CZ P-10 C Glock 19 Killer?

Spats McGee

This thread was the first time I've seen the P-10 called the "Glock 19 Killer." I really like the looks of the P-10, and if I'm in the market for a compact, striker-fired polymer in a couple of years (after I've seen whether the bugs have been worked out), it'll likely be on my list "To Be Evaluated." I think the P-10 is probably a pretty good pistol, and I hope it's a good pistol. That said, it has entered a crowded field with lots of solid competition.


New member
That P-10C looks like a cross between a Ruger SR and a S&W M&P. Looks like a nice piece and I'll look forward to trying one out when I get the chance.


New member
It supposedly will fit in a Glock 19 holster I read, so that would be a plus. I might take a look in a few years once the bugs are ironed out, but if the mags are typical CZ price I will almost certainly stick with my Glocks for carry.
Glock (and the Glock 19 in particular) is the market leader - therefore, any gun competing in the same niche is obviously going to try and capture market share from the manufacturer with the most 'room'.

In practice, I don't think this is likely. I think CZ is most likely to make inroads amongst people who already know that they want something different - namely, Walther, HK, and FN's market share. In the meantime, most new gun buyers will continue to gravitate towards Glock and S & W.


New member
This thread was the first time I've seen the P-10 called the "Glock 19 Killer." I really like the looks of the P-10, and if I'm in the market for a compact, striker-fired polymer in a couple of years (after I've seen whether the bugs have been worked out), it'll likely be on my list "To Be Evaluated." I think the P-10 is probably a pretty good pistol, and I hope it's a good pistol. That said, it has entered a crowded field with lots of solid competition.


And seeing as it's a CZ, good luck ever seeing them in decent numbers in gun stores.


New member
The keys to beating Glock.
- Deeper discounts, kickbacks and free trips to decision makers.
-More hype like Ultra Safe Action or better marketing. I would propose a higher level of marketing safety, self aiming hype and use the term SMART gun. SMART(Stupid Mindless Accident Repellent Technology)
- 2 year leases
- Something to reduce training budget in hype only!
- Include free larger targets to be used for qualifying a shooter!


New member
Yes, every year, some pistol is heralded as "the glock killer", yet serious organizations like FBI and spec ops community keep adapting...Glock.


New member
Yes, every year, some pistol is heralded as "the glock killer", yet serious organizations like FBI and spec ops community keep adapting...Glock.

Which of course has much more to do with marketing, pricing, product support, and politics than the merits of the actual product versus competing products.


New member
Glock is the only brand of semi that a lot of people can name. That isn't going to go away quickly no matter how good a competing pistol is.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Fishbed77 said:
Which of course has much more to do with marketing, pricing, product support, and politics than the merits of the actual product versus competing products.

True. It also has to do with the requirement, for many/most government purchases (at both the federal and lower levels) that the weapons be MADE in the USA.

Glock, SIG, and Beretta have gone that route, and FNH seems to have some production capabilities in SC. Some others now make or assemble key components in the US.

CZ hasn't grown enough to do that, yet -- although its acquisition of Dan Wesson was a step in that direction.

Other gunmakers, like Ruger, seem to be doing well enough with their current sales efforts that they have chosen not to get into the big low-cost/deep pockets approach to marketing firearms. (Ruger didn't enter the recent DoD competition for a new service pistol, even though their new Ruger American might've been built around THAT list of specification.)
The CZ P10 is not touted as the Glock
19 killer. The quote was an interogrative
"Oh my the CZ thinks it has a Glock
Yes, I am a novice. However, the way that
Article was written was a typical
entrance to a intro marketing ploy.
I, received today my NIB Glock
19 gen 4. If didn't buy it because
somebody said it's the best. I bought
It after research then tryouts. It was
Exactly what I wanted as my first Semi
To carry all day instead of my Ruger
SP 101 357 mag.


New member
Glock is not the polymer striker leader of the pack, nor are they the best. They break parts and malfunction just like any other pistol.

I do not think CZ has made a striker fired gun before ever, so this may be very interesting.

The Glock is definetely the most POPULAR striker fired brand of pistols, and for good reason, but i think the main reason they are so popular and well known, is because the majority of U.S law enforcement uses them. People often think if the police use them, they must be good! Which is generally true, but people fail to realize the Glock 22/17 is chosen primarily by law enforcment due to cost, parts cost, and ease of getting parts from glock.

