Best gun Scene in a movie, And the winner is.....


Yes the Wild Bunch is excellent - Josy Wales of course - Pale Rider - Sam Elliot with his 45 in We were Soldiers I wish I could remenber the names of more


New member
I don't see how you can beat the original Dirty Harry. Made Clint a major star, started a whole series of movies and made the N frame in 44 Magnum
'The Gun' for better than 20 years. That's a lot for one movie!


Desperado is proof that if you look cool enough bullets can't touch you - how about The Three Amigos? "These are fonny guys, just Keel one of theeem"


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Once upon a time in the West

Final Showdown


New member
i watch different movies depending on the guns i wanna see at the time, i actually catch myself going thorugh the collection thinkin "colt python, 1911, m4 etc..." but my favorite is probably magnum force for the shooting range scene, the competition scene or the fantasy silenced colt python scene.


New member
Last of "Dual In The Sun" where G. Peck crawls to within touching of the gal (Jennifer Jones, I think) with whom he just had a shootout! Both died.

That is a good movie, I like the bar gunfight as well when Lewt (Gregory Peck) kills Pearl's(Jennifer Jones) fiance-'Pearl Chavez is my girl, and she'll always be my girl. Just as long as I want her to be.'



New member
Near the end of "Stand by Me," when Ace and his thugs have caught up to the boys, and Ace is about to slash Chris Chambers, when Gordie fires the 1911 into the air, then points it at Ace.
Ace says "What are you going to do, shoot us all?" (feeling confident that his strength in numbers will allow him to prevail even in the face of the armed boy.)
Gordie says "No Ace. Just you." And you see the bully's confidence on Ace's face change suddenly to fear and impotence, and he knows that today, the strong won't be terrorizing the weak...


the shootout at the end of open range is probably the best hollywood has to offer regarding the old west, but who can resist the spagetti westerns with clint!
last man standing would be great if folks didnt fly through the air after being shot!:eek:
isnt last man standing just a modern setting remake of For a few dollars more" ?


The Getaway was another great Sam Peckinpah film. McQueen was fantastic in it.

I especially liked the scene where he went in and bought the shotgun and some buckshot shells, and then came out blasting the police car. That was classic McQueen and Peckinpah.

McQueen's 1911 stole the scene for most of the movie, though. It was so prominent it should have been listed as a co-star! :)


In fact, his 1911 was used heavily to promote the film, as it was prominently featured on the official movie poster that was on display in all the threaters:


Another older Western that probably a lot of you younger dudes have not even seen was the classic 1966 film "The Professionals" with Lee Marvin, Burt Lancaster, and Jack Palance. The first gun battle early in the film with the Mexican bandits in the narrow canyon was brief, but outstanding. Especially with Marvin rapidly firing his Winchester 97 shotgun.

Here is a photo of him holding that model 97 while filming the movie:


The final gun battle at the end of the film between Burt Lancaster and the remainder of the gang was also excellent, with Lancaster using two different rifles, the 97 shotgun, and his Colt Peacemaker.

Anyone who has not seen THE PROFESSIONALS should rent or buy it on DVD right away. It had a great story and outstanding photography, and thus received Academy Award nominations for both the best screenplay, and cinematography.



New member
+1 to HEAT, such a great film.

However for a funny,modern, and very "hollywood exaggerated" movie, Shoot Em Up is awesome. It's all the gun slingin' action you can ask for, that is meant to mock all the action movies. I didn't know you could kill a man with a carrot either, but its definitely a fun movie to watch.


New member
Micky Roonie holding a Thompson sub-machinegun with the moonlight glinting off it while on a jungle patrol on a south pacific island and preparing for contact with Japanese troops during WW2.
(sorry, no linkee.)


New member
Yes, I love Unforgiven, Wild Bunch, the spaghettis, but Jesus, you can't top Last Man Standing. I have to repeat the link from above, I love it:

I actually went out and had a leather maker alter my classic Schott Racer jacket to hold a .45 in each side, and four clips on the waist, all concealed nicely. I figured you might never now wich hand was engaged, so why not be able to grab one with either? Can you say "New York Reload."

God love you, Mr. John Smith.


New member
There are a lot that belong in this thread.

One that comes to mind is the "Leave your weapons here." scene in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. He spends a good amount of time removing weapons from every conceivable part of his body.


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One of the most authentic scenes I've ever watched were the battles at Arnhem in A Bridge Too Far. The acting may have been weak but the special effects and especially the sound made it very realistic.


New member
First, thanks to Socrates for the wall-sized poster of Jane Russell ... as for the best gun scene ... how about the huge gun battle in Smokin' Aces, which includes a woman sniping at feds and bad guys from another hotel with a .50, the elevator shootout and so much more ... also love Last Man Standing, which of course is 98 percent gunplay ... Willis must have had 10 cases of .45 ammo in the trunk of that old junker he was driving ... and Blackhawk Down; loved the scene where brass from a helicopter minigun was raining down on American troops ...