Are you a gun snob?


Active member
What do you think it means to be a gun snob?

I'll admit - I'm a gun snob, or at least I might be. I like certain brands of guns over others. I like, enjoy, prefer or what have you excellent workmanship and craftsmanship - especially when it comes to firearms. I don't particularly care for cheaply constructed firearms, even if they "work". There are some exceptions - but most of them would be made of steel.

Do I really care what other people shoot? No. Do I care what guns I own and shoot? You betcha.


New member
I'm not quite sure what qualifies someone as a gun snob, though I do see that the Glock crowd and the Savage fans are pretty high on their armament. And maybe we should add the 1911 folks to that. Anyway...I'm happy if they're happy. And it's worth mentioning that I was pistol shopping recently and the salesguy proudly announced that he "was a holster snob". Hmmmmm:)


New member
Gun Snobs wouldn't own a Mossberg.

Do I really care what other people shoot? No. Do I care what guns I own and shoot? You betcha.
I'd say that you are border-line Gun Snob but obviously taking something for it. .... :D (Just Kidding)

It's fine to have an opinion but to me, a Gun Snob is someone who is terminally opinionated. ..... :mad:
I have a gun friend that I will not discuss any guns with. He builds his own rifles and openly expresses how everyone else is shooting junk. To him, no factory load of rlfle is good enough for him. He also claims to be the best shot in the club and when a factory rifle, outshoots him, he goes home pouting. ..... :(

Seems that every gun club, has more than their share of Gun-Snobs and you can spot them as they are always advising others, of what they are doing wrong and what they should buy and/or shoot. Y'all know who they are. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
I wouldn't say I'm a gun snob, but there are certain brands and kinds of guns that irk me and there are some that I simply cannot recommend to others.

If someone offers me shots from their gun, I'll absolutely take them up on it, even if it's something I don't care for. And I'll offer shots from mine... often, I do it first.

The most likely I'm going to come off being a gun snob is when folks new to the game are talking about carry or personal protection/home defense guns. It's hard to not open my mouth when certain guns come up. Got a guy right now on my local forum who carries concealed a .25 cal Lorcin in a shoulder holster. :confused:

If I gotta be called and branded a gun snob for pointing out that carrying a .25 cal Lorcin in a shoulder holster for a concealed defensive handgun, then I'll take my medicine. It's cheap, lazy, stupid and could seriously be quite unsafe if he's carrying that hunk-o-crap with a chambered round.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I'm not a gun snob. I like what I like, some of it is expensive, some of it just works.

For instance, I'd love to have a Fusion Long Slide 10mm 1911, roughly $2,000 all said and done. Wonderful fit and finish, great gun, just beautiful.

I carry a Glock 33, $500, "cheap" and "plastic". Also light-weight, effective and utterly reliable.

Then, I really like my Encore Pro Hunter, with it's "cheap" looking rubbery grips and matte finish stainless parts.

Finally, there's my Ruger M77 MkII. Very typical, traditional "cheap" wooden stock, typical, traditional thin, long, blued barrel.....

I have other guns too... none expensive or "exquisite" or rare. They do what I need and they do it reliably, that's all I really care about.


New member
Some would say I am. But I don't think so. With a hunting gun I believe in using whatever you enjoy hunting with even if it is a less effective tool than something else. I don't believe in wasting money on junk however.

On a SD gun I have no use for using anything that is not up to the task. I have no room for using an old outdated gun just because of sentimental reasons.

Onward Allusion

New member
Nope. Not a gun snob at all. I appreciate guns that are inexpensive, reliable, & durable. I could care less if they are ugly as sin or that no one is impressed by them. I also don't care that people are impressed by my guns either, and I do have a couple that can be considered impressive by some folks.


New member
a real gun snob should just show the grouping on thier target and smile. i have learned that the cost of the gun and the accuracy, reliability and durability rarely coinside. higher cost seldom equals better gun. the rest is just ego.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
a real gun snob should just show the grouping on thier target and smile




New member
Yeah... I'm a bit of a Mauser rifles for life gun snob... I do accept there are other great rifles out there, but Mausers hold a special place in my heart.

And it's usually provoked by someone at the range talking about their $600 rifle scope combo. I start out with a crack about how many modern actions are modeled after the Model 98 action. They bicker and whine, saying my guns are obsolete and all the bs you can imagine.

