Carrying "less" in a "good" area. Nope, no thanks.


New member
Carrying "less" in a "good" area. Nope, no thanks.

Being a stranger and being a threat aren’t necessarily the same thing. See the threat identification comments I made above. Until that person proves himself or herself an active threat then generally no I am not going for my firearm. I would point out that in the situation described by the OP the threat was seemingly well out of arm’s reach.

If you want to expound on this further I might suggest a new thread (while the OP brought up the scenario I think you’d get more input from others if they knew the topic of conversation from the title).

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New member
If you want to expound on this further I might suggest a new thread (while the OP brought up the scenario I think you’d get more input from others if they knew the topic of conversation from the title
Good advice.
No hard feelings.