2010 Brady scores are out - 3 States "Crazy"

Don H

New member
What 3 states were "crazy."?


The Brady Campaign also announced features new this year to its annual release of scores, including four “Craziest Gun Laws” awards, which go to Kansas for allowing guns in K-12 schools, Virginia for allowing guns in bars, as long as the patron doesn’t drink, Utah for allowing guns on college campuses, and Florida for being on the brink of passing a bill that penalizes doctors for talking to children and parents about guns in the home.
Utah not only allows guns on college campuses but also in K-12 schools and in bars plus the carrier can drink as long as not under the influence (same as driving). Utah, rightfully, should have a negative score based on the Brady criteria.


New member
California is a model of sensible gun laws. Its universal background check system, strong gun dealer regulations, and assault clip ban are just some of the laws that provide a road map to preventing gun violence.

Isn't California the murder and gang capital of the U.S.?


New member
Kentucky had two points........ oh well, there is always next year. :)

It is really scary to read what Brady considers "sensible gun laws."


New member
Woo! Kansas can't get a whole lot better than a 4.

But I still can't wait for my state to do better.:D

Brady Campain


New member
Virginia has 16 out of 100.

Way too frigging high.

I guess we get points for having a CPP instead of constitution carry , a one gun a month law, and the restrictions on high capacity magazines in some cities. Not sure what else gets us to 16 points. On the plus side in the last year or so, we got concealed bar carry, and concealed car carry by non permit holders, so improving some.

Need to get parking lot carry, drop one handgun a month and get college carry. If we dump a few more gun haters in the the next election, it might be possible.

And what is that about bar carry being crazy, lots of states have that, or at least the VA version of carry in alcohol serving restaurants, no bars in VA.

Romeo 33 Delta

New member
Wisconsin's an 8 now ... but it will be lower as soon as we pass our concealed carry .... come on and get with the program you &^&$^%*#^%^&# lawmakers!


New member
I think it's funny that they put so much effort into making this chart, and then every year since they put it out, a million gun owners use it to figure out what kind of bragging rights their state getes, which is a million more people than the number of people who use the Brady chart for anything else.


New member

Humidity be damned - this is a good state to own a firearm(s). We scored a highly coveted "2."


So CO has a 15; mostly, it would seem, because it has reportedly closed the oh-so-famous "gun show loophole". Otherwise, it would have just been an 8 or so. I think I'm just fine here.

I'm with the others that said they wouldn't think of moving somewhere below a red (or in my case, gray).


New member
while the six states that rank in the top tier, including California, which earned 80 points, have strong and effective gun laws.

WOW...:eek:...I didn't realize that all the gun laws in their "top" states had such an effect on gun crime. They must be the most peaceful states in the country...DO they even still have police officers there??? Must be some great places to live. NO gun crime....WOW...:barf: