Colt developing a new revolver?


New member
I heard that the magazine Gun List, has an article on Colt. In it , they say that Colt is working on a double action revolver. I haven't found a copy of Gun List locally. Anyone read the article? Any details on the revolver? Thanks. Regards 18DAI.


New member
They don't have to develop anything!! :eek:
Just start production of the Magnum Carry again!! ;)
How hard can that be?? :rolleyes:
Unless somebody went on a shreading fest and did away with the blueprints and maybe sold all the dies and fixtures on e-bay, it should be no trouble at all!! :D


New member
I read that somewhere too.
The big problem with their current designs, especially the Python, is that the design itself requires too much hand fitting and therefore cannot be made economically enough to be price competitive anymore.

The talk is that Colt is looking at maybe designing a revolver that lends itself to all CNC manufacturing so it could be sold for less.



New member
What CDH says. From that particular Gun List issue:

"... Company officials said the Python was unprofitable, though a new version made with CNC machinery might be made in the future. Colt is developing a new revolver frame it intends to use to revive some of its revolver models, such as the .44 Magnum Anaconda. Customer requests have also led the company to research the production of a stainless steel Single Action Army revolver."

BTW you might not find that issue on news stands anymore, as its to be displayed only until Sept 18.


New member
Thanks guys. My pre lock S&W's are getting long in the tooth (and more valuable) so, I'd like a new 357 revolver. I hope they bring it out soon. Regards 18DAI.


New member
I would like to see the old Police Positive back in production, with the old thin grips and unshrounded ejector, in 38 spl, 32 S&W long and 22 lr :)



New member
I can hear the comments at the range already.....Your CNC Colt is a POS, but take a look at my real Python. Just like the P&R, and Pre-Lock Smith crowd.


New member
If it's got a one piece barrel, and no mickey mouse internal lock (ala S&W) I'll be the happy guy, and buy two. S&W can pound sand, with their current offerings. YMMV. Regards 18DAI.


New member
I can hear the comments at the range already.....Your CNC Colt is a POS, but take a look at my real Python. Just like the P&R, and Pre-Lock Smith crowd.

In the case of the Smiths, this is a true statement, to an extent. The current crop of Smiths is a steaming pile of dung when compared to the Case hardened, pre lock guns. Period, there is no argument to the contrary. While I find many of the current designs appealing, theres isnt a single one of them that would not be a better gun if it contained no MIM, and had no lock.

I fear the Colt witll be simply more of the same. As much as I hate to admit it, Ruger is the only wheelgun maker with its head currently in the game. Smith is doing better with the Model 21 and 29, but the lock is a deal killer for me.


New member
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I would love to own a Colt revolver!
If it's a sound piece of steel, with no internal lock, and made in America, I'd buy one in a heartbeat.


New member
After having had a few Smiths I am down to just two. A late 80's L-Frame and a new 629. The L-Frame prints like an unscoped rifle at 100 yds. and the 629 isnt far behind. Yeah I hate the lock too, but I will never get rid of a tackdriver. Best trigger on a Smith I ever had also.


New member
JimJd you can buy a Colt revolver at just about any gunshow. You just have to try.

As to the future- if it makes good business sense to Colt, then they will move back into the double action revolver product line. I would guess it will be a small snubbie personal defense 38spl or 357mag.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I will bet at least a dollar that any new Colt will use drop in parts, have little or no hand fitting, and will have parts made by MIM. They might not have locks, but in a lot of other respects they will be a lot like ... well, S&W's.

If they decide to come out with a new design revolver, Colt would be well advised to concentrate on two areas, a small six-shot .38/.357 for concealed carry, and a medium frame .357 to compete with S&W, Ruger, and Taurus in that market. They should forget the .44 Magnum and bigger until they have re-established themselves.

I am not holding my breath, though. In the last 50 years, Colt almost totally gave up the civilian market, telling us that they didn't want to arm civilians, only the police and military. I heard that a former Colt president spent part of his first day tearing the NRA sign from his office wall, and ranting that he wouldn't make guns for "gun nuts and NRA thugs". Nothing like cutting off one's nose, but they thought their future was assured with the M16 and they could gouge the government forever. Didn't work.



New member
"I will bet at least a dollar that any new Colt will use drop in parts, have little or no hand fitting, and will have parts made by MIM"

That would be every DA revolver made by Colt since the Colt Trooper Mark III of 1969.

The only difference is, the parts weren't MIM, they were an earlier version called "Sintered" steel. which was also a powdered metal process.

In fact, Colt pioneered the modern production method of building revolvers with "drop in" parts and a transfer bar action, and every DA revolver designed since has basically copied Colt's idea, including Ruger, Dan Wesson, and Taurus.

You're on target on what Colt should build: A small defense revolver on the order of the Magnum Carry and a medium revolver similar to the King Cobra.


New member
Another one I'd want Colt to put in production is a re-edition of the Frontier Scout, possibly in stainless steel.:D


Mark Milton

Here is my ideas on what they SHOULD focus on..
Whether they will or not is another story. Colt has historically never learned a DAMN thing from the learning curve, after all....

Revive the Magnum Carry and offer it with a three inch barrell and docked hammer.

Revive the King Cobra and make it available in .40 cal. with moon clips!
Focus on three inch barrels for the savy wheelgunner/carry market.
DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT two peice barrells or locks that interfere with the action.
I honestly think that could be Colt's recipe for success, but I won't hold my breath.....
If they want to cut into the "commemoration" crowd, instead of socking up the prices on designs meant to be service guns, focus on something a bit unusuals, such as a New Service-ized Anaconda in .45 ACP....Sans the lug and vent rib....


New member
Croyance - I would say Dfariswheel meant any Colt revo designed after the Trooper Mark III was introduced in 1969. The Python was the old lockwork that had to be hand fitted. JMTC