Anyone NOT engage in panic buying?

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I confess I haven't been shooting in a while nor have I visited any of the LGS's. I have so many safe queens I've lost track of them, my ammo locker is full of reloads and factory ammunition old enough to be collectibles. There are guns I'd like to have but nothing I MUST have and IMHO if there is some sort of cataclysm or social breakdown what I have will do nicely.
Now if I could just find more barrels for my SIG SHRs...


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I'm not. I wish I had more .22LR, and more 20-round magazines, (I like 'em better than 30's) and more .224 projectiles. But I have enough of all-of-the-above to last me a few years, and hopefully things will be back to normal by then. If not, I have enough components to reload and shoot .38 Special for several lifetimes.


New member
I've done some panic selling. Might as well make a buck.

The only purchase I've made during the panic buying was 3 M1A mags that I picked up for a pittance.


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With the exception of 22lr I should be ok till next year. I plan on going to the range tomorrow.


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I have not participated in the madness, although there are a couple of things I wish I would have gotten before the rush. I have what I need for the most part although I wish I would have gotten a couple of the 25 round Ruger mags for my 10-22, just because those mags seem to work well as oposed to the old Ram-Line ones I sold off years ago. But I can wait it out, they will be available again someday. I had been buying up the bricks of the good "tacticle" 22LR rounds whenever I saw them because they work nearly flawlessly in my M&P 15-22 and my GSG 5. I wish I would have stashed a few more, but they will be back on the shelves someday. I sold my only AR-15 to a friend at work last year, its probably worth twice what I sold it for now at least. I still have some 223s and nothing to shoot them from, but this too shall pass. I picked up another 1K rounds of 9mm just before the crazyness started but wish I had gotten more. I have at least one 5 day class planned this year and will likely use much of that up that week. But I'll keep my eyes open fo deals and be more conservative and focused with my practice sessions and use up less rounds. I'm good on 45ACP and don't shoot them that often so it should last. Got lots of rounds for my 30 Carbine and a good supply of hunting stuff, 30-06, 303 British, 243, and 30-30. I will probably pick up some more 12 gauge birdshoot to have on hand, its fairly cheap, available, and will provide a lot of protection if push comes to shove.
And if all else fails I got lots of arrows for my bows. and an unending supply of rocks for my slingshot. :D


New member
I work in the service industry, so winters are always a bad time to buy for me (I might get a milsurp around this time of year for Christmas if I can afford - couldn't this year...). I have a couple of dollars I could spend, but I just won't give in to the panic (I remember the last one we had) and hopefully prices simmer down a bit. Checking Armslist, I just can't even believe what I'm seeing. $2000 for crappy customized AKs. $700 for Norinco SKSs. $1000 AR uppers. Quite honestly, due to the good news about a concealed carry law happening in a few months, I think I'm just going to wait it out until that day transpires. I don't believe an AWB is happening and, regardless, I'm not really in the market for a black rifle. I have plenty of old military rifles I haven't even put through the motions yet.


New member
No panic buying here. I salted a little ammo back and I can reload most of what I shoot. I top off a hundred rounds of steel-case 40 or 7.62x39 when it's available, but I sure ain't paying scalper prices to get it.

Sure, it would be great to be sitting on a couple thousand rounds of 'everything' right now but then again, I've never been one of those guys who burns 500 rounds in a weekend just for the hell of it. Might have something to do with the way I was raised.

I'll cut back a little on my shooting and make sure that the shooting I do counts for something.


New member
I bought a couple of Circle 21 AK-74 mags the other day. They were mor expensive than I wanted them to be, but compared to their pre-panic prices they were actually very reasonably priced.

Other than that, I'm sitting on the side and waiting. I have some money sitting that I was thinking about spending on a new AR or maybe even a Sig 551A1, but I refuse to pay more than what they cost days before all this panic started.

50 shooter

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All that I've sold is excess surplus ammo that I have to buy some other stuff that I want. Haven't gouged at all on the prices and kept them at about the same price before all this crap started.

If I'm trading and my price is pre panic I expect the same or the other person can pound sand. If more people did this the prices would stay reasonable, don't forget its only worth what someone will buy or trade for.

If they want what I have they better be ready to deal and not gouge or they can look some place else.
Haven't bought anything panic priced. Did buy a case of ammo for a bit more than it was going for previous to this mess buy I'm fine w that. It wasn't double price or anything. And I am going to keep shooting so I paid the small premium.

Have 3 guns on a list but they can wait. Not paying 2-3x what they cost in November.


New member
While I haven't done what I would consider "panic buying," I have been affected by it trying to do what should be "regular buying." I bought one new gun a few weeks ago (Charter Arms Bulldog pug), which I then needed to find reloading components for (only need Large Pistol Primers now), and have been searching for a bulk pack of 22lr or two since I am nearly out:(. I refused to pay what I consider "panic prices," so I have to search diligently and see what I can scrounge from those who haven't raised them through the roof. The only thing I paid more for than it would have been before the panic was the revolver, and only by $20 or so, which I didn't mind since they were hard to find in that particular configuration (Black DAO) even before "the troubles."


New member
I have not engaged in "panic buying." I started preparing for the next drought in 2008 and currently have enough reloading supplies to last for at least 5 years. I'm gonna wait until everything settles down before I purchase another rifle.


New member
Aside from replenishing ammo in the usual amounts, picking up a spare CZ P01 (I shoot the one I have in IDPA, and use it as a carry gun; the second one is being outfitted with Crimson Trace grips for carry use - and I got it at pre-panic price); and grabbing a few spare CZ magazines, I haven't done any "panic buying."

What I HAVE done is sent enough money to buy a gun or two to the NRA-ILA and SAF; I have also contacted my state and national level reps and senators and my governor multiple times.

And, I have engaged my local big city newspaper editorial staff in a prolonged debate over their anti-gun views.

It would be nice if a higher percentage of our membership would do similar.


New member
I love panic selling. I sold three guns over xmas for 100-300 more each than what was market value.

One to a gun store who really wanted a hi-cap 9mm.


New member
I sold or traded four and picked up three used pieces (two revolvers and an old third gen) none of which were higher than reasonable prices.
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