2010 Brady scores are out - 3 States "Crazy"


New member
Wisconsin's an 8 now ... but it will be lower as soon as we pass our concealed carry
Yea, I don't get that. How can WI be an 8 and not be a shall issue state??? That must be the only thing on the books???

And yes, definitely want to see what the points were for too. Some are no biggies and others are cause for concern. We earned 3 points for being able to extend the 3 day deadline. Big deal, If there's ever a time I can't buy a gun and walk out with it right then and there, then something bigger is wrong than the extension on the background check time limit. Mandatory reporting of a stolen firearm, ok (heck, I report everything stolen). But things like home inspections and any sort of random checks, fingerprinting, ammo control, ect ... NOOOO!!! I'll do the background check no problem, but then leave me be.
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New member
How about an unbiased report on all the states, and the level of "gun violence" they have in proportion to the strickness of gun laws? Don't expect we'll be seeing that anytime soon.


New member
hnl.flyboy, this surprises you? Hawaii is not exactly gun friendly.

State ban on magazines with more than 10 round capacity; requirement to register handguns; difficult to get carry permits.

Was stationed in Hawaii for two years; stored all but two guns with my parents in Florida while I was on the island.


New member
Even though Virginia scored 16 at least we received a "crazy' call-out.

There are actually NO 'bars' in the state of Virginia.

Anyplace selling alcohol by the drink (beer, wine, liquor) must make 45% of sales from food.

Don P

New member
I had to reply again after reading some here. According to the Brady bunch even Maryland gets a relatively poor rating.:eek: Go figure:eek:


New member
Alabama scores 16 out of a 100.

I am so disappointed and promise to only vote for those who will make the number closer to zero.


New member
I live in a "0" state, that is perennially voted one of the best places to live in the U.S.

Me too! :)

In a 3 way tie for last place.........woo hoo! Maybe we will take last place next time..........or would that be first place from our point of view?


New member
Hrm, West Virginia scored 4 versus my home state's 35, Illinois.

My fiancees family is in WV. We've talked about moving some time in the future. Looks like a bright future.
Man, Georgia got an 8.

That's funny, because it reminded me of this guy I went to high school with. He thought it would be a good idea to take LSD before taking his driver's license test. He started peaking about ten minutes into the written exam, and apparently he was really freaked out by the examiner's eyebrows. He was a big Guns N Roses fan. Me, I never got the appeal, especially after that album with "November Rain," which was about as pretentious as late 1970's Yes. I got to thinking, "whatever happened to Axl Rose?" I mean, they did another album a couple of years back, but I didn't hear much about it. Weird.

Anyhow, when the guy got out of rehab, he asked for the score he'd gotten on his test. It was 8 (out of 100). So I guess he got something right. What were we talking about, again? Oh! The Brady Campaign. I really can't bring myself to consider them a threat anymore.


New member
I'm stuck in crazy Oregon and we got a 17 but it could very well be worse. At least Idaho is only one state away so when I get feed up, they're score of "2" is looking pretty good right now.



New member
thanks to the OP I needed a god laugh this morning.

indiana got a 4.

funny they say I can buy a gun without a back ground check, I've never bought a gun with out a back ground check, wonder they get their info.


New member
I would like to see a map of which states have the highest violent crime rates overlapped with this one just to see if they're exacticly the same.lol


New member
Haha they gave North Dakota 4 points....and they didn't even get that right:

Employers not forced to allow firearms in parking lots

As of the latest legislative session (which ended a couple of weeks ago) employers are now forced to allow firearms in parking lots.


Perhaps someone should forward this thread to them showing them their mistakes and what honest folks think abut their chicanery