Anyone Else "Done" With Double-Stack Autos?


New member
To be honest, I am kind of "done" with double-stack autos. I certainly shoot and still use them, but I feel that I have enough in my collection to cover all my needs, and I don't see any of the newer models out there offering any real improvement over the pistols I already own. That and my shooting interests are starting to shift to other directions.

Though that probably wouldn't stop me from still picking up another used Glock 19 or a BHP if the price is too good to pass up.


New member
I look at it this way...

Step 1:
Find the handgun you'd want to have with you if you had to get in a gunfight.

Step 2:
Figure out how to conceal it.

For me, it's a Glock 21. Find what gives you a sense of reliability, confidence, accuracy, and capacity and then figure out how to carry it.


New member
I have no problem carrying my Glock 30s, its comfortable IWB and with 10 rounds in the mag and one in the chamber and an extra mag in my front pocket.
Plus it is 45acp.


New member
No, the opposite.
Its hot, but I'm still carrying a Glock 30SF or 19.
When restricted by work clothes then I'm limited to a pocket gun, single stack Glock 43 (or LCP 380)- not my preference.


New member
Not me. I do primarily CCW a Walther PPS but often CCW my Glock 19 too with good comfort. A good holster and gun belt can make a lot of difference and holster is a very personal thing.

But everyone is different and as long as you found what works for you that is great.

Uncle Malice

New member
Nope. I like the single stacks for the very few occasions where I really need something very light and small... the G43 fills that role nicely for the time being.

My normal carry is either the HK P2000 or HK 45C with sometimes appearances by the G26, G19, VP9, P30L, or USP 45.

I might ask what you consider a "good belt". I had a decent leather belt for years which I thought was 'good'... until I actually got a good STIFF gun belt.

I now have the BioBelt IndestructiBelt. It's fully synthetic but looks professional, almost like a polished leather. It's very stiff. My number one preference for holsters is the Tulster Profile, but he has a fairly limited selection. For my HK 45C which I've been carrying the mostly as of late, I'm just using a Clinger 'Atom' holster. They're only $30 on ebay for almost any gun. Carbon fiber kydex(my preference)... but this is the first style with the offset clip near the trigger guard. I'm liking it so far.

And with this belt, even a fully loaded USP 45 isn't very noticeable weight wise. The hardest part is just grip concealability, but it's doable with anything more than a T shirt.

So no. I'm not dont with double stack semi autos. If anything, I'm mostly done with single stack guns. There are few situations where the G43 is required over the G26... Sometimes my wife will carry it. On a personal level, it's basically just for exercise when the wife and I go out for long walks/jogs. The g26 is just a smidge too heavy for my taste in that circumstance, but I think that's once again more related to carry method. I want to get a pair of something like Thunderwear or one of the CCW undershirts with the armpit pocket. If I can find a decent method to carry the G26, the 43 might be exclusively assigned to the wife or perhaps even on the chopping block.


New member
Nope. Non-1911 single stacks don't fit my hands at all. Can't stand em.

Need a fat grip. Glock's work great for me.

If anything I'm going the other way, changed my Glock 19 for a 17 in EDC. 26 gets the "17 won't fit with today's clothes" duty.


New member
I've never carried a double stack. Usually a 642, sometimes an LC9. I have a lt wt Commander but haven't carried it yet. I have a 686 but it's uncomfortable even tho it conceals well in a pancake holster.


New member
I have not given up on anything. Though I find that I now pocket carry, and small gun more than anything else. When it is super hot, and sticky humid as it is most of the time here. I like being able to dress cooler. I have noticed that I tend to carry smaller, and lighter guns these days. Though my holsters, guns and belts are ready for anytime I wish to carry them.


New member
My single stacks are my 1911's, my Sig P6, and my Walther PPS M2. I generally prefer fat grip double stack pistols but I can do OK with any of my pistols that I get sufficient range practice with.

Big Shrek

New member
IMHO, Carry should involve a variety of pistols Which All Utilize The Same Controls
so that confusion dose not reign...

At the very least, if any safeties or hammer block/decockers are used,
they should all go up bang, or all down bang. No mixing.

Example, if you have a full size WC 1911 and a Star PD for carry,
they both can be used in Condition 1 (cocked & locked)
with the same general style thumb safety on both.
The PD, of course, does not use the grip safety, probably due to copyrights...
anyway, they offer seamless transition from one to the other.

The K.I.S.S. principle always applies :)

Of course, so does the "I freekin LOVE this new pistol"...
so you end up with an S&W Shield or what the frak ever ;)
As long as you train with it properly, carry on!!


New member
If I'm wearing pants with belt loops, I'm carrying a full size gun.

If you keep your belt tight with a good holster and wear your pants at or above your hips it should be a non issue

To make up for the longer grip I just wear a size larger shirt.

Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk


New member
I'm not done with any size of gun, I've carried almost every category over the years except 'micro/mouse gun'. They all have their place.

I've appendix carried a CZ PCR, Glock 26, CZ SP-01(that takes some effort!), Ruger SP 101, CZ 75Compact, and now I finally jumped on the 'single stack 9' bandwagon and picked up a Walther PPS M2.

I like options, but the ease of carry and concealment of the PPS over anything I've ever tried, while still being a very capable handgun, means I could see it being my main carry 70%+ of the time now.

I would like to add a Ruger LCP Pro for pocket carry, as well as a Walther P99c AS subcompact in the mix by the end of the year to fill some more niches in my carry lineup.

Why limit yourself to one category of handguns? :confused:


New member
The day I give up my High Power's will be the day they get the hole ready to bury the ammo can containing my ashes. Single stack or double depends upon the firearm and my likes or dislikes, so to answer the OP ---- nope.


New member
I never got into them.
I'll admit to liking the Hi-Power, and still using one for self-defense, and doing so mostly due to the capacity, but it's more "special purpose" than "EDC".


New member
Never be "done" with any particular firearm. I may change them up occasionally. They all have a purpose and a place. If it goes bang, I'm in!


New member
Nope, carry a Glock 23 with extra mag and flashlight 99% of the time. The other 1% is a snub nose 38 for when I just run down the road in gym shorts and a t-shirt


New member
I'm not "done" with any style of handgun. I love them all. Including double and single stack semiautomatics whether they be sa, da or dao, polymer or metal. The same goes for revolvers snubbies, small bore, big bore, sa or da. Honestly I don't get these "are you done with" threads.They all serve their purpose.