Best gun Scene in a movie, And the winner is.....


New member
Fuqua is right. I always forget that when it comes to the movie. It feels so much like John Woo ... I thought he had a hand in it.


New member
Open Range is my favorite. The sound is what really makes it :eek: come alive for me. (you're not going to hear it on the above link... got to go to the surround version.)

Guess I also like it cause the snicker is wiped right off the BG's face as the bullet goes thru his forhead. Everyone freezes for a moment... and then it cuts loose. :D


Did we all forget to mention the movie: "Shooter" ???

Mark Wahlberg had many excellent scenes in the movie. But what struck me the most was that scene where his friend pulls out her sawed off shotgun and uses it to blast a bad guy:


The fact that she only had her underwear on in the scene was another plus! :D



New member
my favorite gun scene in a movie

opening credits for magnum force. when clint eastwood drops that s&w model 29 into view,then says this is a .44 magnum,the most powerful handgun in the world,&it could blow your head clean off. do you feel lucky?


New member
my favorite gun scene in a movie

:eek:opening credits for magnum force. when clint eastwood drops that s&w model 29 into view,then says this is a .44 magnum,the most powerful handgun in the world,&it could blow your head clean off. do you feel lucky?

Don Lu

New member
I just saw a movie called "Naked Weapon" It was kinda like a Charlies angels kinda thing but much better in my opinion. couldnt find any good clips for gun scenes, but the movie is worth watching.


New member
The end of the new Rambo movie, where our hero takes over a .50 mounted on a jeep, blasts the people in the vehicle and then dices and slices half the Burmese (I think) army ... plenty of others shooting too ... great if you like bloodbaths ...

The Meatman

New member
The end of the new Rambo movie, where our hero takes over a .50 mounted on a jeep, blasts the people in the vehicle and then dices and slices half the Burmese (I think) army ... plenty of others shooting too ... great if you like bloodbaths ...
My 10 y/o thinks that is the greatest movie scene EVER! Just a bit above the "ripping the guys throat out" scene.