Then I just say, okay lets to to the shooting lanes. And more than 95% of the time I can keep the Mausers even or exceed their shooting. They either apologize and ask to see the rifle more, or they get mad and start blaming wind, ammo, etc. And to those people I pick up my brass, recover my target, walk past and with a big grin say, "Guten Tag". :D

And I'm a bit of a 870 Wingmaster snob... I won't straight out and harass anyone for an Express or a Mossy 500, but if they have a problem I'll put on a goofy grin and say, "I have no idea how to fix that... My Wingmaster doesn't do that..." Then they kind of get that flat lipped glare while I just stand there, stupid grin and everything. I'm never hostile about it, but I never give up the chance for a friendly little stab.


New member
I'm not a gun snob either. I do like what I like and would be a hypocrite if I insulted or sneered at someone for what they like. I'm this way because a couple buddies of mine (brothers, go figure) are gun snobs both in model & caliber. Glocks, Colts and Bushmasters are the only thing they own with one brother also owning a SPAS-12. One brother is a little more open-minded than the other but still a snob. Before you finish your sentence, they're telling you "get a glock in CC, get a colt for 1911 model and either Colt or Bushmaster for AR." Can't even talk to them about AK's or S&W pistols/rifles. When it comes to caliber, nothing less than a .40 will work and only a .223 will work in a AR. I could list other examples of their "snobbyness" but this is normally what I put up with.
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New member
My definition of a "snob" is an insecure bore. I may be a bore but I am sure not insecure. I do NOT like Glocks. Nothing wrong with them, but I do NOT like them. I don't like aluminum, scandium, or any frame/receiver that is not steel. I started a message thread some time ago asking the lightweight aficionados what the appeal of "airweight" guns was to them, several pointed out that if I wasn't 5'10" and 200 or so muscular (and generally fit) pounds I would understand better.
I don't care for modern, in-line muzzleloaders or whatever. As a reenactor I must use period correct firearms, as a traditionalist I like to use what they used Back Then. But that is my personal preference, not Gospel Truth.


New member
And maybe we should add the 1911 folks to that.
The Colt and Wilson Combat owners are the worst.Say something bad about either of those and you'd think you slapped the owners momma.


New member
A gun snob to me someone that says you need to agree with their perpsective or go away ....and I see that attitude from guys that buy in the low end priced guns ( where some guys think - if you spend more you're an idiot ) ....and I see it on some guys buyinhg high priced guns...( where guys think more expensive is the only way to go - or you're getting junk ).

I've been to some high end training classes ....where it was obvious the instructors were pushing one mfg guns over everything else...and they scowled at anyone that wasn't drinking the cool-aid...and it got really tiring to the point where I said something to the owner and head instructor. I think they might have been getting a kick-back from the mfg they were pushing ...but to me that was gun snobbery..

I have strong opinions about what I collect and shoot ...but it isn't like everything else out there is junk / its not. But I do / and will comment on the forum about areas of consideration - that I think should be considered in a gun or model - along with price / durability, etc....


New member
I am a reverse gun snob.

I shoot skeet with my Model 1897 Winchester (pump) in 12 ga. It is old and it is ugly but it breaks birds to the tune of a drawer full of 25 patches and a few 50's.

It is fun to beat the guys in a $1,000.00 worth of clothes and sporting $5,000.00 ou's.

They seem to like it, too. Many a time I've been asked if they can shoot a station with it.


New member
Heh... you can't be a reverse snob when you show up with a highly sought after American Classic. That's like saying that you crashed a Rolls Royce party with a classic Mustang.

Go run your course with a break barrel single shot Rossi and see how many guys wanna borrow that, and then you can claim reverse! ;)

Don P

New member
Do I really care what other people shoot? No. Do I care what guns I own and shoot? You betcha.

How are you living with yourself associating with us non-snobs?:p Couldn't care less what other folks shoot and if I like it and want to buy it I could care less what anyone else thinks or how they feel about my purchase and choice. No one else's business as to how and what I spend my money on, period!:cool:

Shadi Khalil

New member
According to my wife (born and raised in the country on the Mason Dixon) everyone from Northern VA/DC is a snob... To me, a snob is someone who turns their nose up to things they think are beneath them. I on the other hand just like nice things and have particular taste. I do prefer s proven brand with a strong history but that just makes me smart, not a snob.


Active member
How are you living with yourself associating with us non-snobs?

I know, I'm evil, but I just can't help it!:D

Seriously, I know that there are folks here that really believe that a gun is nothing more than a tool. While I really don't care what anyone else shoots, I've always been fascinated by interesting designs, superior workmanship, historical firearms, and "banned" guns. I just have a feeling that anyone who has over 1,000 posts on a forum like this doesn't see guns simply as tools. I can tell you, I don't have nearly as many posts on
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