2010 Brady scores are out - 3 States "Crazy"


New member
WA scores 17

I'm happy to see my state clock in with 17 points. Very surprised that so many states are so much more restrictive.

Also interesting to see that so many states renowned for crime are among the most restirictive states.

Gee, who'd a thunk it?


New member
Also interesting to see that so many states renowned for crime are among the most restirictive states.

Gee, who'd a thunk it?

Oh, it's clearly because those states that are not restrictive are causing problems for those that are. Never mind that those problems should be mirrored here too. The guns go on vacation and go wild or something like that. :p


New member
Montana scored a 2 for not forcing colleges to allow guns. We'll score a zero if the governor signs the bill on his desk right now for the allowing of concieled carry without a permit.
Why is it that I have some small feeling of satisfaction after seeing my state score low on the anti-gun whacko's website?


New member
I sure hate to give them clicks but I had to know where SC stood. We got 10 out of 100. Not good! Time to write my legislators again...

Spats McGee

Gun control: It's like golf, where lower scores are better!

Arkansas scored a 4. WOOOOOO PIG SOOOIE!

Is anybody else struck by how much of that maps shows 10 or fewer points?


New member
I think NJ outpoints North Korea

... make that NJ and CA. DC would be there too if they rated it... murder capital of the country.


New member
What 3 states were "crazy."?


The Brady Campaign also announced features new this year to its annual release of scores, including four “Craziest Gun Laws” awards, which go to Kansas for allowing guns in K-12 schools, Virginia for allowing guns in bars, as long as the patron doesn’t drink, Utah for allowing guns on college campuses, and Florida for being on the brink of passing a bill that penalizes doctors for talking to children and parents about guns in the home.


New member
Kentucky scored a 2. Not bad but we need to work on the right to carry on college campuses.

Both my kids attend the University of Kentucky and I can't tell you how many times they get text alerts about muggings/robberies, etc. on or near campus. Heck, somebody was even crawling under library tables and stabbing students in the feet. :eek: