Bear Attack: Handgun, Knife, or play dead at Close Range

If an attacking bear closes to within striking distance, what weapon would you choose

  • Handgun: specify caliber and bullet selection

    Votes: 62 79.5%
  • Knife: describe type, length, and tactics

    Votes: 4 5.1%
  • Play dead

    Votes: 12 15.4%

  • Total voters
Hmmmm....the Short Faced Bear...

This thread made me think of the old 'Short Faced Bear' that became extinct
about 10,000 yrs.ago ie. it was 2x's bigger than the modern Brown/Grizzly Bear...but was built leaner with slightly longer and faster legs. Unlike the Griz./Brown... it was almost totally carniverous rather than omniverous...
It could ambush,chase down and tackle a Wooly Mammoth... However, if you can take on a Griz./Brown Bear with a knife - you might have a chance against it!:D The Weatherby .460 was designed for the Cenozoic Era...:cool:

Harley Quinn

Tahoe for week and this was the only bear story

This was kind of a funny not so funny ha ha.

I really have a hard time wanting to kill little cuddly cute bears, they are really cool. But just imagine someone getting between this little cub and mama. Jack Daniels was the thing that kept that Cub mellow:D

That will be the next big defense for someone who shoots another. He did not die from the bullets he died from the blood loss.:rolleyes:
I read a story recently where a guy was shot twice in the head with a 45 acp at about 10 feet and they bounced off.:)

I would not take it so personal CC. I might even agree with you, which I have done several times.;) Personally I like Tequilla.

If the bear did this, if he did that, if he had wings he might have flown.

I had a hunting dog that would start out in the morning running and having a good time. One time he was chasing what we were after. But he had to stop to take a sxxt.
So I guess you could say if my dog had not stopped to take a sxxt I would have gotten the animal I was after.

Bottom line the 40 cal did what was necessary and the guy and his family are fine.
The bear fell down the stairs from a headache and died from blood loss, infilicted by the 40 cal. He went down away from the direction he was being injured. Most game do that. Some don't.

A miss by a 1/4 inch is as good as one 3 feet from you.

I know a guy who fell down a stair way and broke his back, it was not the fall that did it. It was the sudden stop.:rolleyes:

I saw quite a few of those short faced Bears, at the Page Museum in La Brea Tar Pits L.A. CA.
Bad actors. And to think our forefathers hunted with spears, knives and clubs. We are still here.

That bear is no more Hmmmm. I wonder if those hunters would be arguing over the size of spear and club it takes to kill one of those? LOL.
