M28-2 .. again not much prob with adequate clothing but otherwise, just a bit too much bulk.

Since having SP101 that has become all time fave .. even in depth of winter .... just so, so comfortable to tote. In extreme heat weather the P3-AT was coming into play but .. am now proud and lucky owner of Rohrbaugh R9S .. and that will help a lot for extreme heat/minimal clothing carry ... very easy to conceal but 6+1 of 9mm on board ... enough to handle most ''problems'' when bigger just impractical. :)


New member
Started with a SP101 3”

Still carry the SP primarily. Added CT grips and bobbed the hammer. It just feels right.

Occasionally I’ll carry my S&W 642


New member
In 1991, I started with a Beretta 92FS. It was bulky and hard to conceal.

I tried a couple of J Frames, but I really didn't have confidence in the caliber. Same with a Walther PPK/S.

I tried a HK USPc in .40S&W. It was a great pistol, I carried it for a couple of years, and would occasinally swap it out with a Beretta Mini-Cougar in .40S&W. Both were a bit bulky, but better than the 92FS.

I got a Kahr K40. That was a great carry piece, but my wife took it. She still carries it.

I went with a Smith M60-9. Caliber problem resolved.

I finally settled on a Paraordnance C6.45LDA. It will occasionally get swapped out for a Government Model or Commander, or if need be, the M60-9. I also have a KelTec P32 for when I cannot conceal anything bigger.


New member
I started this thread 2 years ago! :D

I've still got the PM9.
I've got a P3AT for times when the PM9 is too large.

I'd like a bigger caliber when possible, so I've tried a Colt Defender.
Didn't care for cocked-and-locked carry, and the recoil was stiff.
It carried well in a Watch Six.

Now I've got a Glock 36.
Initial tests have good accuracy, manageable recoil.
Waiting on a Watch Six for the Glock.

The hunt goes on. :rolleyes:


New member
Three simple numbers: .357

Never wanted more, never carried less.

Well that was true until I started chewing up 10 rings at 25 yds with my buddy's BHP. With a gun that accurate I guess I'll be ok with a measely 9mm :D .


New member
My first carry gun was a Beretta 950 .25 auto that I never really felt comfortable with as you might imagine due to its very limited caliber. I was very paranoid about carrying a gun that someone might be able to detect so the Beretta served that purpose just fine.

I then bought a S&W nickel plated 37 that I carried IWB when I had an outer garment or untucked shirt on.

Decided I needed more firepower and got a KelTec P11 (9mm) but never warmed up to it eventhough it proved very reliable.

I now carry a NAA Guardian .32 when I can't conceal anything else and other times I carry the S&W 640 .357. The 640 is an absolutely wonderful gun and I seriously doubt if I will ever replace it.


New member
Started out carrying my Kimber but decided it was too nice to lug around. :p
Bought a Glock 30 and carried that for a while but sold it for a 686 after I picked up my Springfield MilSpec. Been carrying to Sprinfield since. :D

Peter M. Eick

New member
Lets see, about 5 years ago now....

Started with an H&K P7PSP in a versamax 2.
Got hot in summer went to Walther PPK/S (US made). Piece of junk.
Got hot in summer went to Colt gov 380 in Dillon IWB holster.
Got smart, went back to H&K P7PSP in versamax 2.
No change since then (4 years ago).

Thinking about a detective special or agent for pocket carry for walks.


New member
My carry gun evolution:
Taurus Model 85s
Colt Python
Norinco 1911
Glock 30 up to present. Big Bore firepower in a neat package. Easy to carry all day long in my C-TAC holster

Brian Williams

New member
Started with a Glock 19, went to a S&W 60 w/3" barrel, found a 3" S&W 13, then a S&W 940,
940 is still primary,
13 is second in the rotation,
followed by occasional use of a 1911.


New member
Started out W/ a Smith & Wesson 5904 9MM... FINE gun, but I wanted a .40 S&W cal gun SO...

I gor a Beretta 8040F Mini-Cougar - SWEET carry gun... still have it, and still carry it!

Added a Smith & Wesson 637 Airweight in .38 SPL+P as a second carry gun... smaller and lighter... more concealaboe in "summer" clothes...

ALL have been carried in a Galco Jak-Slide between the belt and the pants holster, and the 637 has a "clipdraw" belt clip added to ease carry without the holster, when necessary...


New member
I started out carrying a S&W 442 a good bit and now I mostly carry my Glock 19. I carry different guns depending on the occasion and what I am wearing.


New member
Well, lets see. I started carrying when Florida inacted the CCW laws. I stared with my 16th birthday gift from my dad, a Series 70 Combat Commander. At the time there were not a ton of options for holsters so I bought some type of Bianchi belt slide rig.

After a local smith ruined the finish on the Colt, I sold it ( I know, BIG mistake) to buy an Astra A-75. I carried this POS in an Allessi SOB holster designed for some type of Smith auto.

I sold the Astra to go back to the 45 acp, buying a Glock 21. From the 21 I went to a 27 but both of these felt too wide.

Now I am back where I started, a 1911. I am now carrying a Kimber Tactical Custom II in a Safepacker and soon a Sparks HR-LTD.


New member
Only been carrying concealed for a few months. Missouri you see. I dance with who brought me. Maybe I'll add some more, but right now I juggle between a Beretta 92FS, preban; and a Taurus 650 CIA .357 snub nose. Both conceal well in my first attemts at IWB with Orca Software's Undercover.