2010 Brady scores are out - 3 States "Crazy"

It's a BS website...

TX scored 6 out of 100. That's good to me...

The site has tons of misinformation, like "Texas allows sales of firearms without background checks". This is total BS as NO state can sell a firearm without the check. Sales from individual to individual are different and cannot be goverened no matter how hard someone tries.

Laws have nothing to do with gun violence and related crimes. doesn't matter how many laws you put in place, criminals will be criminals and will find a way to get a gun. Kalifornia scored 80 out of 100, but how many gun related crimes do they have every year compared to Texas? Just as many, maybe more? So tell me how having more restrictive gun laws helps reduce gun violence? It's total BS!!!


New member
Losers. They made high paying careers out of a relative's tragedy, and spreading out and out lies. That should tell you a lot right there.


New member
Well, we in Alaska still have some work to do. We scored a zero; however, we did receive 2 points for "not allowing" college campus carry, then were given a 2 point demerit, for not requiring a CC permit to CC, resulting in a final/total zero score.

So, I guess that we can shoot for a -2 next year! Good to have goals and meaningful work to do!

Don H

New member
precision_shooter said:
The site has tons of misinformation, like "Texas allows sales of firearms without background checks". This is total BS as NO state can sell a firearm without the check. Sales from individual to individual are different and cannot be goverened no matter how hard someone tries.
As I recall, Texas does allow private party sales without a background check. Some states (with a higher Brady score) do not allow private party sales without the buyer going through a background check and prosecute those involved in such sales if/when it comes to the state's attention.


New member
yep staying around home is a good thin KS =4 points come on Colorado get on the ball your the only state in the midwest over 10. lol


New member
What a pile of crap. It says IL closed the "gun show loop hole". Uh.....NO? Yeah, no!

But 35 of 100 points, eh, not too shabby. Could be worse. :)
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They even got their facts wrong about Pennsylvania -- they state that they're giving Pa. one point for allowing some local control of regulations. In fact, the Commonwealth has preempted municipal regulation of firearms.

I guess Pennsylvania scored as high as it did (26) because of regulations related to gun stores, but I'm sure it would've been lower if they took open carry into consideration.


New member
Well as soon as you see CA and sensible in the same sentence that tells you something. Isn't that the same state that was crushing collector cars? (Answer = yes) (apologies to those members who live in CA). Hmmm MN shows 14 but looking down the list I believe it should be 11, either way, I can live with that. I wonder if our score will go down if we get the Castle Doctrine (the one thing I want our state to adopt ... fingers crossed).

Actually it's a very good chart/websight ... it makes it easy to see where not to live! Looking at this list there are several states I would never move to based on this alone. Thanks for helping me out Brady guys. :cool:


New member
Missouri- 4 out of a possible 100.

We just keep getting better and better. :D

What's really concerning is if you look at the individual items they use to score states; it gives a rather good idea of their agenda. Things like special licensing, allowing police to make inspections (presumably of your home), etc. Those ought to frighten ANYBODY who is in favor of freedom. Imagine if they did the same thing with computers/typewriters.


New member
Be sure to click on a state, and look at their scoring criteria. They're actually penalizing some states for not having passed their own versions of already-enacted Federal regulations. :rolleyes: (Not that we care about those "penalties". ;))

Passing multiple versions of the same law is always more effective than enforcing the original......

I live in a "0" state, that is perennially voted one of the best places to live in the U.S. ;)


New member
FWIW, NJ got a 75. I only checked because I have some family up there.

Needless to say, they visit me more than I visit them.


New member
Ah, Arizona got 0. We got +2 since there's no college carry, but -2 since there is constitutional carry.

Who knows, maybe we could get a negative score next time :D.