Anyone NOT engage in panic buying?

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Nope, not even a bullet since Dec 14.
I actually bought a bunch of goodies on that day (luckily)before the panic began.
I bought an AR on that Friday for $900, & by Monday it was worth $2000..
I wish I'd bought 10 of them!
I'll wait till the Spazz cases go home & the gun shops re-stock..


New member
Nope, stocked up in Sept and Oct before elections on ammo and a couple more gun purchases same time frame. Had a feeling elections where going south. Have not shot much since December. I refuse to fuel the fire on ammo.

edit: Did buy two cases of Hornady Tap 5.56 75 gr T2 for what I thought was a killer price $135 ea. in January.


New member
No panic buying here. I have bought a mag for my .223 Saiga and a bulk box of .22lr. But those were still at pre panic prices. Sportsmans Warehouse had the .22 at normal prices but limited how much you could get. I was ok with that. Got the mag at Numrich, it was only like $25 for a 35 rounder. Last one I bought pre panic was $19 and in worse shape (metal surplus mags).

I sold a LC9 via BackPage. A guy posted he wanted to buy one and I had been thinking about selling the one we had bought for the wife (she didn't like it). I definitely didn't charge any panic pricing, just got most of my money back.

If you ask me, the guys who are selling off all their personal stuff at elevated prices are gonna end up screwing us in the long run. Sure you made a couple bucks, but soon that elevated price will become the acceptable norm. I am sure I could have sold the LC9 for quite a bit more, but it's not WORTH more.

The biggest change for me is that I haven't been shooting since "Black Friday". That's the longest I have gone without hitting the range in a LONG time. Honestly though, I'm not sure if it's been a time crunch issue or if I just don't want to use my ammo. I've been thinking about going to shoot some .22 and help my Dad sight in a couple rifles.


New member
NO,,, Last time I bought ammo was 2 years ago & it was SD carry ammo.

As far as shooting practice, well I'm set for a while ; )


New member
I am not panic buying per se. I am buying ammo when I see it for what firearms I own. Realistic I have at least 3-5 years worth. I am not worried about a gun ban this go around. They just don't have the votes to get it through congress. However I am worried they will tackle this issue through the ammo side. Through the ATF and EPA they could start banning certain materials used to make ammo, and I think they can do it without congress. What good are guns if there is no ammo?


New member
No real "panic buying", but I did finally get off my duff and trade away some powder I don't need for some powder I do need. I also bought a Browning Hi-Power, but it's been on my "list" for a long time, and it wasn't "panic-priced".

I *did* order 5k large pistol primers, but Powder Valley had them in stock and at the normal price. I just ordered five bricks to dilute the HAZMAT fee.


New member
No panic buying siree..well...

I went to the local lgs just to see what the effect was and sure enough there was *lot* of empty spaces in the cabinets and on the walls but sitting rather forlornly at the edge of one cabinet was a slightly used Ruger Blackhawk .45 Colt for $300. Guess nobody wanted a low cap cowboy colt so I felt compelled to bring it home and show it somebody cared.

Just doing my part to make ALL guns feel appreciated.

And there wasn't much problem getting .45 Colt ammunition either although other calibers were pretty much picked over.


New member
The only thing I bought was a 10 pack of pmags for $100, because it seemed like a good deal at Christmas(and I felt 4 wasn't enough). Other than that, I've actually stopped building my AR till the prices come back down.


New member
not me. the last time I bought .22 ammo was last summer when I acquired my Winchester 9422. I bought 200 rounds of .22 ammo to try out. had I suspected people were going to start hoarding ammo I would've bought 1000 rounds. but, I still haven't touched the 200 I currently have, so i'm not really worried about it. I say let the suckers waste their money on overpriced ammo. i'll wait for the dust to settle and for prices to come back down


New member
Bought an LCP but at usual retail price that it was before the panic hit. I did overpay by 5 bucks for some .380 dies on ebay as Midway was sold out.

I asked my grown son what he wanted for xmas back around the first of Dec. He sent me a link for the Arsenal 101S Ak. I thought that it was a lot of cash for an Ak, but he has always been a damn good kid so I ordered one for each of us and they shipped to my FFL. Xmas morning we put 10 boxes through his, mine is still unfired in the safe. I see that they are up in price a bit since then.

Sold a box of 1000 large pistol primers for $30 to a local fellow who was glad to find them. Probably could have charged more but I only paid $18 for them. The old reciept was stuck in the front of the dusty box.


New member
Panic buying??? Maybe...

I will say I have bought more then I would have had this whole mess not been happening in the first place.

I ordered 10 - 30rd pmags and 10 -20rd pmags but at normal prices ($12&$13)

I did buy extra XD mags for my 45 & 9 also but at normal prices ($25).

This whole situation also made me realize how susceptible I am to a panic market. It pushed me off the fence to start educating myself about reloading and I was able to aquire all the items needed to reload at normal prices(no real deals to be had). I'm still waiting on some stuff to ship but they were in stock when i ordered them (verified with a phone call). I've been blessed with a LGS that has many of the items I need to get into reloading(powder & primers mainly) and have not been gouging anyone from what I can see.

The whole grun grab climate has made me wake up and take action to be able to weather these kinds of events in the future. Sucks for me that it took this event for me to wake up but it can be navigated if with a lot of work and patience.

My supplies are light but not bare by any means. I will continue buying and building up my supplys as long as prices stay normal(and my wife doesn't threaten to devorce me! ;)). I refuse to pay grossly inflated prices and won't do business with gougers when things return to somewhat normal.


New member
No ammo or guns purchased in last 6 months. Even put off purchase of a couple. Like previous scares, I believe many people will financially be forced to sell within the next year or two and there will be a buying opportunity.

We will see.


New member
I have not purchased any firearms at this point. My original plan for a new pistol or rifle have been put off until Christmas, and then only if the price is right.

I have spent more for rounds than I did last year, but now have several month's worth (including 2-3 competitions a month, which is the big driver).


New member
I refuse. I have been able to find the Glock mags I want from places that are not jacking up there prices. Just picked up two factory new G19 hi-caps for under $25 each. If I can't find what I want for what would constitute a reasonable price before the panic I will wait.

All those people who went out and bought those $2500 DPMS AR's and spent 100+ per Pmag as investment are going to be very disappointed. And has a hedge against a future ban? Not likely.

This administration and it's anti-2A allies have learned a lot since 1994. Instead of attacking from the federal level - a single, large, frontal assault which can be defended much easier, they are attacking at the state level which is a multi frontal assault and much harder to defend as resources cannot be easily pooled.

If you read some of the more egregious awb's being proposed in various states they are taking out grandfather clauses. You will have a limited amount of time to get the now illegal firearm out of the state, turn it in, or register it with the state. No thanks.

You can keep your panic, I'll keep my head. :D


New member
No panic here. I keep enough reloading supplies and ammo on hand so I'm good for awhile.

I learned during the first panic.

There are some gun parts and optics I'm thinking about but no big hurry for them....
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