Are you a gun snob?


New member
I wouldn't say "snob", but I don't like a junky feeling gun. I'm all for buying budget guns, but I've held some guns that I would never give money for. And this doesn't include high-point. I've shot those and have no problems. Old stevens and JC Higgins doubles? Sign me up. However, the other day I held a mossberg 4x4 rifle and was not impressed at all, even when they had it marked $280 with some el cheapo scope. I'll give mossberg credit for making a good shotgun though. And I'm sure some folks have that rifle and shoot fine with it, so more power to them. Nothing wrong with supporting an American company. The remington viper 22 semi-auto rifle is another one I wouldn't give money for. The one we have won't make it through more than a shot or two without jamming.


New member
Well, for me, it's the same for guns as with anything else. I won't buy something that for whatever reason is made to resemble something else. If I want an AR-15 type rifle, I most likely will buy an armalite (Stoner) or Colt, not a Bushmaster or one of the many variant copies. If I want a polymer type 9mm pistol, I will probably buy a Glock, and not one of the many other variants of polymer pistols that were made after the Glocks caught on. If I want a 1911 pistol, I will buy a Colt. You see my thought process here...Similarly, if I want to drive a Dodge Challenger or Chevy Camaro (the newer copies out now), I would rather take out a loan to purchase one of the originals built back in the day. I would rather own one genuine real deal then 100 of something made to look like something else. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. I don't consider myself a snob, Just want the real thing.


New member
I guess I'm a gun snob when it comes to sticking with my guns (pun intended). When it comes to handguns, I always favor revolvers over autos and NOTHING will change my favoritism. Same thing when it comes to AKs. I prefer them over ARs any day of the week. However, that doesn't mean I won't shoot them if I'm offered to. It's just I have a set standard when it comes to my choice in firearms and I don't plan on changing for no one.


New member
You may not be a snob, but I think your theory is really warped in the year 2011.

Colt is a mere shadow of the company that bankrolled the gun that a man designed for them on contract. They make a great 1911 now, but to argue that it's less a copy than one made by any other fine company is almost silly. If anything, Colt is copying Colt... or Browning. Nothing about Colt in the year 2011 is the same as the Colt that rolled out 1911 pistols in the first half of the 20th century. And all the other government issue 1911 pistols that came out of the other facilities... would they get kicked to the curb as copies also? Colt produced some really poor guns in the early 90s that wouldn't hang with 75% of the 1911 pistols being sold today by a dozen manufacturers.

Armalite is absolutely not the company that Eugene Stoner designed a rifle for anymore. It's a name that was purchased like Bob Serva purchased the Dan Wesson name (and breathed life in to it, then sold for what was likely a tremendous profit to CZ-USA) And Stoner has passed on.

And Glock? They didn't even pioneer the polymer pistol, they were just the first really successful operation to succeed in the market with it. Others followed and in the eyes of MANY, have improved in places where Glock has refused... or even grudgingly acknowledged with the some of the features of the Gen 4.

There's nothing at all wrong with having a game plan and sticking to it... but I think yours is a bit misguided and might really cheat you out of some much better firearms than what you might consider the only "real" ones.

But having choices is great! ;)


New member
Gun Snob? I am a true believer in form follows function.

My wifes TZ 75 ($200 Wal Mart) routinely shot 100% on departmental qualification courses. The high dollar guys looked strangely at their SIG, Smiths, Colts and other tricked out guns.

My Stock 1911 after 97 years has never malfunctioned when I was shooting. This was even after It got dunked in The Ouachita River during rescue operations.

My Voree Mauser Drove roofing nails at 100 yrds. $175 used.

My 257 Roberts with its list barrell shoots sub 1 inch groups at 100 Meters every time I do my job. Cost 1 worn out Astra Garcia 357 $90 Wal Mart and 180 for the Barrell.

My brushed nickle plated S&W 1958 with its pitted exterior and babys but smooth action. 200 dollars. Looks rough but shoots smooth.

Yes I am a gun snob. But only if it hits the target and puts the game on the ground.


New member
"and not one of the many other variants of polymer pistols that were made after the Glocks caught on."

Do you still drive a Model T?

Heck, even Glock is making variants of the original Glocks. They've recognized, well, not exactly deficiencies in the original design, but where the market has desired an improvement in their guns shall we say.

"Yes I am a gun snob. But only if it hits the target and puts the game on the ground."

You don't believe that expensive guns will put the game on the ground as you put it? You've only addressed your fondness for low cost guns.


New member
My Voree Mauser Drove roofing nails at 100 yrds. $175 used.

You might shoot exceptionally good groups with your guns but, either your spelling is a bit off, or you have an extremely rare gun there:D.


New member
If I'm a gun snob because I won't touch a High-point, Keltec, or because my only Taurus is a throw-away whenever it breaks range beater.....I'll accept that title:cool:


New member
Gun Snob? Maybe

A story told to me about my father in law by his mother in law. He was cured from being a gun snob. Being on the Air Force trap or skeet team, don't remember which and they are both long passed now, he invited a friend of the family (Frank) in Louisiana to practice. This friend fed himself with his only gun which was a cheap 22 but they didn't realize that. After a few rounds they invited Frank to have a go at it. One of the officers offered him a shotgun but he declined and shot 2 out of 3 clays with his 22. Asked by all, how he was able to do that he replied that he could not afford to waste bullets because they cost too much. After hearing this story I believe I was also cured.


New member
Me a gun snob... I don't think I could be considered one, I own a Remington 770 :D

First off it was a gift, so give me a break.

At first I despise it. Then I polished the bolt, bedded the action and floated the barrel. Now it makes cloverleafs at 100. What do you do? I'm not selling a rifle but that accurate.



New member
no not really

bought one rifle new and it did cost a months salary for me,

probably not gonna buy a new rifle anytime again, I mean I wouldn't want to break something that expensive


New member
Gun Snob, me?

I was shooting Rugers when folks called them cheap junk guns.
I don’t care what folks shoot.
I have Rugers, colts, S&W, Rossi’s, and the list goes on.
I shoot what I like and what fits my needs or wants.
I know folks that are gun snobs but that is their right.
They are missing out on a lot of great guns IMHO.


New member
Brands are irrelevant to me

A gun, no matter the brand, needs to perform well to be a keeper. Does that make me a snob? I don't know. I've spent $300 on a small time name brand gun that worked flawlessly and $1,200 on a well known 1911 brand that wouldn't feed anything but WWB until I had a smith do some work on it.

There are a number of requirements that each shooter has for their firearms. Some more, some less.


New member
On a personal level, yes I am. It is my hard earned money and I want what I want. On the level of judging others on what they buy and shoot, no I am not. If it is your hard earned money and makes you happy I am happy for you.


Active member
I started this thread exactly 2 years ago - don't know why it was recently resurrected? While I still find the topic interesting, it probably should be closed as a zombie thread.
Gun snob

I'm a gun snob. I look for the guy shooting 1 MOA and I park behind him for a little while. I tell him his smoke doesn't smell right. I ask him if his saltpeter smells old. I tell him he could tighten up his groups *if* he made his own saltpeter.