Are you a gun snob?


New member
I wouldn't say I'm a gun snob, just very aware of what I like and don't like. :D

And I'm perfectly ok with others doing the same. It's their money.


A gun snob? Maybe. A shooting snob, definitely. I always like seeing nice guns at the range, but I really like seeing someone with excellent technique at the range (or enjoying silently chuckling at those who don't). Awhile back at the range a guy showed up 1 bench down from me with a custom 338 lapua, really nice looking gun, I enjoyed seeing that at the range. I was seeing his shots dig holes in the dirt all over the place down range, show I watched him take a couple shots, he was closing his eyes and jerking the trigger!:eek: lol, lol. I enjoyed seeing that even more, especially when it's with a high dollar weapon. Makes me feel like maybe I know what I am doing.:p

I am most definitely also a ammo snob, "Are those SMK's, Berger VLD's, etc.(insert one) in Norma brass? ya, with VV powder." That would be about when I start to drool.


New member
I'm only a gun "snob" when it comes to lower quality bottom-tier brands.

No Hipoints, DPMS AR15's, Jimenez pistols, among others. Everything else I give it a fair chance until it fails or malfunctions. Even some Glock's can still have issues, but those are rarer than the cheap brands.


New member
My buddy shoots nothing but SIG and Heckler und Koch. Big-time snobbery on his part.

I'm more of a Ruger/Glock/CZ kinda guy. Fit my hand and go BANG every time.

Spats McGee

I don't think I'd classify myself as a gun snob, but I do have my preferences. I certainly appreciate a well-crafted or beatiful firearm, but I'm not sure that the ones I own will ever qualify as "pretty." I like 'em in matte finishes. I like them durable. Honestly, I like a little good, old-fashioned, well-earned wear on a gun. I like for them to eat any ammunition I put in 'em, and I appreciate good value in a gun, since I don't have an unlimited budget. As for what others care to own and to shoot, it's not my money, not my decision.


New member
Only if you worry your gun is pretty....sorry couldn't resist...

Yes I am. They have to work for the intended purpose. And by work I mean do the job every time!


New member
I'm a very hypocritical gun snob.

I hate Glocks. They're disgustingly ugly plastic yet immutably reliable. And still, I trust my life to one.

I hate Mosin Nagants. Poorly & roughly made, unwieldy and unbalanced compared to every other military rifle of the era. Everyone gets revved up because they're affordable to own & shoot but it's impossible for me to get excited over one. And still, I own at least a dozen of them.