Anyone Else "Done" With Double-Stack Autos?


New member
I believe I am......

After reading a thread here with a similar title, I began thinking about my own carry preferences. My primary carry choice has been a Ruger LC9. It's light, small, and carries well in a variety of holsters. Over the summer, I have experimented with carrying a S&W SD9VE, similar in size to a Glock 19. Even with good holsters and a good belt, I could not get used to that pistol. It wasn't the length of the slide or grip. It's the balance....specifically, the lack of balance. With a 16-rd magazine, most of the weight is in the grip. It's not noticeable when shooting, but it's an annoyance in the holster. So, I find myself looking hard at single-stack autos and revolvers. Even though I'd be giving up capacity, I can live with the increased carry comfort. Besides, just because I have 16 rounds in the pistol doesn't mean the BG will let me get all 16 rounds off.

What about y'all? Anyone jumping off the double-stack bandwagon for better-balanced options?


New member
A double stack 9 mm compact, e.g., an SR9c or G26 is just about the perfect size and capacity for me. I really like the LC9s, but 10+1 with a 10 or 17 round reload is a better choice for me. So, no.:)


New member
I think my double stack P229 with a mounted light is about as perfect as they come fit and balance wise *for me*.
Lots of different options, the trick for everyone is to find what fits their hand best.


New member
I switched from a revolver to a G26 for EDC a few years back because of capacity. Capacity and concealment are always a trade-off, but I still think it hits a pretty good spot. I have a pocket pistol (Sig P238) for times that IWB doesn't work, but the lower capacity makes it less desirable to me for carry.

Everybody makes their own choices and judgments about what compromises to make for carry, though - I'm just answering with my own decisions and yours are your own.


New member
I almost always carry an G19 or a P229SAS with a mag in my front pocket. It is really only around town, small place, that I carry a single stack 938. There certainly is the comfort angle with the smaller pieces but I reserve them for more of a niche than EDC because honestly, I don't want to get into the habit of the smaller handgun.

Trying to take physical stature out of the equation for what people carry, I notice an interesting divide in the camps. I almost never hear people ask if the preference falls between a pocket gun and a full sized frame. It always seems to only encompass the mid-sizes and the pocket pieces. G19 P228 229 officer sized 45 or the many others out there. Personally I can not conceal a full size outside of the depths of winter and have built my EDC gear around the mids.

I normally don't feel under-gunned when I have my 938 but have no issues carrying something larger, so I do. I heard is said well recently. More bullets=less maybes.


New member
I'm not giving up anything, I like options.
Not mouseguns
Not compact single stacks
Not compact double stacks
Not duty guns
Not target guns
Not revolvers
Not giving up on a caliber either I'm keeping 9mm, 40 and 45s
In a word, no. I find the mid-size compacts (G19, Sig 229) well balanced, and superbly proportioned.

I have larger double-stack pistols (G22, CZ75b) mainly because I do not rule out the open carry option.

I do want to take a look at a subcompact 9mm for pocket carry, though.


New member
I have given a lot of thought to just this question but came up with the answer of no. I have a fair collection of weapons and pull out what I need for the occasion. Work is usually a singe stack pocket gun, while out anywhere else I feel better with a double stack gun with a quality holster that lets the gun ride lower/IWB on my waist line with a good belt, I hate a hi ride holster and a cheap flimsy belt. I seem to carry my revolvers even less due to the lower cap.


New member
In a well made, gun specific holster and a good gun belt, I've never had any issues with balance. Guns are heavier, thicker and longer than others and some are easier to conceal because of it but none are unbalanced.


You need to learn to dress around the gun, and remember, carrying a gun isn't supposed to be comfortable. It's supposed to be comforting.

If you can't conceal a compact tactical double-stack poly framed 9, than there's something wrong with your picture.



New member
I chose single stacks but that is a decision that is forced on me due to hand size. With the exception of the SIG P320, I have yet to find a double stack that allows for both a good firing grip and proper placement of my finger on the trigger. For me a 1911 with a short trigger and a Kahr K series semi are the perfect fit.


New member
Thinking about it further.....could my issue have more to do with the fact that I've typically owned and carried polymer double-stack autos that don't have much weight forward of the grip. Could switching to a metal-framed pistol make a difference?


New member
I am not done with ultra compacts, compacts, double stacks or revolvers (single or double action). There, I think that about covers it for me..:D


Active member
For EDC, double-stack 9mms tend to be a bit large. However, I still love double stack 9mm's.


New member
I’ve been carrying a 1911 for several months now, but the G26 is still a favorite. Also, if the threat level was for some reason high the P229 would almost certainly be my choice. So, no I haven’t given up on double stacks it seems to me everything has a purpose and it’s great to have options.


New member
I can't say that no. While I am more interested in single stacks now than I once was, it's simply just for variety. Many single stacks still feel too skinny to me and if they don't they're nearly the same width as double stacks.

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