An ethical question

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No i have not shared my views with them but i would if it came up. i'm a very blunt and out spoken person and i believe they feel the same way i do. they feel that the way some NOT ALL aribic people act tanishes the accomplishments of the other really good aribic people and cuases hate between races. they hate the extremist just as much as i do.


New member
OK, I tried.

Seriously, go look up the history of how we treated Japanese-Americans during the Second World War and how they actually acted during the Second World War.

I just saw your last post. It's funny that even though you acknowledge that 'not all Arabs' are bad, you posit this entire hypothetical situation whereby they all are going to rise up and attack. And that is what you wrote, in case you think otherwise:

Just imagine if every Arabic/Mideastern person in America was part of a terrorist cell that has been transplanted here by the terrorist groups for how long no one knows. Just imagine if they all were and every cell in America was activated there are enough of them here to rival our military that isn’t fighting in the mideast. I think sooner or later we will as a American citizen have to fight to protect our country from the growing terrorist threat. There are too many of them and they all live for the same thing WAR they will never stop as long as the west is a thriving, Free world they will always be jealous and always have hatred toward us. Why? Because that’s how they are born and raised and it will never change.

Which is it?


New member
"I believe that if you commit a crime you should have no rights what so ever. "

Fair enough, but what about the time between the commission of the crime and your conviction? Until the government establishes that you are a criminal by obtaining a conviction at trial, you are presumed to be innocent.



My head hurts now.

Thank you, twin1911s. Thank you for your Punisher-movie-kewl name and your xenophobic posts. I'll lay down $500 cash that you can't even tell the difference between a Sikh, a Pakistani, or an actual Arab-American. They're all ragheads to you just waiting to blow something up, huh?

Last time some drunken redneck tried following through on his thoughts where I last lived (athens), he got ventilated by both the second generation sikh and his father who sacrificed everything he had just to get to America to buy a store and try to live the American Dream.

I cheered at the idiot's funeral.


New member
Oh, rats

You know, up until this last page, we managed to have a civilized, intelligent discussion, in which people who see things very differently were having a good discussion. Then comes one person who has to spread racist and xenophobic verbiage around, and the whole thing starts to crumble.

You are going to get this thread shut down, Twin1911's, and you are taking it south rapidly. I am not a moderator, but I have been a part of this discussion since the beginning, and frankly, it honks me off royally that you come in and spread your hateful ideas and your nasty language and your racial epithets.

Grow up if you want to talk to the adults. Please.



Well i'm sorry for anyone that i offended i will retract all my statements and sorry for posting in this thread.

P.S. hope you guys don't think bad of me for having a bad thought streak it won't happen again.


New member
Though I have not yet posted in this thread, I have been here, reading...

... and I have to ask...

What in the WORLD does this thread have to do with the legality and/or politics of firearms??? This type of discussion belongs on the web page of the Republican National Convention, the Senate Committe on Foreign Power, or some other such pure-political forum. It does NOT belong here, because it has NOTHING to do with guns.

I have my OWN views about torture. I'll not share them with you. Mostly, I'm just AMAZED that this TOTALLY off-topic thread has been allowed to continue as long as it has, without being shut down or moved. Springmom is right, we're not moderators. But, I hope that some moderator will come along and kindly shut this thing off, before any more firearms enthusiasts are painted as bloodthirsty, redneck, racist xenophobes.


New member
trust me on this....

As one who has, um, opined on the board that L&P needs to be gun related, let me assure you that I have been assured that it doesn't.



New member
"But, I hope that some moderator will come along and kindly shut this thing off, before any more firearms enthusiasts are painted as bloodthirsty, redneck, racist xenophobes."

Well, at least one moderator has *participated* in the discussion, but anyway, from the forum header:

"Round table discussions range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues."

In my view, people who think that shooters are bloodthirsty, redneck, racist xenophobes are not going to change their minds about them even if we start discussing Winnie the Pooh.


Glenn E. Meyer

New member
What round for Winnie the Pooh? Isn't he a bear? Is a 38SPL enough? :D

Maybe we have all said what our position is and there is no need to continue.

Marko Kloos

New member
When a thread has reached five pages, it's usually time to put the subject to bed. At that point, people have either managed to convince, or they won't manage it with another ten pages of thread.

Twin1911S, think about our board adage of "Think Twice, Post Once."

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Samurai, legal or political discussion entails much more than firearms. Pay particular attention to the civil rights aspect of this forum and this thread in specific.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident..." Possibly the greatest writing to have ever come out of the American Culture. We either believe it or we don't. As a country, a nation, a people, we must recognize what "all men are created equal" means or no one is equal, and that would put us square on the same level as all other nations, past and present.
Glenn said:
Maybe we have all said what our position is and there is no need to continue.
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