I think overall the Glock is a better pistol than the VP9, Sig 320, and M&P, but i think the Walther P99/PPQ is better than the glock. Will walther ever be more popular in N. America, no i dont believe so, but if we go to Europe, what are the police forces and military members carrying in the various different countries?

I highly respect glock, and some of them i shoot extremely well. Yet i just dont like them, they dont fit me. I dont like the looks, shape, grip, trigger, sights, etc


New member
I think overall the Glock is a better pistol than the VP9, Sig 320, and M&P, but i think the Walther P99/PPQ is better than the glock. Will walther ever be more popular in N. America, no i dont believe so, but if we go to Europe, what are the police forces and military members carrying in the various different countries?
They use Glocks in thais part of the UK, it mainly comes down to cost most police will never use their pistol in anger.


New member
I do not think CZ has made a striker fired gun before ever, so this may be very interesting.
Actually P71pilot, from 1995 to 2006 they made three separate striker fire pistols: the DAO CZ 100 (I have two and love them, in spite of others' hatred and disdain for the trigger pull); the DA/SA CZ 110, which had a push button deocker mounted at the rear center of the slide similar to what HK did on the P2000 and P30; and finally, the single stack CZ 101.

CZ 100's (Both of mine. The usual variant has a click-adjustable steel rear sight with dots. Other, harder to find variant has a traditional drift-adjustable polymer rear with European "U" outline):


CZ 110 decocker:


New member
Part of the reason I like CZ is for the all metal construction and the quality of their hammer fired triggers. So for me I have no interest in a polymer striker-fired gun. I wonder if they've introduced the model in an effort to stay competitive with new handgun procurement requirements (seems to me they implemented a lot of the features required in the Army's new Modular Handgun trials). If they really can improve the striker fired trigger I'd be interested in trying it but I don't see myself switching.

It will be nice having a simple striker fired gun I can point new shooters towards since I have a CZ bias.


New member
The 110 and 101 were never sold in the US to the best of my knowledge, and from what I've been told, that was a shame. Very forward thinking design, but that trigger! Cyanide, my hat is off to you - I couldn't get mine to group past 15 yards with that trigger. If you can, you are truly awesome! BTW, that is NOT sarcasm. Edit to add, for those who are confused, the doodad half way down the slide was meant as a belt mounted slide racker if one hand was out of action. Gun was designed and built for a European nation who changed their mind at the last minute, IIRC.
The P-10 caught me as flat footed as everyone, and my very first reaction was NOT favorable. I qualify Expert or Distinguished Expert with the G19 and G17 every year, and I can't stand them. Not anything wrong with the guns, rugged, durable dependable guns, (only had three of them fail in front of me/in my hand, but those were beat to death range guns), and reasonably accurate, but I can't stand the grip or the trigger. Every initial report, (yes, all from internet experts), say the trigger of the P-10C is incredible, and the one person I personally know who has tried it said it is very comfortable, and again, said the trigger is outstanding. Now, I think I would like to try it.
Glock killer? Hard to compete against a company that offers to buy all of your issued guns and then charges well below $200 a gun to replace them. Glock worked very long and hard to secure the niche in firearm sales they have earned, (when Smith, Colt and Ruger were asleep at the switch), and changing that would take a lot of time and money. On the other hand, CZ has firearm sales all over the world, too, and outside of the US they are quite the international player, also in markets Glock doesn't dare step into. Once again, on the other hand, (wait, how many hands is that?!?), I'd be very interested to see what kind of service rifle Glock could come up with, would probably be fascinating. Again, NOT sarcasm, seriously.:p
There is a grand total of one P-10C in the US right now, so I doubt it will storm the bastions of Glock Tower all by its lonesome. But more are coming...


New member
I applaud CZ for offering variety in their line up, but I buy CZ's for their metal construction, ergonomics, and grip feel. I have yet to hold a polymer CZ (P07, P09) that feels as good as a CZ-75 variant. Maybe the P10 will be better, but it is still of no interest to me to purchase.


New member
p71pilot said:
Glock is not the polymer striker leader of the pack, nor are they the best.

If not Glock, then who?

For sure it's not S&W or FN or H&K or Beretta or Colt or Sig or CZ or Ruger or anyone else that I can think of.

Who's left?
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Very nice and I went online to see the cost and they seem to be quite inexpensive
in the $300-$400 range.

I already made my purchase last week and received my Glock 19 gen 4 Friday. My first Semi. The GS's near me do not even carry this brand. But like I wrote, "Nice"